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"Jungkook..." Yoongi shifted to lay on his stomach right by the edge of the bed, peering down at Jungkook, who was still sleeping on the floor."Jungkook..." Reaching down, he softly poked the incubus' cheek, trying to wake him."Jungkookie..." Why wasn't Jungkook waking up? Was he that tired? Now that Yoongi thought about it, he'd gotten out of bed to use the bathroom at around four in the morning, and that was when he'd cried on Jungkook for who-knows-how-long. Had Jungkook been awake all night until that time?

With that thought in mind, Yoongi sat up and scooted toward the foot of his bed. He got off the bed at that end, so as to not disturb Jungkook. He needed to get up because he was hungry. He also knew that he needed to take some medicine. As quietly as he could manage, Yoongi left his bedroom and made his way straight to the kitchen. He didn't want to disturb anyone who still needed to sleep, so he was just going to make the soup himself.

The sounds of coughs and occasional sneezes filled the kitchen as Yoongi prepared the soup. He wanted to be lazy and just heat the soup up in the microwave, but he decided to heat it on the stove to make sure it cooked more thoroughly. As he heated up the soup, he let his gaze wander over the new stove, glad that it had been delivered and installed a couple weeks ago. Due to how busy the appliance shop had been, he'd needed to go a whole week with no stove after Jimin set his previous oven on fire.

That made him think of something."I should teach Jungkook and Seokjin what to do the next time there's a fire. I don't want them to get hurt." Once his soup was ready, Yoongi poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon, seating himself at the table. He wished he could eat something other than soup, but his throat was too sore from all the coughing he kept doing. Yoongi began to space out as he ate his soup, not really thinking about anything. He spaced out so much that he didn't even hear someone enter the kitchen.

There was a light pat on Yoongi's head before the seat next to him was occupied by Seokjin."You were missed yesterday." He placed his hands on his lap and watched Yoongi eat."Not just by Jungkook. I missed you too."

Yoongi looked at Seokjin and sighed softly."I hope my coughing didn't wake you up. I tried to be quiet." He wondered what was going through Seokjin's mind as he saw the incubus smile a little.

"You missed something last night. Apparently, Jimin and I are mates of some sort now." Seokjin felt a little happy just by saying that."I am looking forward to sharing this experience with him."

"You seem to be doing better lately." Yoongi didn't know what was wrong with Seokjin, but he did know that the incubus was unhappy a lot of the time. However, he had noticed lately that Seokjin's mood was improving; he smiled more and even talked more. Yoongi was glad to see that he was opening up. At first, he would only chat with Jungkook and Namjoon, seldom laugh with them. Now he would even talk to Yoongi and Jimin."You know, I think you and Jimin should go out today. I don't want you guys to stay cooped up in here just because of me."

"Yoongi-hyung? You're up?" Jimin entered the kitchen, yawning sleepily."You could have woken me up."

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders a tiny bit."I didn't think it was necessary to wake you."

Stepping over to the table, Jimin stood behind Yoongi and started playing with his hair."Where's Jungkook? He didn't bother you, did he?"

"Nah, he didn't bother me." Yoongi didn't care that Jimin was playing with his hair. It never bothered him at all."He's sleeping in my room right now. I'm guessing he didn't sleep much last night."

Seokjin couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Jimin play with Yoongi's hair. It amused him how much patience Yoongi seemed to have at times, and maybe Jimin took advantage of that patience.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't sleep much. He was really concerned about you." As he played with Yoongi's hair, Jimin smiled. He loved playing with people's hair, but most people weren't patient enough to let him do it for long. It made him happy that he could basically play with Yoongi's hair for as long as he wanted."Anyway, how are you feeling today, Hyung?"

"Eh, still sick as shit." Yoongi pushed his soup away and just enjoyed the feel of Jimin's fingers in his hair. It was quite relaxing."Worse than yesterday, but you know, it always gets worse before it gets better." As Jimin changed from playing with his hair to instead rubbing his scalp, Yoongi felt like melting. He loved this so much.

While the two humans seemed to be making small talk, Seokjin was confused. What was Jimin doing to Yoongi? Why did Yoongi seem to like it so much? He watched Yoongi close his eyes and look like he was about to fall asleep. He didn't understand. Did humans possess a sort of power to put others to sleep like incubi and succubi did? If it was some sort of power, why did it have such a slow effect? Why was Yoongi just allowing it to happen?

"Oh, guess what you missed last night." When he got a simple hum in response from Yoongi, Jimin moved his hands to start rubbing the back of his hyung's head with his thumbs, knowing Yoongi always loved that."Hoseok-hyung helped me ask Seokjin to be my boyfriend. He said yes. We're dating now."

"Mm that's great." Yoongi couldn't really give much of a response while enjoying the way this felt.

Moving his hands away from Yoongi's head, Jimin lightly pat his hyung's shoulders."Anyway, you should take your medicine and go back to bed."

That made Yoongi whine."Jiminie~ Why'd you stop~?" He opened his eyes and pouted.

"Take your medicine and go to bed, Hyung." Jimin gently ruffled Yoongi's hair."Seokjin and I will probably just hang in the living room while you sleep."

"No, Jiminie, you two should go out." Yoongi sighed, feeling bad that his friends stayed cooped up because of him."I'm just going to sleep most of the day anyway, so you guys don't need to stay here."

"Are you sure?" Jimin really didn't want to leave Yoongi while he was sick like this."What if you need something?"

Making a small wave of his hand to dismiss Jimin's worry, Yoongi got up from his chair."I'll be fine. If I need anything, Jungkook will be here with me. Besides, I can just text you if I need to. Just take Seokjin out and have a good time."

As Yoongi headed to get his medicine, Jimin turned toward Seokjin."I guess you and I are going to head out for a while." He made a motion for the incubus to follow him."Let's get ready to go."

After taking his medicine, Yoongi returned to his bedroom, pleased to see that Jungkook was still asleep on the floor. He squatted down by the sleeping incubus and lightly poked his chest."Jungkookie." He poked a little more until Jungkook finally woke up. He looked so tired, which made Yoongi feel guilty for waking him up, but he wanted the incubus to be more comfortable."Come on. Get on the bed."

Jungkook sat up and watched Yoongi get onto the bed. He didn't know what Yoongi wanted until the human pat the mattress while looking at him. Getting what was meant, Jungkook got onto the bed and laid down with his human."Are you okay?"

Once they were both comfortable on the bed, Yoongi snuggled against Jungkook's strong chest."Jungkook." He closed his eyes, ready to go back to sleep."I love you." It felt so good to say that out loud.

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