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To say that Yoongi was very embarrassed would be an understatement. As soon as Jungkook finished with him, Yoongi cleaned the table then scurried to his bedroom to hide. He didn't want to come out while Jimin was there, incredibly embarrassed that his best friend had seen that happening. Another thing about it that embarrassed Yoongi was that this had been his first time having an orgasm in front of Jungkook. He could hardly believe he just allowed that to happen in the kitchen.

Meanwhile in the living room, Jimin was embarrassed about seeing that. Still, he wasn't too embarrassed. This was Yoongi's home after all. If he wanted to get freaky in the kitchen, he should be allowed to do so, right? Maybe Jimin was also kind of happy that his best friend was finally getting intimacy from someone. He knew how long Yoongi had been single, so it struck him as a really good thing that he was now doing such things with Jungkook."You know, I think I'm really proud of Yoongi-hyung for letting you eat his ass." Jimin said with a chuckle.

Jungkook just cocked his head to the side and smiled as he heard Yoongi's name."My little mate is so cute when he runs away to hide."

Seokjin rolled his eyes."Jungkook, you idiot. Did you forget what Hoseok told us before?" Sometimes, he felt like he was the only person who listened to anything being said."Hoseok told us that many humans like to keep their sexual pleasures private; they don't like to be seen in vulnerable states. You pleasured Yoongi in the kitchen and got caught. He's probably really embarrassed now."

At that, Jungkook facepalmed. He had completely forgotten about that. Being caught in the moment of the little human being horny, he had exposed Yoongi in the kitchen and didn't let up when they were caught. That caused him to remember something else."I forgot that he hasn't eaten yet either. Now he might not come back out to eat for a while."

Seeing Jungkook's facepalm, Jimin wished he knew what the two incubi were discussing."I hope you know that you're really good for Yoongi-hyung." He let out a sigh as he thought of his best friend."Since you two can't understand me, I'm going to tell you guys a secret about Yoongi-hyung. I know why he had such a 'dating isn't important' attitude." Jimin knew Yoongi never told anyone else about this. It was something that happened before Taehyung and Hoseok became their friends, so they didn't know about it. Only Jimin knew."Years ago, Yoongi-hyung had a really cool boyfriend. Well, he seemed cool at the time. He was athletic and stylish. Now that I think about it, he seemed like the cliché match for someone with Yoongi-hyung's amount of money. The money was probably all he wanted." Just thinking about that guy made Jimin mad."Anyway, I found out he was cheating on Yoongi-hyung because I saw him kissing on some chick. At first, Yoongi-hyung didn't believe me. We got in a big fight over it."

As Jimin was telling this seemingly-important story, Jungkook and Seokjin were both just trying to catch any words they might be able to understand. They heard Yoongi's name multiple times, which definitely made Jungkook wish he could understand. He wanted to know everything about Yoongi.

"So I told Yoongi-hyung that I would prove it." Jimin continued."I got him to go to a motel with me. I knew that jerk would be there with that girl. I don't blame that girl at all though. When shit went down, it was obvious that she hadn't known that jerk was seeing anyone else. She got pissed and ended things with him right then and there. But Yoongi-hyung...He was heartbroken. That was when he started saying that dating wasn't important and that he was fine with being single." A smile came over Jimin's face."That's why I'm so glad that you guys have that mate-bond-thingy that seems to be a lifetime deal from what I've gathered." Standing from his spot on one of the air mattresses, Jimin headed out of the living room."Anyway, I'm going to make some lunch for me and Yoongi-hyung."

Seokjin looked at Jungkook with a confused expression."He sure talks a lot. Did you get anything he was saying?"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders."Nope. He said Yoongi's name a lot though." Scooting closer to Seokjin, he felt a bit nosy."So anyway, has he given up on you at all, or is he still being persistent?"

With a sigh, Seokjin laid down on his back and didn't care when Jungkook started poking him."He's still persistent, but I guess it's okay." He was getting used to having Jimin around, and it didn't seem bad to him now."He's being so patient with me, and I appreciate it a lot. He still doesn't know that I'm defective, and there isn't a way I can just tell him, but it's not something I can simply show. You know what happens to defective incubi."

"But we don't have to answer to the emperor anymore." Jungkook knew it was hard for Seokjin, but he wanted him to get used to being free."I know Emperor Minseok would have you killed for being defective. He'd say that you're useless, right? But you're not useless. You can just live freely and not worry about invading worlds and starting wars."

"I suppose you're right, but how will I learn the language here?" Seokjin had many worries, and that was one of them."I can't mate to learn the language, so I will have to learn some other way."

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and frowned."I don't know. Maybe Namjoon or Hoseok can teach you." Then, he got an idea."Or you can let Jimin mate you. I know you're defective, but maybe you can...you know."

At that suggestion, Seokjin sat back up and shook his head."You know I don't bottom. Never."

"It was just an idea." Jungkook laid his head on Seokjin's shoulder and relaxed."I'd help you if I could."

"I know." Seokjin wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulders."You do help. You let me talk to you about my problems. Thanks."



"You're the sappiest incubus I've ever known."

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