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As Yoongi entered the store later with Jungkook and Seokjin, he wondered if he should bother getting a shopping cart or not. He had two incubi with him who could carry the things he needed to get, but he also didn't want to treat them like mules. Still, he would need their help carrying things home anyway. After thinking about it for a moment, Yoongi decided to get a shopping cart. Lucky for him, the two incubi seemed to be used to going to the store with him now. He had taken them to the store many times during their stay with him to help them get used to going out in public.

"Just stay close to me, guys." Starting to push the cart with one hand, Yoongi pulled out his phone with the other. He still needed to talk to Taehyung to find out what all things needed to be replaced. He had hoped Taehyung would call him by now, but maybe he was busy with Hoseok and Namjoon. As the call rang, Yoongi made sure Jungkook and Seokjin were following him.

"Hey, Hyung." Taehyung soon answered.

"Hey, Tae. Is everything going okay?" Yoongi really hoped things had settled down at Taehyung's house. Today seemed to be hectic for everyone. Well, everyone except Seokjin, who seemed to be having a rather calm day.

"Yeah, everything's fine now, I guess." Hoseok and Namjoon could be heard faintly chatting, but their chatter faded away as Taehyung probably went into a different room."Hoseokie-hyung is trying to teach Namjoon how to treat me."

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he saw Jungkook grab something from a shelf and hold it up, clearly seeking permission to get it."No, Jungkook. Put it back." He watched Jungkook pout then put it back on the shelf."That's good, Tae. Maybe now he'll be nice and become a good mate to you." He sighed as he saw that Jungkook started to sulk, which made Seokjin chuckle.

"Are you out right now?" It must be obvious to Taehyung.

"Yeah, I'm at the store." Turning the cart down an aisle, Yoongi started looking at the kitchen appliances."You know, I never should have introduced Jungkook to candy bars. Now he wants one every time we come to the store. At least Seokjin behaves fairly well."

That made Taehyung laugh very lightly."You have them both with you?"

"Yup. I feel bad about leaving Seokjin alone so often, even though I know he prefers to stay home. Jimin was with him earlier, but I sent that brat home after lunch because he caught my stove on fire." Yoongi's eyes narrowed when he heard more laughter from Taehyung."Not funny. He ruined my cinnamon rolls." With a frown, he decided to get to the point of this call."Anyway, what needs to be replaced in your kitchen?"

"Hyung, you really don't need to replace anything. I can do it." Taehyung felt like a bother whenever Yoongi replaced anything in his home. He didn't want to seem like he was taking advantage of Yoongi's abundant funds.

"I want to replace them, Tae. Just tell me what got broken." Yoongi really didn't mind buying things for his friends. He knew they sometimes got self-conscious about it, but he thought nothing of it.

There was a sigh before an answer was given."It's not much, Hyung. Just a couple mugs and my blender."

Stepping over to the blenders, Yoongi wondered which one he should pick."They broke your blender? What monsters. How are you going to make those nasty ass smoothies now?" he teased.

"Hey, my smoothies are great. Just ask Hoseokie-hyung."

"I can't trust Hoseok's love for your smoothies because he's half alien." Yoongi loved to tease Taehyung, and he knew Taehyung didn't really take any offense to it. Glancing at the two incubi, he smiled softly as he saw them looking at the boxed appliances with curiosity."So just a blender and a couple mugs?"

"Yeah, that's all."

"Aight. I'll bring them by your place in a bit." Hanging up the call, Yoongi put his phone in his pocket then resumed looking at the blenders. It only took him a moment to pick one. Taking a boxed blender from the shelf, he put it into the cart."Come on, you two. We need to get a couple mugs now."

Seokjin looked at the box in the cart with curiosity."What's that?" He wondered."Is it used for food?" He did notice that a lot of the things in this aisle had food in the pictures on the boxes, so he assumed the things inside the boxes were used with food somehow.

Jungkook didn't really have anything of value to add at the moment though."I want candy."

"I never should have taught you that word." Yoongi spoke with regret as he led the two incubi out of the aisle."You ask for candy every time we come to the store."

"Candy? Please?" Jungkook asked with a childish smile.

"No." Seeing Jungkook change the smile to a pout, Yoongi felt himself give in a bit."That pout makes me weak, and you know it, you brat. Fine. If you behave while we get the mugs, I'll let you get some candy, but you have to share with Seokjin."

Seokjin cocked his head in confusion."What's candy?"

"Only the most awesome thing ever. Besides Yoongi, of course." Jungkook loved candy. He wanted to try different ones every time he got the chance."There is this kind that I really, really like called chocolate. Yoongi bought it for me before, and it's so good."

Entering the aisle with the dishware, Yoongi made his way straight to the mugs."Shit, I didn't ask which mugs got broken. Coffee mugs? No, wait, Taehyung doesn't drink coffee. Maybe those smaller mugs he uses for smoothies like a weirdo?" Yoongi never understood why Taehyung didn't just pour his smoothies into regular cups, but Taehyung would always just say that he preferred drinking from mugs. To each their own, he supposed. After picking out a couple mugs, Yoongi set them in the cart carefully."Alright, you two. Let's get some candy then head out. We still need to make a stop by the other appliance store to see about getting a new oven."

Hearing Yoongi mention candy, Jungkook's eyes lit up."We're getting candy!" He clapped excitedly and bounced a few times. Grabbing Seokjin's hand, he grinned widely."I'll help you pick a good kind!"

That made Seokjin smile rather happily."Okay. I'm looking forward to trying some candy."

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