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"I wonder where we should go..." Jimin had left Yoongi's house with Seokjin and didn't really know where to take him."I don't know what places you enjoy cause I know you don't get out much. You're like Yoongi-hyung in that way. He doesn't go out much either." Turning his head to look at Seokjin, Jimin chuckled when he saw that the incubus wasn't even listening.

Seokjin had stopped walking and was staring across the street. There was a woman across the street with a small animal on a leash. He was curious and amused. What was it? It was prancing along happily, its tongue hanging out of its snout-like mouth.

"It's a dog, Seokjin." When Jimin didn't get a response from the incubus, he moved closer and grasped his hand, effectively also grabbing his attention."Seokjin." As soon as the incubus looked at him, Jimin smiled."I know where to take you now. You're going to love it."

Tilting his head to the side, Seokjin allowed Jimin to pull him along. He wasn't used to being out alone with Jimin. He didn't have any complaints though. This human pulled his heartstrings the same way he pulled his hand, with such ease and care."I like you." As much as it scared Seokjin to get close to someone like this, it also felt nice. He'd never had a connection like this before.

As he pulled Seokjin along, Jimin couldn't stop smiling while thinking of where they were headed. It was a place he really enjoyed. He had a feeling Seokjin would enjoy it too."I hope they aren't busy. They should be pretty empty at this time." Jimin knew that most people wouldn't be out and about at this time because school was in session, and people who worked typical shifts were at their jobs, so their destination shouldn't be busy, but there was always the chance that there was some sort of event going on that he didn't know.

"You look excited. Are we going somewhere fun?" Seokjin was getting used to seeing Jimin get excited. He had noticed that the human was very passionate about many things, and that passion really showed in his cute smile.

"I really can't afford this place right now, but I'll do this for you." With that smile never leaving his lips, Jimin knew he could deal with eating a little less until his next paycheck. He wanted Seokjin to experience this.

Seokjin followed along until Jimin came to a stop in front of their destination."This is the place?" He was rather curious."What do we do here?"

"I bet you're going to love this." Jimin had to contain himself to keep his voice from becoming a squeal of excitement. Entering the building with Seokjin, he smiled at a man who was standing by a podium.

"Welcome to Cuddle Pup Café." the man at the podium said with a warm smile."How many hours would you like to rent?"

Glancing at Seokjin, Jimin knew he shouldn't keep the incubus here for too long, but he also didn't want to make this too short."Two hours please."

The man at the podium motioned toward a counter to the left with a register atop of it."Alright, sirs. Let's get you two ready." Stepping around behind the counter, the man pressed several buttons on the register to ring up the cost of a two-hour rental."It'll be 19,500₩* for a two-hour rental."

Pulling out his wallet, Jimin paid for the rental. He knew this was digging into his money that was supposed to be for groceries, but he figured it would be okay. Once he was done paying, he put his wallet away and grabbed Seokjin's hand again."You're going to love this." He just knew that.

Seokjin just watched and followed along as the other man led them through a door. The room they entered smelled a bit musky. There were brightly colored mats of yellows, reds, and blues all over the floor. Large pillows and toy balls littered the room. As they were led to a low table, that was when Seokjin noticed something moving toward them.

Jimin thanked the man once they were led to the low table. He motioned down toward a spot on the floor by the table."Sit down, Seokjin." he instructed, but he saw the incubus' attention was elsewhere. Looking in the same direction as Seokjin, Jimin's whole face lit up. He squatted down and held out his hands."Hey, little guy~"

Seeing the little four-legged creature skitter over to Jimin, Seokjin didn't know what to do, so he just watched how Jimin would interact with it. He was certainly intrigued as the human started petting the little creature, both of them seeming very happy. Seokjin was startled when something touched his leg. Quickly looking, he froze."There's another one." What were these creatures? They were so small, and maybe they were even adorable.

"They're puppies." Jimin told Seokjin. Shifting to sit on his butt on the floor, he was super happy when a few more puppies started to gather."This is a puppy café. People come here to pet puppies and drink coffee."

Copying Jimin, Seokjin seated himself on the floor and started petting the furry creature as it tried to climb onto his lap. Noticing that it was struggling to get onto his lap, the incubus carefully picked it up and placed it on his lap."It's so cute." He was pleasantly surprised as another small creature tried to climb onto him.

"Seokjin." Getting the incubus' attention, Jimin pointed to the puppy on his lap."Puppy."

Petting the little creature on his lap, Seokjin smiled."Puppy."

As they were petting the puppies that pawed at them for attention and tried to crawl all over their laps, Jimin couldn't stop grinning, even as the man from before came back to the low table."Would you two like to enjoy some of our fresh coffee?" the man asked with that warm smile."Our coffees are 2200₩* each, and the bill will be presented to you at the end of your rental."

One thing that made this a little better for Jimin was the fact that the coffee here was so cheap yet delicious. He just wished other cafés could have coffee this cheap. However, he knew this place could afford to charge so little for their coffee because they also got money from the hour-by-hour rental."I would like a white americano**." Jimin peered at Seokjin for a couple seconds and saw that he was fascinated by the puppies."He'll have the same."

"Alright. I'll have those out here for you two shortly."

"What do you think, Seokjin?" Jimin asked after the man walked away.

Seokjin just looked at Jimin with a smile of such happiness on his face."Puppy~" He had never encountered such adorable little creatures before, and he loved them.

Words could not describe how much Jimin loved to see Seokjin's smile. He knew it was something that didn't happen often, so he felt very lucky to see it."You have the most charming smile in the world."

*19,500₩ is roughly 1800¥, 17USD, 22CND, 308MXN, 13£, 15€, 25AUD

*2200₩ is roughly 200¥, 2USD, 3CND, 35MXN, 1£, 2€, 3AUD

**A white americano is just an americano that is not topped to the brim with hot water.

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