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Yoongi stretched out on his bed and yawned when he woke up in the morning. He didn't want to get up yet. Of course, he never wanted to get up. He wished he could just stay in bed all day. As tempting as that was, he had no reason to stay in bed. He wasn't sick anymore. In fact, he was feeling so much better. As he was lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling, Yoongi wondered if anyone else was awake. Well, he knew Jungkook was still asleep, lying right next to him.

Deciding to wait for Jungkook to wake up, Yoongi just laid there. He kept his gaze on the ceiling, zoning out with random thoughts. Should he call Taehyung today and talk to him about the idea of getting a house for him, Hoseok, and Namjoon to live together? Yoongi didn't remember if Taehyung worked today or not. He should probably just send him a text to ask him to call or come over whenever he had the free time.

Yoongi didn't know how long he laid there in silence. It probably wasn't long, maybe about ten or fifteen minutes. His attention was grabbed when Jungkook shifted around a bit then snuggled against him. The way Jungkook snuggled onto him was different than usual.

The incubus would typically pull Yoongi into his arms. This time, however, Jungkook wiggled his way under Yoongi's arm and laid his head onto the human's chest. He got comfortable on Yoongi and started to go back to sleep.

"Good morning, Jungkook." Yoongi said softly, looking down at the incubus. When Jungkook opened his eyes and peered up at him, Yoongi felt like melting."Oh my god, you're so cute." He wrapped an arm around Jungkook and used his other hand to start running his fingers through the incubus' hair."Do you want to stay in bed a little longer?" He received no response from Jungkook. The incubus simply closed his eyes and relaxed."I'll take that as a yes."

Jungkook was so comfortable on Yoongi like this. Despite normally being the one to hold Yoongi in his arms, he was discovering now that he enjoyed being in Yoongi's arms as well. As the human's fingers were combing through his hair so gently, he started to feel something he'd never felt before. It was such a strange feeling. He didn't know if he liked it or not at first, but he soon decided that he liked it. The feel of Yoongi's fingers sifting through his hair caused his scalp to experience some kind of tingling sensation.

Holding Jungkook like this was definitely something Yoongi wouldn't mind doing often. It was nice. Having Jungkook in his arms made Yoongi feel like the incubus really was all his. At this time, Yoongi's mind wandered. He thought about the conversation he'd had with Hoseok yesterday. Did he fully trust Jungkook? He thought he did. Still, he couldn't deny that he was scared of being betrayed again.

The tingling sensation in Jungkook's scalp began to spread to the back of his neck and behind his ears. It was such a relaxing feeling. However, when Jungkook realized that this feeling was making him start to doze off, he snapped his eyes open and grabbed Yoongi's hand."What are you doing to me?" The incubus sat up and peered at Yoongi was such confusion in his eyes."You have sleep magic too?"

"Jungkookie?" Yoongi wondered if something had bothered Jungkook. Sitting up as well, he allowed his hand to remain in Jungkook's grasp."Did you not like me playing with your hair?"

After a short moment, Jungkook released Yoongi's hand and leaned in close to his face."I trust you, mate." Seeing Yoongi's expression change, it became obvious that they were both confused."Are you still afraid to mate with me? I really want you, and I want to understand you."

Moving a hand up, Yoongi lightly touched Jungkook's cheek."I don't know what you want right now." Sighing, he let his eyes look over the little scratches and claw marks on Jungkook's face. There were only a few. Most of the scratches were on his arms."How are those marks feeling? Still hurt?" Yoongi asked, poking one of the scratches on Jungkook's cheek.

Out of reaction to his scratch being poked, Jungkook swiftly grabbed Yoongi's wrist and pulled the human's hand away from his face."Our lack of communication is making a conversation impossible right now." Deciding to use actions to portray what he wanted, Jungkook slipped a hand between Yoongi's legs to grope the human.

As much as Yoongi wanted Jungkook as well, he grabbed Jungkook's wrist and shook his head."No." He felt like such an idiot. They needed better communication. He wished he could talk to Jungkook about his previous relationship and be honest with the incubus about what scared him. When Jungkook retracted his hand, Yoongi slumped his shoulders."The more I love you, the more this scares me." He let out a quiet groan."If there were no feelings between us, this would be so much easier because I wouldn't be afraid of getting hurt again, but I've fallen for you like a damn fool."

This lack of communication seemed to be frustrating both of them right now."I would never even dream of hurting you, sweet mate, so what about this scares you?" Jungkook didn't understand why Yoongi was afraid to mate with him. It seemed to him that forming a bond with Yoongi was much more difficult than it should be."I don't know what else to do."

"Jungkook." Yoongi curled his legs and wrapped his arms around his knees."I'm sorry for being afraid. I feel like I'm being cruel and unfair to you. It's so clear that we both want it, but I keep getting scared, and I don't know how to make it stop." When his vision started to get a little blurry, Yoongi rubbed his eyes."Why did I have to fall in love with a man who can't even understand me?" He took a deep breath, refusing to cry."I'm so sorry, Jungkook. How much longer are you going to be so patient with me? Anyone else would have given up and moved on by now."

Seeing that Yoongi was obviously getting upset, Jungkook reached out and started rubbing the human's back."I'll wait my whole life for you. I just wish I knew what scared you."

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