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"So that's how you met Taehyung?" Yoongi had never heard this story before. Now that he knew Hoseok's past, the story made sense.

"Yeah. His dad helped me out a lot." Hoseok couldn't help but smile as he thought about that."I mean, without him, being back on Earth would have been so much more difficult. I came back here with no money and nowhere to go, and I only had the Korean vocabulary of a ten-year-old. If he hadn't taken me in and given me a place to live, I would have been on the streets with no knowledge of how to fend for myself."

Yoongi wondered if Taehyung's dad had any suspicion that Hoseok was different. Probably not. He had met Taehyung's dad before, and the man was really accepting and open-minded."How old were you when you started living with Taehyung and his parents?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"I was seventeen. So TaeTae and I have known each other for several years now." Hoseok's smile widened."We had our first kiss on my twentieth birthday, and it was like BOOM!" He clapped his hands together once."Love." He chuckled when Yoongi shook his head a little at that."I've loved him ever since. I'll always be grateful to his dad for the life I have."

"So, uh, how do you think his parents will react when they find out you and Tae have added another man to your relationship?" That didn't seem like it would go well to Yoongi. Taehyung's parents were super protective and might not approve.

"Oh jeez." Hoseok lifted a hand up and nervously scratch the back of his head."I hadn't even thought of that. It's going to take some time for them to accept it, but I'm sure it'll be okay eventually."

Yoongi wondered if he should talk to Hoseok about his own past. Now that he knew such intimate things about Hoseok, wouldn't it just be far if he shared such little-known things about himself?"You know, I kinda envy you and Tae for having such a loving relationship for so long. I've never had that."

Not expecting Yoongi to actually open up and share anything, Hoseok was pleasantly surprised. It seemed like Yoongi's time with the incubi was helping him be a little more social and comfortable. Though, that was probably because Yoongi got used to saying whatever was on his mind without worrying about being judged since Seokjin and Jungkook couldn't understand him."You have dated before, haven't you?" Hoseok couldn't imagine someone as cute as Yoongi never having a date.

"Of course I've dated before." Letting out a sigh, Yoongi lowered his gaze and fidgeted with his fingers a little."My relationships have just never lasted long. My longest relationship lasted about eleven months, and the jerk had been cheating on me for who-knows-how-long."

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, Hyung." Hoseok had never known this. He understood that it was probably something Yoongi didn't like to discuss.

"He was so charming, you know. Our relationship started out very touchy, like he wanted sex all the time. I always gave it to him because I was stupidly in love. Whenever we weren't having sex, he wanted to go shopping. Being the dumbass that I was, I paid for everything. He never asked. I just did it, but I guess he also never declined or insisted to pay for his own stuff." As he thought about his ex, Yoongi could feel his hands starting to shake a little, so he clasped them together tightly."After a while, the sex stopped. He wouldn't even touch me. We grew distant for a couple months, but then, he started staying overnight again. It wasn't often, just occasionally."

"How did you find out he was cheating on you?" Hoseok was very curious.

Wringing his hands together, Yoongi tried to make them stop shaking, unsuccessfully."Jimin told me. I didn't want to believe him, and we ended up getting into a big fight over it. But one night, he convinced me to go to a motel with him. He said 'your loser boyfriend hooks up with a chick here often.' I still didn't want to believe him, but part of me just needed to see it with my own eyes." He got frustrated as his hands kept shaking."Jimin must have thought he was Bruce Lee or something because he fucking kicked their door open, almost took it off its hinges, but I guess motel doors aren't very sturdy anyway. We caught them sucking face."

"I'm really sorry you went through that, Hyung." Hoseok wished things like that wouldn't happen, but he knew there would always be cheaters.

"It could have been worse, I suppose." Yoongi tried to see a bright side now, but that was difficult."At least we didn't see them smashing uglies."

Looking at Yoongi's hands, Hoseok reached out and lightly touched them."Do your hands always shake when you think about that?"

Yoongi pulled his hands away and moved them behind his back to hide the shaking."Yeah..." He felt ashamed of that."It's been a few years, and I still haven't been able to let it go. Pathetic, huh?"

"Not pathetic at all." A warm smile came over Hoseok's lips."You've been emotionally scarred, but you'll be okay."

"You know, this shit has already gotten in the way of me getting Jungkook's dick." Yoongi complained, earning a chuckle from Hoseok."We got so close to fucking a few weeks ago, but my hands started shaking, and Jungkook backed off. Ever since then, he won't have sex with me. He turns down my advances."

Pulling his feet up onto the sofa, Hoseok crossed his legs."Do you trust Jungkook?" When Yoongi nodded, he perked an eyebrow."Do you really?"

"Yes, of course I do." Yoongi frowned."I trust him. I just get scared."

"I think you need to work on that." Hoseok wagged his index finger at Yoongi a bit."If you fully trusted him, you wouldn't be scared of committing to him."

Their conversation didn't get to continue though because the front door opened."We're back." Namjoon said as he went straight to the living room. Upon seeing Hoseok, he smiled softly."Hoseok, you're here." He was so happy to see one of his mates.

"Yup, I'm he--Oh my god, what happened to Jungkook?" Hoseok's jaw dropped as he saw that Jungkook had numerous scratches that looked like little claw marks, definitely bleeding.

Seeing Jungkook like that, Yoongi quickly got up and grabbed Jungkook's wrist."Come on. Let's get you patched up." He led Jungkook away to the bathroom to get his scratches tended.

"He chased a squirrel." Namjoon let out a heavy sigh."He chased it across the park, tried to follow it up a tree, got attacked by its buddies."

Seokjin made his way over to his designated air mattress and sat down."How long have you been here, Hoseok?"

"Just a couple hours." Hoseok answered with a smile."Yoongi and I have just been chatting. He seems to be feeling a lot better."

"I'm so relieved." Not quite as much as Jungkook, Seokjin had been worried about Yoongi's well-being.

Hoseok patted the empty spot on the sofa and watched Namjoon sit down beside him."You and I need to have a talk with Taehyung later. Yoongi-hyung has suggested that we move into a bigger house, one where the three of us can live together. We just need to make sure it's okay with Taehyung."

That suggestion caused Namjoon to perk up."You mean, I could live with both of you and see you two all the time? That would be wonderful."

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