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Yoongi grumbled to himself angrily as he was walking to Taehyung's home. He needed to make sure everything was okay. He was completely aware that Taehyung and Namjoon didn't get along, and he needed to get Namjoon out of there before anything bad might happen."Namjoon doesn't understand anything about being with a human, does he?" That much seemed pretty obvious from their little conversation on the phone, if that could even be labeled as such.

Jungkook was following Yoongi closely. He had refused to let his little human leave alone. He had no idea what was going on, but he could tell that things weren't good. He could see that Yoongi was angry. Hearing Namjoon's name, he could only speculate what was going on with the other incubus. He didn't know where Namjoon was, why he had gone there, or why Yoongi was so mad.

Knowing from being told before that Namjoon was a collector, Yoongi wondered how Namjoon could have so much knowledge of many worlds and still be so dense. He could only hope that Taehyung was okay and not hurt."If he lays a hand on Tae, I'll kick his ass." Of course, Yoongi knew that he wasn't a threat to Namjoon, but that wouldn't stop him from trying. Getting an idea to knock some sense into Namjoon, Yoongi pulled out his phone to call Hoseok. He was certain that Hoseok had no idea how bad things were between Namjoon and Taehyung.

The call rang and rang but got no answer. That wasn't a surprise. Hoseok was at work by this time. Still, he needed to be told what was going on. He really needed to know that his two mates were butting heads like this. So when the call didn't get an answer, Yoongi decided to just leave a voicemail. He knew Hoseok would listen to it as soon as he could.

"Hoseok, you need to get your ass to Tae's house." Yoongi spoke with such an angry tone. He just couldn't calm himself right now."Namjoon is being a major dick and needs his ass kicked. I know you probably have no clue how bad things have been, but he and Tae fucking hate each other." He almost felt bad because he knew this was going to upset Hoseok a lot, but he needed to know the truth."You need to have a very serious talk with them ASAP." Hanging up, Yoongi frowned deeply.

"Is everything going to be okay, little mate?" Having zero clue of what was happening, Jungkook was worried. He didn't know if someone was in danger or there was going to be some sort of conflict. He didn't know. All he knew was that Yoongi was very angry and Namjoon was involved somehow.

Yoongi couldn't understand Jungkook's question, but he understood his tone. He knew Jungkook was worried and confused. So despite his anger, he reached out and grabbed the incubus' hand."Tae better be alright." Yoongi could only imagine what was happening at Taehyung's home right now, and he knew that he would lose the ability to contain himself if his friend was hurt.

Holding Yoongi's hand, Jungkook tried to focus. He wanted to be ready for anything. If there was any sort of conflict, he would protect Yoongi no matter what. However, when they reached a small house, he paused when he could hear yelling inside. The voices belonged to Namjoon and Taehyung, and Jungkook couldn't understand anything that was being said.

Hearing the yelling as well, Yoongi grabbed a potted plant that was near the front door and moved it aside, grabbing the key that was hidden beneath it. He always knew where Taehyung kept his spares. Unlocking the front door, he let himself into his friend's house. Yoongi followed the yelling and found the two arguing men in the kitchen."Hey! Cut it out!" He stormed over and put himself between Namjoon and Taehyung."You need to back the fuck off!"

Namjoon narrowed his eyes at Yoongi."You have no authority here! Step aside and be quiet!"

Jungkook huffed and moved right beside Namjoon."Don't raise your voice at my mate."

"He isn't your mate. You haven't mated yet." Reaching out, Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's shoulder and gave him a push to the side."Now leave. This is between me and the stupid human."

"Don't fucking touch me!" Yoongi clenched his hands into fists and seriously contemplated hitting Namjoon, but the thought was only present in his mind for a split-second. Faster than Yoongi could react, Namjoon was hit.

Namjoon's expression filled with frustration as he glared at Jungkook, the one who had just hit him."You dare strike me?! Have you forgotten that I am your leader, Jungkook?! I taught you everything you know!"

An expression of rage was on Jungkook's face."Not in this world, Namjoon! You're not my leader here!"

Yoongi grabbed Taehyung's hand and tugged."Let's go to your room." He pulled Taehyung along. As soon as they got into his bedroom, he closed and locked the door."Are you okay?"

Taehyung shook his head a little."I don't know." He sat on his bed and hung his head low, feeling so frustrated and mentally exhausted."Namjoon won't stop telling me that he wants to strengthen our bond, but I don't want to do anything with him."

Sitting down beside Taehyung, Yoongi placed a hand onto his friend's back. He could hear more yelling in the kitchen, but he understood none of it."Do you know why he wants to strengthen the bond?"

"He keeps saying that my end of the bond is weak and going to break soon." Tears of frustration welled up in Taehyung's eyes."He said he doesn't want it to break, but I don't understand why. He's been trying to take Hoseok-hyung away from me this whole time, and now he suddenly says that he wants to try to love me? It makes no sense."

Letting out a hefty sigh, Yoongi started rubbing Taehyung's back."Do you think he got attached to you? Hoseok did say once before that incubi get easily attached to their mates. Technically, you are his mate. Maybe he's growing attached to you and doesn't know how to react to it."

"I don't know." Taehyung sniffled and tried so hard to keep himself from crying."He won't listen, and he's so rough when he handles me."

"Hoseok should be able to help him learn how to stop being such an ass." Yoongi flinched when he heard the sound of glass breaking."Fuck. Tae, I'll replace everything they break."

Needing some comfort, Taehyung turned and laid his head onto Yoongi's shoulder, feeling his friend's arms wrap around him."I didn't want Hoseok-hyung to know, but I guess he has to. I just...I hope he won't be mad at me for not telling him sooner."

"He won't be mad at you. I promise." Yoongi was certain that Hoseok would understand how Taehyung felt.

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