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Getting out of bed was something Yoongi really didn't want to do. He and Jungkook simply laid there for a while, cuddling and softly kissing. They were beginning to touch only a little but no naughty spots. It felt so nice to be this way with each other. They didn't get to stay this way though. The gentle meshing of their lips was interrupted by the sound of a low rumble. Hearing that rumble, Jungkook pulled back just a bit."Little mate is hungry." he spoke with such fondness.

Yoongi groaned quietly."Fine, I guess we have to get up." He knew he needed to eat, but he was annoyed with his own stomach now for ruining the tender moment. Sitting up, Yoongi stretched his arms and back a bit before giving Jungkook's leg a small pat."You don't want to get up either, huh?"

Jungkook had not sat up yet. He just laid there, comfortable in Yoongi's bed. This had been his first time sleeping in the bed, so it had been extremely comfortable for him."I wish we could stay here all day." In his opinion, that would be a perfect day, just cuddling with Yoongi.

Leaning down over Jungkook, Yoongi smiled and gave his cheek a small peck."You can stay in bed longer if you want to. I'm just going to eat and see if Namjoon and Seokjin want anything to eat."

Seeing that smile on Yoongi's lips, the incubus rolled onto his back and slipped his arms around Yoongi's waist, pulling the human down on top of him."Your smile is so cute~" He hugged Yoongi close and grinned widely."Everything you do proves that I've chosen the perfect mate~" Adoring Yoongi so much caused Jungkook to feel like his heart sprouted wings and flew out of his body every time the human smiled. The heavenly feeling was quite addicting. He wanted to keep feeling it; he wanted to keep seeing Yoongi smile."I love you~"

Yoongi enjoyed the hug only a little longer before wiggling free and getting off the bed."You're kinda clingy this morning." he said with that smile still on his lips."I don't dislike it, but I'm hungry, so we can cuddle more later." Stepping over to his dresser, he pulled out a set of clean clothes."You know, I have to throw this shirt away now because of you." Yoongi didn't want to keep wearing a pajama shirt with missing buttons, and he had no idea where the missing buttons had ended up last night.

Sitting up finally, Jungkook just simply watched Yoongi as he was changing his clothes."Holy crap, your body is perfect." His eyes were glued to Yoongi as the human took off his pajamas and started putting on the clean clothes he had picked."Can I eat your ass for breakfast? Or lunch? A snack? All three?" Jungkook knew Yoongi couldn't understand him, and maybe he was taking advantage of that to say the dirty things on his mind."You want some dick later? I bet your mouth feels great."

Yoongi, having no idea what Jungkook was saying, rolled his eyes."Talkative weirdo." he mumbled with a small chuckle.

Jungkook had no intention of ever pressuring Yoongi into doing anything sexual with him, but that didn't stop him from desiring those things. He was an incubus after all. Craving those things was completely normal for his kind."Can I watch you masturbate? Can I jerk you off?" This was really hard for him, but he was holding back because he respected Yoongi's needs. He knew Yoongi needed some more time. Still, having a strong connection to the one he chose to be his mate and not getting enough sexual release from the one he desired was super difficult to handle.

Once he was dressed, Yoongi stepped back over to the bed and reached out, ruffling Jungkook's hair."Did you enjoy the show?" This had been Yoongi's first time letting Jungkook see so much of his body. He was a little self-conscious, so he really hoped Jungkook thought he was sexy."I wish you could tell me if you like my body or not."

"You should go and eat before I devour you, little mate." With a smirk on his lips, Jungkook placed a hand onto Yoongi's stomach and slid it upward before finding and gently pinching one of his nipples. His hand was promptly pushed away, which made him laugh as Yoongi spun around and headed out of the bedroom. He had expected that type of reaction.

With a dusty blush on his cheeks, Yoongi went straight to the living room to see if either of the other two incubi wanted anything for breakfast. Unfortunately, when he entered the living room, he only saw Seokjin."Where's Namjoon?"

Hearing Namjoon's name with a questioning tone, Seokjin shrugged his shoulders then pointed toward the front door."He left in the middle of the night."

"He went out?" Yoongi was trying to guess what Seokjin was telling him."This morning maybe? But where would he go by himself?" This was a little troubling."At least he speaks Korean, but I don't know where to look for him. He can't be with Tae or Hoseok, right? They both work this morning."

Rushing into the living room, Jungkook had Yoongi's phone in his hand, which was ringing loudly."Phone." Thankfully, he and the others had learned a little about phones.

Accepting his phone from Jungkook, Yoongi saw that Taehyung was calling. Answering the call, he was confused, knowing that his friend should be at work by now."Tae? Something up?"

"Hyung, I need you to get Namjoon. He showed up here during the night and is refusing to leave. I'm late for work."

Now Yoongi was worried. He knew Namjoon and Taehyung didn't get along, and Taehyung's voice held a mixture of frustration and helplessness right now."Give him the phone or put me on speaker."

Taehyung groaned."I put you on speaker."

Being on speaker, Yoongi spoke for Namjoon to hear."Namjoon, what the fuck? Get back here and leave Tae alone. He needs to go to work, and he really doesn't need you to mess up his day like this."

"Mess up his day?" Namjoon seemed to take offense to that."I'll have you know that I came here to mend our bond, but he is being an ungrateful little brat about it."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes and scrunched his nose in anger."You can't just force him to do anything sexual with you to mend the bond. If you try to force him, you're just going to hurt him and make him hate you more."

A loud groan of annoyance was heard from Namjoon."Why must you humans be so stupid and difficult? He's my mate, and I'm just trying to treat him as such. If he doesn't allow his end of the bond to be strengthened, it will break, and I don't want that to happen because I'm trying to fucking love him."

It got real quiet after that was said. Yoongi was at a loss for words, and Taehyung seemed to be as well. After a moment though, Yoongi cleared his throat."Namjoon, you can't just--" He was cut off when the call was suddenly hung up."Dammit."

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