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When Taehyung woke up in the morning to the beeping of his alarm, he didn't know if last night even happened or not. He had been so tired and upset that he hoped it was just a bad dream. He didn't see any reason for Namjoon to show up at his home and try to strengthen their bond. That made no sense to him. So he chose to think that it didn't really happen. Stretching out on his bed a bit, Taehyung yawned and knew that he needed to get up. He had to get ready to go to work. With a soft groan, he got out of bed and proceeded to pick out a set of clothes from his dresser.

Taehyung was always groggy when getting ready for work. He was especially low on energy after the crying he had done so late in the night. This couldn't be good for him. He'd been low on sleep for a while now and wished he could just stay home and sleep all day. He really didn't think he should do that though. Missing a day of work would put a hole in his paycheck. He couldn't afford that. With clean clothes bundled up in one arm, Taehyung left his bedroom and entered the living room to cut through to the bathroom. However, he halted abruptly when he saw Namjoon sitting on the couch.

"Finally, you are awake." Namjoon had been incredibly bored while waiting for Taehyung to wake up. He had caught a little sleep himself, but he wasn't terribly sleepy.

"This can't be happening." Taehyung tried to just make his way around the couch, choosing to maneuver behind it. That didn't allow him to pass unscathed though. Strong hands grabbed his arm and shirt, pulling him over the couch. With a yelp, he landed on his back on the couch, upside down, his legs hanging over the back and his bundle of clothes falling onto his face.

Namjoon looked at the overturned human with disapproval."Don't try to avoid me."

Grabbing his clothes and moving them off of his face, Taehyung frowned deeply."I don't want to be around you."

"Too bad. We're mates." As soon as Taehyung tried to get up, Namjoon placed a strong hand onto the human's chest to hold him in place.

Taehyung really hated how rough Namjoon was with him. He hated to be manhandled. It was uncomfortable and startled him. That was why Hoseok never treated him with such roughness. Taehyung let out a heavy sigh as he thought about Hoseok. The half-incubus was the one he loved so much. Taehyung was doing this threeway bond for him, to make him happy. He really didn't want to have more intimacy with Namjoon than what was necessary."Why are you doing this to me?"

"Did I not explain enough earlier?" Namjoon rolled his eyes."I'm here to strengthen our bond because the bond to you is getting really weak. It's going to break soon."

"Why do you even care?" Taehyung grabbed Namjoon's wrist with both hands and tried to move the incubus' hand off of his chest, but it didn't budge at all."You've been trying to take Hoseok-hyung away from me this whole time. Now you can have him. So why do you care about our bond?"

Not liking the way Taehyung was talking back and questioning him, Namjoon snarled deeply, effectively scaring the human into silence."Why can't you just be glad that your mate wants you? Are you defective, human?" He leaned down close to Taehyung's face."A stupid piece of competition is all you've been to me, but I'm trying to let you be more than that, and you're being ungrateful." Seeing Taehyung squeeze his eyes shut in fear, Namjoon realized that he had lost his temper a little. So he pulled back and cleared his throat, calming himself."I care about our bond because I want to keep you. As much as you are Hoseok's, you are also mine, and I'm not letting you go."

Taehyung opened his eyes and shifted to get off of the couch now that he wasn't being held down."You treat me like garbage. You're mean to me. You scare me."

"I've come here to fix that." Namjoon was not understanding. Bonds weren't typically so hard to maintain. Incubi and succubi were always grateful for their bonds and mates. So why wasn't Taehyung like that?"I'll treat you better and make sure your needs are always satisfied."

"I don't believe you." Grabbing his clean set of clothes, Taehyung went straight to the bathroom. As soon as he was alone in the bathroom, he closed and locked the door. He wished he had his phone, but he had left it in his bedroom. He wanted to call Yoongi or Hoseok, tell one of them to get Namjoon away from him.


Fingers gently combing through his hair was the first thing Yoongi felt when he woke up. He scrunched up his brow a little before opening his eyes. Lying with him was Jungkook, the incubus awake and playing with the human's hair."How long have you been awake, you weirdo?" Yoongi moved a little closer to Jungkook and cuddled against his chest. He felt so shy as he thought about last night.

Jungkook was thinking about last night too. He thought it was really sweet of Yoongi to try to mate with him, even though he obviously wasn't ready for it."Do you feel pressured to mate with me? Have I made you feel that way?" Putting his arms around Yoongi, he held the human close."I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel like you have to mate with me."

Yoongi was confused. He didn't know why Jungkook sounded unhappy this morning. He had thought that the incubus would be happy with their progress. They'd nearly mated and even cuddled until they both fell asleep. So why was he unhappy? Hoping to cheer Jungkook up a little, Yoongi gave his lips a soft peck."Did I let you down last night by being afraid?" He grabbed one of Jungkook's hands and boldly pulled it down to place it directly onto his butt."We can try again. Do you want to?"

When his hand was placed onto Yoongi's butt, Jungkook thought Yoongi felt pressured to do that. He didn't want to ever place that kind of pressure onto the one he desired. So he retracted his hand."No." Then, he kissed Yoongi's lips softly, melting against them. The fire of excitement from last night didn't exist right now. He just wanted to comfort Yoongi, not knowing that the human was trying to comfort him as well.

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