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To say that Yoongi and Jungkook were glued to each other's sides for the rest of the day would be an understatement. Jungkook did everything he could to shower his precious human with love, and Yoongi appreciated all of it. The sweet incubus gave Yoongi random kisses, held him close whenever he got the chance, and refused to leave him alone."You know, I used to think there was no one in the world for me. I guess I was right." Yoongi said with a slight smile."This stupid brat I love is from another world." At the moment, he was sitting in the living room with Jimin, who had come over after his work shift.

"You're so in love, and it's honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen." Jimin chuckled."Actually, no, I take that back. It's the third cutest thing I've ever seen."

"The third?" Yoongi thought that was oddly specific."What's cuter?"

With a smile, Jimin pointed over at Seokjin, who was minding his own business as usual."Number one cutie. The second cutest thing is a video I saw online of a chihuahua trying to carry a stick that was bigger than it. That shit's adorable as hell."

"I've lost to a chihuahua." A smile came over Yoongi's lips, and he felt like melting as Jungkook nuzzled against his jaw. The incubus was sitting directly beside him, an arm around Yoongi's waist."Jungkook, you doof. It's hard to talk when you do that." He moved his head a little to get Jungkook to stop nuzzling his jaw.

"He just wants to be as close to you as possible, Hyung." Jimin watched as Jungkook rested his chin onto Yoongi's shoulder."I wish Seokjin would look at me with heart eyes, as Jungkook does to you."

Yoongi glanced at Seokjin before returning his gaze to Jimin."You two doing okay?"

That question caused Jimin to shrug slightly."I guess so. He seems to have a nice time when we're together, and he doesn't hesitate to let me know when I talk too much, but he doesn't like being too close to me. At least, that's how it seems. I like him so much, and I hope he likes me too. I mean, the other day, I asked for a kiss, and he turned me down."

"Oh, bummer." Reaching down, Yoongi grabbed one of Jungkook's hands and interlaced their fingers together."You should ask Namjoon or Hoseok to translate for you. That way, you can have a conversation with Seokjin and understand how he feels about things." He glanced over to Seokjin again, seeing that he had shifted to lay down on his air mattress, facing the wall."He's been down lately. I can tell."

Looking over at Seokjin as well, Jimin sighed."Hyung, do you mind if I stay here tonight? I have to work tomorrow, so I'll head out early in the morning, but I hate leaving Seokjin alone while he's sad. Since Namjoon left with Tae earlier, Seokjin will be all alone once you and Jungkook go to bed."

"Of course you can stay." Yoongi honestly hated leaving Seokjin alone whenever the incubus was sad as well.

"Thanks, Hyung." Turning a smile to Yoongi, Jimin had another question."Anyway, you haven't told me any details about how things are going between you and Jungkook. Spill the beans."

With his free hand, Yoongi scratched the back of his head."Well, Namjoon translated for me earlier to help me talk to Jungkook. I needed to talk to him about something important, you know. I told him why I've been afraid to have sex with him."

"You told him about Yukwon?" Jimin was certainly surprised."I didn't think you would open up to anyone else about him."

"Well, you're wrong there." Yoongi sighed and slumped his shoulders, causing Jungkook to shift and get comfortable against him again."Everyone knows about my ex now. I've been so scared of getting hurt again that I haven't been able to go too far with Jungkook, but I told him about it today."

Jimin was definitely interested to hear more about this."And? What happened?"

Just thinking about this made Yoongi smile a little."Jungkook said...He said he loves me. And he said he'll wait for me."

"Oh my god, that's so cute and romantic!" Jimin dramatically placed both hands over his heart."I can't take the cuteness! You just beat the chihuahua!"

"Oh, shut your face." Despite those words, Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle."Maybe I can stop being afraid. He really loves me, Jimin."

Jimin made a 'psh' sound before speaking again."Yeah, everyone knows that. It's the easiest thing to see. So did you tell him that you love him too?" When Yoongi shook his head, Jimin's jaw almost dropped."What? Why not?"

"Because I was being a crybaby, okay?" Yoongi's cheeks grew pink as he admitted that."I was feeling so many things at once, and I didn't want to tell him that while I was on the verge of fucking sobbing."

"When are you going to tell him then?" As much as Jimin wanted his own love life to be active, he was also very invested in Yoongi's love life.

"I don't know. Probably tomorrow when Namjoon comes back." Yoongi knew that he needed to tell Jungkook that he was in love with him. He really wanted to tell him. He just hadn't wanted to say it earlier and end up crying.

A thought came to Jimin's mind that made him chuckle."Hyung, want to hear something funny?" Seeing Yoongi perk an eyebrow at him, he grinned."That night when we saw their ship flying through the sky, I asked you what your ideal type of guy is. Do you remember what you said?"

Yoongi simply shrugged, which again disturbed Jungkook, who huffed softly."I don't remember."

"You said you wanted someone who was chill and not too energetic." Jimin motioned toward Jungkook."Of the incubi, you've fallen for the most energetic one. The most chill one is Seokjin, from what I've seen."

"Oh, yeah, I guess so." Yoongi hadn't really given it any thought after that night.

"Maybe we don't really know our ideal types until we meet them." That was something Jimin had been thinking about lately."We may think we know what we want, but we might be wrong."

Giving a smile, Yoongi agreed."You're right. I fell for the opposite of what I thought I wanted. I wanted a chill man because that seemed like a safe option. If I had someone who was chill, he probably wouldn't cheat on me or control any aspect of my life. But now I'm in love with an incubus who is pretty rambunctious but also loves to cuddle."

"I bet you love the cuddles, don't you?" Being fully aware that Yoongi used to pretend that he hated physical contact, Jimin was quite happy to see that his friend always allowed Jungkook to snuggle on him.

"Hmph. Maybe." Yoongi knew he couldn't fool anyone anymore. He loved the cuddles and couldn't deny it.

"Just imagining you as the little spoon makes me weak." Jimin said, which earned him a light smack on the arm."What? You sure as hell aren't the big spoon."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at Jimin."I'll have you know that I can be the big spoon whenever I want. Just because he's bigger than me doesn't mean he can't be the little spoon."

"You got a point." Jimin chuckled."I just can't imagine you as the big spoon. You're such an adorable little spoon."

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