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Yoongi knew Jungkook wasn't going to like this. He knew that, but he was going to make it happen anyway. They had all finished eating breakfast together about an hour ago, and Yoongi wanted some time alone. So he had a small talk with Namjoon."Would you mind taking Seokjin and Jungkook out for a while?"

"Out?" Namjoon had only gone out on his own once before, and that had been when he sneaked out to go to Taehyung's house in the middle of the night. What would he do with the other two incubi during the day?"I can. Where should I take them?"

"Anywhere." Yoongi grabbed his wallet and pulled out some money."Here. You can buy food, drinks, snacks, whatever while you're out with them."

Accepting the money, Namjoon slipped it into his pocket."You know Jungkook isn't going to like this." That was an understatement."He won't want to leave you, and he still hasn't spoken much to me since our fight."

"I know. I just want some time alone, and I think he could use some time away from the house." Yoongi honestly felt guilty for Jungkook not getting out often. He wanted Jungkook to be able to enjoy some more time outside.

"Alright, I'll take them out and see what I can do to keep them entertained for a while." Followed by Yoongi, Namjoon went to the living room to gather Seokjin and Jungkook."Get your shoes on, you two. We're going to go out for a while."

"Where are we going?" Seokjin asked curiously.

"Just out. We'll find things to do." Namjoon knew Seokjin wouldn't cause any issues. He had always been obedient. Sometimes, he would make a remark or a sarcastic joke during their missions, but he would never disobey. Of course, Namjoon hadn't heard any sarcastic jokes from Seokjin lately. That was probably due to him being comfortable in their new environment.

As Seokjin went to get his shoes, Jungkook, on the other hand, crossed his arms."I'm staying here. Yoongi is sick, and I don't think he should be left here by himself."

Namjoon sighed and placed his hands on his hips."This is Yoongi's idea. He wants to be alone for a while."

Glancing at Yoongi, Jungkook got annoyed. He narrowed his eyes at Namjoon."But why do I have to go with you? You're not the boss anymore."

"You can't go by yourself, Jungkook. You don't know the language. Neither does Seokjin. So you two have to go with me." Namjoon really didn't like the fact that Jungkook was talking back, but the youngest incubus was right about one thing. Namjoon wasn't the boss anymore. Maybe Namjoon wished he was still the boss. He was used to being in charge."Now get your shoes on so we can go."

Being defiant, Jungkook huffed."No. I'm not your trainee anymore. You can't tell me what to do."

Namjoon rolled his eyes then made a motion toward Yoongi."Are you really going to let your anger toward me cause you to disobey the one you want to mate?" He knew it was unfair to use that against Jungkook, but he also knew that it would work.

It definitely did work. Jungkook didn't want to disobey Yoongi."Fine." He reluctantly went to get his shoes.

Seeing that Jungkook was obviously unhappy about this, Yoongi sighed heavily."I'm sorry if I've put you in a difficult position."

"It's fine. I'll have a talk with him while we're out." Namjoon knew that he and Jungkook needed to discuss some things anyway."He doesn't want to leave you, and he's still mad at me." He knew he needed to be honest about this to Yoongi."He's not only mad because we fought. He's mad at me for what I said to him. He always calls you his mate. I was out of line and told him that you're not his mate because you two haven't actually mated yet. That really upset him because you're all he wants."

"I see." Yoongi was a little upset upon hearing that, but he didn't see a point in getting mad about it now. That was a few weeks ago. Still, it was clearly something that upset Jungkook a lot, considering he was still mad about it."Jungkook can certainly hold a grudge."

That made Namjoon chuckle softly."Yeah, that's true. He is the youngest after all. In a way, he's spoiled. In our world, he would be considered as pampered because he's an incubus who has never been to war. We're all trained harshly and sent to war. I've known Jungkook since he was a child. So when I was assigned as his leader, I went easy on him with his training. I ignored the emperor's orders to mate with him. I saw him like a little brother or son, but I couldn't show it. If I openly showed favortism, I would be punished. Such a spoiled little incubus, he is."

When Jungkook and Seokjin both returned with their shoes, Yoongi cleared his throat quietly."I have something to ask you, Namjoon." He knew this wasn't really his business, but he needed to know."How are things between you and Taehyung? Are you two doing better?"

"Oh, yes." A smile spread over Namjoon's lips."We're doing a lot better. Our bond is so strong now." Letting out a chuckle, he knew Taehyung wouldn't want him to say this, but he would say it anyway."We mated so much yesterday that I'm surprised he went to work today."

"I'm a little jealous." Yoongi admitted.


Sighing and slumping his shoulders, Yoongi glanced at Jungkook, who was seated on the sofa with Seokjin."It feels like Jungkook has given up on trying to mate with me. He doesn't even try anymore. I make the moves, and he turns me down." He wondered if Jungkook simply became content with not mating. Though, it also made him think that Jungkook might have given up.

"I don't think he would ever give up on you." That seemed pretty obvious to Namjoon."Have you shown any uncertainty to his advances?"

"Uncertainty? Well, I, uhh..." Just thinking about that, Yoongi rubbed his hands together.

"That would do it." Namjoon gave Yoongi's shoulder a small pat."Jungkook must have seen your uncertainty and doesn't want to pressure you. He's probably just trying to be considerate. It's a behavior he learned from Hoseok when they were kids. Incubi aren't normally so considerate, but Hoseok always was, and he was Jungkook's best friend when they were small. I think it makes me sad that they grew apart when Hoseok started his training. The training was really hard for Hoseok because he wasn't born in our world. No one knew where he was from, but I think it's clear now that he was from this world."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side."Wait, what? Hoseok is from this world? How did he get to your world? How is he half incubus if he's from Earth?"

"Honestly, I don't know. You would have to ask him to get those answers. He's the only one who knows." Namjoon was curious but had never asked.

"Maybe I'll ask him later." That was certainly something Yoongi was curious to know now."Anyway, you three should head out and find something fun to do. I'll see you guys later."

"I promise to take care of the kiddos while we're out." Namjoon joked.

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