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For the most part, Yoongi was feeling much better today. He was still sneezing occasionally, but that wasn't too bad. He mainly just wanted some alone time to play video games and relax by himself. The first thing he had done once he was alone though was take a long shower. He could hog the bathroom all he wanted while he was alone. He could finally shower with the door open again. He preferred to have the door open so that he could make the shower really hot and not deal with the bathroom getting too steamy.

After his shower, Yoongi went straight to the living room to play video games. This was his first day having the house all to himself since the incubi started living with him. It made him wonder if they were ready to live elsewhere. Of course Namjoon would have to be the one in charge of making sure the other two knew how to do things because they didn't understand this world yet or know the language. Did Yoongi really want them to move out of his house though?

Yoongi really enjoyed having Jungkook around so much. He could stay. Yoongi also really liked having Seokjin around. The quiet incubus was a good friend, despite their language barrier. That just left Namjoon. Yoongi would feel bad if he only made Namjoon move out. He didn't want to seem like he didn't like him. That wasn't the case at all. Wouldn't the incubi want to have more freedom though and not all have to sleep in Yoongi's living room?

"Maybe I should move into a bigger house so they can have their own bedrooms." Yoongi thought aloud."Does Jungkook even want his own bedroom? Hmm." He figured Jungkook would be fine with sharing a bedroom with him. They cuddled most nights recently anyway."Namjoon probably doesn't even want to live here anymore. I bet he'd rather live with Hoseok or Taehyung."

Pausing his game as he thought about all of this, his mind was too crowded to focus on shooting enemies."Would Mom and Dad care if I bought a new house so Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon could all live together? Would Taehyung and Hoseok be able to afford the utilities and shit?" Yoongi set his controller down on the coffee table and shifted to lay on the sofa. He felt a little overwhelmed with these thoughts.

"Am I the only one thinking about these things?" he wondered."Do the others even want to change the current arrangements?" Grabbing his phone, he sent a text to Hoseok, asking him to come by after his shift at work."I'll discuss this with Hoseok." Yoongi also figured that would be a good time to ask Hoseok about his childhood; how he was born half incubus on Earth, how he got to the incubus world, and how he got back to Earth.

Needing to do one other thing before he could drop his thoughts for now, Yoongi made a call. There were several rings before the call went to voicemail. So he hung up and tried again. He wasn't going to leave a voicemail. After a few more rings, the call was answered.

"Yoongi, you know I'm busy." a woman's voice spoke, sounding annoyed.

"I know, Mom." Yoongi cleared his throat quietly."Would you and Dad mind if I buy a couple houses?"

"Houses?" His mother only seemed half interested, like she was trying to multitask on something else.

"Yeah. I want to buy a new house for myself and a house for a few of my friends." Yoongi explained."Would that be okay? I know I don't normally spend a lot, so I wanted to make sure a big purchase like this--"

"Yes, yes, that's fine." His mother interrupted him, seeming bothered."Is that all?"

Yoongi sighed softly."Yeah, Mom." He frowned when the call was ended without another word. He knew his parents were always super busy, but it would be nice to speak to them more. Setting his phone aside, Yoongi grabbed his controller from the coffee table and resumed his game. Now he just needed to discuss things with Hoseok later.


When Hoseok arrived at Yoongi's house in the afternoon, he just let himself inside. Ever since the incubi started living with Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin had been given spare keys."Yoongi-hyung~!" Hoseok chimed happily.

"I'm in the living room!" Yoongi called out, pausing the show he was watching. He'd gotten tired of playing games and decided to watch Netflix instead. There were some empty remnants of Chinese delivery on his coffee table, showing what he'd eaten for lunch.

"You're clearly feeling better if you ordered Chinese for lunch." Hoseok said upon entering the living room."Where are the others? Jungkook is normally glued to your side."

Yoongi shifted to sit sideways on the sofa as Hoseok sat down next to him."I sent them out for a while. Namjoon is taking them around town. They've been gone for quite a while though, so they might be coming back soon. Anyway, I want to talk to you about a couple things."

"What things?" Hoseok hoped he could be of some help with anything Yoongi needed. He always strove to be helpful to his friends.

"Well, first of all, I was wondering if you would like it if you, Tae, and Namjoon could all live together." Yoongi fidgeted with his fingers a little as he spoke."I don't know if you and Tae could afford the utilities and such for a bigger house, but I thought it might be better for you three to all live together. I think it's a bit unfair for Namjoon to keep living with me when he'd rather be with you and Tae."

Nodding his head a little, Hoseok thought that would be a great idea."I can talk to Tae about this later and see what he thinks. It really would be nice for the three of us to be able to live together. We just need to make sure Tae and I have enough income between the two of us to pay for it."

"I'm also thinking of getting a bigger house for myself. I know that Jungkook is fine with sharing my room, but I want to give Seokjin his own room." Yoongi had noticed that Seokjin didn't really care about sleeping in the living room. He seemed fine with it, but Yoongi thought it would be nice to give him some privacy and a space of his own.

"Are your parents okay with you buying houses?" Hoseok knew Yoongi could afford it, but he also knew that the money came from Yoongi's parents.

Yoongi made a small wave of his hand."Of course. I already called and asked. They don't care." He placed his hands on his lap and sighed."Both of my parents run their own successful businesses overseas, and they don't care when I spend the money they earn. I called to ask, but my mom was uninterested and just said that it's fine. So no need to worry about that."

"Oh, okay." Hoseok didn't really like that. He wished Yoongi could talk more with his parents and visit them occasionally. It became obvious sometimes that Yoongi missed them."What else did you want to talk about?"

Thinking of the next topic, Yoongi shifted his gaze to the side."Well, um..." He knew this was none of his business, but he hoped Hoseok would tell him."I'm just wondering about you. I mean, were you born on Earth? How are you half incubus?" He was really curious and wanted to know.

With a soft smile on his lips, Hoseok should have known these questions would come up sooner or later. He honestly thought he'd be asked this sooner, but he supposed it wasn't super important. Maybe no one felt like prying."Yeah, I was born on Earth. I actually lived on Earth until I was ten. I'm half incubus because my father was a human, and my mother was a succubus."

"But I thought no other incubi or succubi knew about Earth." Yoongi said as he cocked his head to the side."How were you born here?"

Hoseok never forgot what his mother told him when he was a child."My mother found Earth when she ran away from Szarvoun, the home world of incubi and succubi. My father found her and took care of her. Eventually, they fell in love and mated." he explained.

That sounded nice so far to Yoongi."Your parents must have been happy together. Do you mind if I ask where they are now?"

Gently shaking his head, Hoseok kept that soft smile on his lips."I don't mind. I've never talked to anyone about them, but maybe it'll be okay. When I was ten, my father died in an accident at his job. I don't know anything about the accident. I was never told." His smile faltered slightly."My mother said she couldn't bare to remain on Earth without him, so she took me to Szarvoun with her. She hated Szarvoun, but it was the only other home she knew. Since I grew up learning both Korean and the Szarvounian language, I could live there and understand everyone."

Seeing Hoseok's smile fade completely now, Yoongi reached out and lightly grabbed one of his hands."You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

"No, it's okay. I want to continue." Hoseok wanted to finally speak about his past to someone, release a little bit of the weight it left on him."The ruler of Szarvoun, Emperor Minseok, demanded to know where my mother had been. He is always looking for more worlds to conquer because he's hungry for power. My mother wouldn't tell him. So he had her put to death as punishment for her disobedience. Before she was taken away from me though, she told me Earth's coordinates. She made me promise to never mate with anyone in Szarvoun and never tell anyone else the coordinates. That way, no one else would tell the emperor." He let out a hefty sigh."I never forgot Earth's coordinates. As soon as I was able to, I ran away and came back to Earth."

"Holy shit." Without even thinking, Yoongi leaned close and put his arms around Hoseok, pulling him into a hug.

Since Yoongi wasn't usually the hugging type, Hoseok was a little taken aback."Hyung? What are you doing?"

"I'm hugging you, stupid." Yoongi didn't release the hug, just kept Hoseok in his arms."Your past sounds terrible, and I'm glad that you're here with us."

"I'm glad too." Wrapping his arms around Yoongi as well, Hoseok couldn't help but smile."Thanks for letting me open up to you. You're a great listener."

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