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It was mid-afternoon when Jimin and Seokjin returned to Yoongi's house. They were both quite happy with the time they'd spent together. It made Seokjin think that maybe he didn't need to be so anxious about being with Jimin. He really liked the human and hoped that he could treat him well as a mate of sorts. As soon as they got inside, the first thing they heard was the tv. Jimin entered the living room, followed by Seokjin. What he saw made him smile fondly.

Jungkook was sitting on an air mattress, watching the tv. Yoongi was curled up on the sofa, out like a light. There was a bowl on the coffee table that had the skimpy remains of soup in it. Apparently, Yoongi had decided to eat in the living room and fallen asleep while watching tv with Jungkook. Hearing the others come into the room, Jungkook looked over at them and grinned. He was quite proud of himself right now. He had helped Yoongi the best he could today and wasn't bothering the human while he slept.

Jimin looked at the tv and chuckled."I see Hyung was watching old episodes of Pimp My Crib." He stepped over to the coffee table and grabbed the bowl."At least he ate some soup. Hopefully, he'll feel better tomorrow."

Stepping over to Jungkook, Seokjin sat down beside him."Did everything go well while we were gone?"

"Yeah, I think so." Jungkook watched Jimin leave the living room with the bowl in his hand then smiled at Seokjin."Yoongi is really needy right now. He curled up on my lap earlier and clung to me. I loved that. I think it was because he wasn't feeling well, but that means he came to me for comfort."

That made Seokjin smile softly."He trusts you to help him feel better, it seems."

"What about you and Jimin?" Jungkook was quite curious about Seokjin's time out with the other human. He wanted Seokjin to start feeling more comfortable with Jimin, with people in general."Did you two have fun today?"

"We had a really nice time." Peering toward Jimin when the human came back into the living room, Seokjin almost felt giddy, but he contained himself."We drank coffee and played with little adorable animals called puppy. They were so cute."

"Puppy?" Jungkook curiously cocked his head to the side."What's a puppy?"

Jimin made his way to the sofa to make sure Yoongi was sleeping comfortably."Oh boy. You're completely conked out, aren't you, Hyung?" He poked Yoongi's cheek and received no reaction at all. His hyung was quietly snoring, which let Jimin know that he was sleeping very well. Glancing over at the two incubi, he could only guess that Seokjin was telling Jungkook all about their day. Grabbing the remote, Jimin turned off the tv.

Seokjin did his best to describe puppies to Jungkook, but just thinking about the cute animals made him a bit excited. He wanted to see them again. He hoped he could play with puppies again soon. Suddenly, the light turned off. Turning to look at the light switch, Seokjin saw Jimin by it."Jimin?"

"Ah, I thought the light should be off since Yoongi-hyung is sleeping in here." Jimin stated as he pointed toward his sleeping friend."Also, I should head home now. Try not to bother Yoongi-hyung, you two." Truthfully, he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with Seokjin more. He also wanted to make sure Yoongi would be unbothered for the rest of the day. Jimin made his way to the front door.

Standing, Seokjin followed Jimin. He had such a longing expression on his face."You're leaving?" As much as he would get anxious whenever he spent too much time with the human, Seokjin had really enjoyed his time with Jimin today, and he didn't want it to end quite yet.

Flashing a bright smile to Seokjin, Jimin was very happy to see that the incubus seemed to not want him to leave."I would stay if I could, but I have other things to do, and I work an early shift at my job tomorrow morning, so I have to go to bed early today." His gaze got locked onto Seokjin's lips for a couple seconds, but he looked away with a sigh."I forgot to ask Hoseok-hyung to help me ask for consent to kiss you yesterday." Wanting to try to ask for a kiss himself, Jimin lightly tapped his lips with his index finger then puckered them, showing Seokjin what he wanted.

Seokjin was at a loss for words, not that Jimin would understand anything he could say in response anyway. He looked at the human's lips and pursed his own lips in a slight pout. To answer the obvious request for a kiss, he gently shook his head to decline.

Jimin just smiled at the rejection."It's okay. I'll be patient for you." At first, he might have been saddened by this little rejection, but he was learning so much about Seokjin just by being around him. He learned that Seokjin required patience. There was something troubling the incubus that made him uncomfortable and anxious about getting close and intimate with anyone. The only person Seokjin seemed fully comfortable with was Jungkook."There's something in your past that hurt you, right? That's my guess. I don't know what hurt you, but I'll be patient and show you that I will never intentionally hurt you."

"Get home safely." Lifting a hand, Seokjin gave Jimin's head a light pat. He watched Jimin leave, wondered how this was going to work between them. He hoped it would go well. He liked Jimin and knew Jimin liked him as well. He just couldn't stop being anxious whenever he thought about his defection. Seokjin didn't know what humans called this condition or if they punished men for having such a flaw. He just knew that he was scared of choosing a mate then disappointing that mate with his inability to go through the mating process.


Entering Yoongi's home in the evening, Hoseok had Namjoon with him. He noticed that the lights were all off. Maybe everyone was already sleeping. It was getting a bit late, so that was possible. Peeking into the living room, he could barely see Jungkook and Seokjin lying on the same air mattress together. He had to hold back a chuckle at that. Though, he also noticed Yoongi sleeping on the sofa. Not wanting to disturb Yoongi, Hoseok looked at Namjoon and whispered to him."They're all sleeping, so be quiet. Yoongi-hyung's been sick for the past couple days, so he really needs his rest."

"Alright. I won't disturb them." Namjoon leaned in and softly kissed Hoseok's forehead."Will I see you and Taehyung tomorrow?" He wanted to be with his mates as much as possible.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders."I don't know. I'll see if I can come by after work. Tae might just head straight home to relax after work. I mean, you really wore him out today."

Namjoon couldn't deny that he was very proud of how exhausted he had made Taehyung."As his mate, I kept him satisfied all day." He chuckled when Hoseok gave his chest a light smack.

"Just remember that he's a human. He doesn't have as much energy as an incubus." Hoseok knew that Namjoon had some things to learn, but it would be much easier for him to learn now that his bond with Taehyung was strengthened."You know, I'm really happy that you two have accepted each other. I love you, Namjoon, and I love Tae just as much."

"I was wrong to dislike him before." Namjoon admitted."As I've spent this time with him, gotten to know him, and now been accepted as a mate, I've come to love him. He has my heart, as do you, but I don't think I quite have his yet. He has accepted me, but he doesn't love me. I'll learn more and work harder to obtain his heart."

"Good boy." Hoseok gave Namjoon's lips a quick peck."I have to go now. It's late, and I'm tired. Get some rest, Joonie."

Namjoon couldn't help but smile as Hoseok left."Joonie...That's so cute."

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