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"Tae, I'm just going to warn you right now." Yoongi started as soon as Taehyung entered his kitchen. His friend had just arrived close to noon."If you get all smoochy with Namjoon in front of me, I will be inclined to murder you both." Needless to say, Yoongi's mood wasn't that great.

"How would you hope to murder us?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle."You have no weapons here."

Yoongi rolled his eyes."Anything is a weapon if you do it right."

Taehyung seated himself at the kitchen table beside Yoongi and sighed softly."I just got here, and I can already tell that you're cranky today. What's up?"

It was true that Yoongi's mood was pretty sour. He wasn't particularly cranky, per se. He was, more accurately, frustrated and sad."Everything sucks, Tae."

"You need to be more specific than that, Hyung." Resting his elbows on the table, Taehyung put his chin on his palms."I know you're more open with Jiminie than you are with me, and I know that it's because you've known him longer, but I want you to know that you can be open with me too."

"I know, Tae. I just don't like to talk about certain things, but I really need to talk about some issues." Yoongi glanced toward the doorway and pouted."But I'm having a bit of an issue with this. I need to talk to Jungkook, and it's important, but we can't understand each other, and it's causing problems."

Tapping his fingers against his cheeks, Taehyung kept his full attention on Yoongi."So is that why you asked me to come over?"

"Yeah." Yoongi fidgeted with his fingers on his lap, slumping his shoulders."You can understand them. Can you speak to Jungkook for me?"

"Ah, that's a no." Taehyung straightened himself up when Yoongi looked at him with disbelief."Honestly, Hyung. I can't speak to Jungkook for you. I can only understand their language when I hear them talk. I can't actually speak it."

This just ruined Yoongi's initial plans."What do you mean?"

"Well, do you remember what Hoseokie-hyung told us back when we were on their ship?" Taehyung remembered this clearly, and it made sense to him."He said that incubi share their knowledge through mating because they have such similar genetics and brainwaves, but we're different from them. When Hoseokie-hyung and I mated, I only learned to understand their language, not speak it. When I hear them speak, it makes complete sense to me, but if I try to think of how to say something in their language, I just can't. I draw a blank. It's like the knowledge of their language only exists in my mind when I listen to them speak but vanishes when I try to speak it myself. It's hard to explain."

"So you can't help me?" When Taehyung shook his head, Yoongi heaved a sigh."Do you think Hoseok will help me?"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders simply."Why don't you just ask Namjoon?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at that suggestion."Because this is personal, and I don't know if I feel comfortable saying this stuff to someone who isn't super close to me."

"I understand that, but it could really help you." Reaching out, Taehyung lightly pat Yoongi's shoulder."I have an idea. Let's have a big group sharing session." he suggested with a wide smile."We'll all share our issues together and help each other. We'll all come closer as friends."

"How about no?" Yoongi was definitely not going along with that idea.

That just made Taehyung chuckle though."Okay, okay. At least let Namjoon translate for you to communicate with Jungkook."

"Ugh, fine." Standing, Yoongi still had that deep pout on his lips."Let's do this." With Taehyung following behind him, he made his way into the living room."Namjoon, I need you to help me for a moment." he said to get the incubus' attention.

"With what?" Namjoon got up from where he'd been sitting with Jungkook and Seokjin on the air mattresses.

Seeing Yoongi lower his gaze and get quiet, Taehyung spoke up."Hyung needs you to translate for him. He has some things to say to Jungkook, and it's really important." To offer a little comfort, he grabbed one of Yoongi's hands."It's personal stuff, so be polite about it."

At that, Namjoon gave a small nod."Alright. I can do that." He made a motion toward the air mattresses."Sit with us." Seating himself back down with the other two incubi, Namjoon got their attention."Jungkook, I'm going to translate for Yoongi. He wants to say some things to you."

"Mate?" Jungkook peered at Yoongi and watched the small human sit down beside Namjoon, Taehyung sitting by Yoongi's side as well."Is something wrong?" He was aware, maybe more so than anyone else, that Yoongi was unhappy today.

"Whenever you're ready, Yoongi, I'll translate." Namjoon was really curious to know what Yoongi was going to say. He'd seen that Yoongi and Jungkook typically got on well despite their language barrier, but that barrier seemed to be causing problems lately.

Yoongi could practically feel Jungkook's gaze on him. He knew Seokjin was waiting in silence for him to speak as well. He was about to spill his issues in front of everyone. How embarrassing."Jungkook...I need to tell you why I'm scared of mating with you."

"You're afraid to mate with him?" Namjoon asked as he perked an eyebrow.

"Just translate." Yoongi knew that he needed to get this out.

Clearing his throat quietly, Namjoon looked at Jungkook."He says he's going to tell you why he's afraid to mate with you."

"He's afraid?" Seokjin asked.

Jungkook nodded."Yeah. We almost mated before, but I stopped because he got scared. His hands were shaking a lot. I won't do it if it scares him."

Yoongi took a deep breath to keep his nerves calm."I'm afraid because of my ex-boyfriend."

"He's afraid because of his ex-boyfriend." Namjoon translated.

"Ex-boyfriend?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side."What's that?"

Seokjin chimed in."I know a boyfriend is like a mate that doesn't necessarily require the mating act."

"Right." Namjoon smiled a tiny bit at Seokjin's little bit of knowledge."An ex-boyfriend is a man who used to be his boyfriend. They are not mates anymore."

"Yoongi has had a mate before..." Jungkook was a little sad to know that he wouldn't be Yoongi's first, but he figured that would be okay.

Gently squeezing Taehyung's hand, Yoongi wanted to be strong while talking about this. He remembered that his hands shook when he was talking to Hoseok about this yesterday."My ex-boyfriend didn't love me, but I loved him. I loved him so damn much. We had sex whenever he wanted, which was a lot at first."

Namjoon wondered what the point was in telling Jungkook about this, but he figured it must be important. Otherwise, Yoongi wouldn't be saying it."He loved his ex-boyfriend, but the man didn't love him back." Namjoon told Jungkook."He says they mated a lot."

Taehyung's expression saddened as he listened to what was being said. He hadn't known this. He had wondered for a long time why Yoongi used to always say that he wasn't interested in dating. This must be why.

"After several months, Jimin told me that my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me." Yoongi bit his lower lip after saying that. He hated saying it. He hated thinking about it.

"He cheated on you?" Taehyung was appalled. What man in his right mind would cheat on someone as precious as Yoongi?

Yoongi nodded a little."Jimin said he had been cheating on me for a while. I didn't want to believe him. Jimin and I ended up having a big fight over it."

Namjoon didn't fully understand though."He cheated on you? What does that mean?" Despite knowing the language, he still didn't know everything.

"We were still dating, but he started seeing someone else." Yoongi gulped quietly."Like, he was having sex with someone else. He wasn't loyal."

"Oh, I see." Returning his attention to Jungkook, Namjoon explained."Yoongi's ex-boyfriend was discovered to be unfaithful during their relationship." he told Jungkook."Even though they were mates, the man was disloyal and started mating with someone else. Jimin told Yoongi about it, but Yoongi didn't want to believe him, and they got in a fight over it."

Visible anger became noticeable in Jungkook's facial expression."How could someone be so stupid to be disloyal to Yoongi? Anyone would be lucky to have him. He should be cherished."

"Unfortunately, cheating is something that happens here on Earth." Taehyung spoke up."I understand that incubi and succubi think of mates as lifelong partners unless there is a mutual neglect of the bond, but some humans simply aren't loyal."

Finally pulling his hand out of Taehyung's grasp, Yoongi put his hands together between his knees. He squeezed his knees together to apply pressure, not wanting anyone to notice that his hands had begun to shake."Jimin took me to a motel to prove it to me. We caught my ex with a woman. After that, he and I were no longer together. It's been a few years since then, but it still upsets me."

"Jimin took Yoongi to see it for himself." Namjoon even felt sad from translating this. Being disloyal in a mating bond was despicable, even he knew that."They caught the man with a woman. He says it's been a few years since that happened, and it still upsets him."

Jungkook clenched his hands into fists."I need to know who he is. I'll make him regret it."

Placing a hand onto Jungkook's shoulder, Seokjin shook his head."No, no, Jungkook. Calm down."

"Ever since then..." Yoongi lowered his gaze."Sex scares me. Well, not sex, I guess. Um...Commitment, I think. What if I commit myself to someone I love then that person betrays me? I don't want to go through that again."

"So that's what scares you." Namjoon could understand that. He couldn't imagine going through it himself, but he could understand that it was a sort of pain no one would want."Jungkook, Yoongi is scared of being betrayed like that again. He doesn't want to commit to a bond then lose it like that."

Lunging forward, Jungkook threw his arms around Yoongi, effectively startling the small human."I will never betray you. I'll protect you for the rest of my life. Even if we never mate, I will never seek out another person to mate with. I give you my word."

"J-Jungkook..." Yoongi wanted to put his arms around Jungkook, but he didn't want anyone to see that his hands were shaking.

"My cute, sweet, little mate. I love you, and I'll patiently wait for you forever." Jungkook pressed a firm kiss to Yoongi's forehead, almost like he was trying to push his love straight into the human's brain.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile at that."Hyung, Jungkook just said that he loves you and will wait forever for you."

"He...he loves me..?" Tears welled up in Yoongi's eyes."He really said...that he loves me..?"

"Yes, he loves you." Taehyung felt like melting at the sight of Yoongi getting teary in Jungkook's arms. It was a sweet sight.

However, Yoongi let out a whine."Why do feelings suck so much~?" He didn't know what to feel right now. His emotions were confused. He was upset after talking about his ex, but he was also very happy that Jungkook loved him."I love this stupid dick monster~"

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