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When Yoongi deemed that it was time for bed, he gave Jimin's head a small pat."Don't stay up too late. Make sure you get enough sleep for work."

"Okay, Dad." Jimin teased. He grabbed the tv remote and stopped the show they'd been watching on Netflix."What season are we even on?" Checking, he grinned."We've made it to season four. I need to stay over more often to watch this with you. Otherwise, we're not going to get caught up before the new season comes out."

"You're always welcome to stay over, Jimin." Yoongi said as he stood from the couch."Just as long as it doesn't affect you getting enough sleep for work." Looking at Jungkook, who hadn't gotten up from the sofa yet, he smiled."Are you ready to sleep, Jungkookie?" He made a motion for the incubus to follow him.

Jimin watched Yoongi and Jungkook make their way across the living room. They did stop momentarily to look down at Seokjin, who hadn't moved once since he'd laid down."Is he even still awake?" Jimin asked."He's been so still."

Yoongi looked back at Jimin and shook his head."Nope. He's fast asleep." He started to leave the room but stopped when he realized Jungkook remained by Seokjin."Jungkook? Do you want to stay in here tonight?"

Peering down at his best friend, Jungkook was a little torn. He didn't want to leave Yoongi's side, but he also wanted to comfort Seokjin, knowing his friend was sad. Still, since Seokjin was already asleep, it should be fine to leave him for now. Deciding that, Jungkook left the living room with Yoongi. He knew he was allowed to sleep wherever he wanted, but he also knew that Seokjin would be okay with Jimin.

Turning off the tv, Jimin stepped over to one of the air mattresses and pushed it closer to Seokjin's. He wanted to lay with Seokjin, but he also didn't want to get into the incubus' personal space without his consent. He would only get close to Seokjin whenever the incubus was awake and could make it known if he wanted Jimin to back off. Laying down, Jimin sighed softly. He wished he could know why Seokjin was so sad. He would talk to Namjoon or Hoseok about it next time he'd have the chance.

Getting into his bedroom with Jungkook, Yoongi closed the door and yawned. He was sleepy after watching tv all evening. He stepped over to his closet and pulled out pajamas. Yoongi didn't get to put on those pajamas though. He took off his shirt and pants, but when he grabbed his pajama pants to put them on, hands were placed on his hips from behind.

"Let's sleep naked tonight." Jungkook spoke softly before pressing a kiss to Yoongi's shoulder."I want to feel our skin together."

Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up a little as Jungkook's fingers slipped within the waistband of his underwear. He could feel from their closeness that Jungkook had already undressed himself."You were sure in a hurry to get undressed." There were no protests from him as Jungkook pulled down his underwear slowly while trailing kisses down his back.

"You're so precious." Jungkook grabbed Yoongi's left ankle and lifted it a little to get the human's underwear off, doing the same with his right ankle after. With absolutely no warning whatsoever, Jungkook pressed his face to the human's butt, nuzzling into it."Your butt is so cute and soft."

"What are you even doing?" Yoongi asked with a bright blush on his cheeks. He hadn't expected this, and it was strangely non-sexual. Feeling Jungkook's arms wrap around his thighs as the incubus' face nuzzled deep between his butt cheeks, Yoongi couldn't help but smile. It was so weird but oddly cute and endearing."You're so weird, but I guess I'm weird too because I like it." Deciding that this was fine, Yoongi would let Jungkook stay like this for as long as he wanted.


"I'm so happy that the three of us can be together again tonight." Hoseok said with a bright smile."Though, it's understandable that Tae went to bed before us." His human boyfriend had been tired and gone to bed a little early.

Namjoon couldn't help but smile as he thought of Taehyung."It was really cute to see you two cuddle on the couch earlier."

"You could have cuddled with us, you know." Hoseok reached out and grabbed one of Namjoon's hands. They were currently sitting at the kitchen table, just enjoying each other's company and chatting."Tae has been getting more comfortable with you lately, and I think it would have been sweet for you two to cuddle."

"Maybe some other time." With a soft sigh, Namjoon kept smiling."It was too cute to watch you two cuddle. I didn't want to interrupt that. Besides, I'm still working on earning Taehyung's love. He'll mate with me and talk to me now, but he still won't kiss me or hold my hand."

Hoseok gave Namjoon's hand a gentle squeeze."Just give him a little more time. Tae is a sweetheart but also knows that he needs to look out for what's best for himself. I have no doubt that he will give you his love once he fully sees that you care for him." A fond smile came over Hoseok's lips."He got that from his parents. They always taught him, and me as well, that we should make sure a relationship is a hundred percent good for us before we commit."

"He has good parents." Namjoon wondered if he would ever meet Taehyung's parents. Of course, he didn't think he was ready for that. He still needed to learn more about how to act like a human. At this point in time, there was a huge chance that he would say something weird and cause Taehyung's parents to worry or disapprove."Anyway, let's change the topic. I actually have something very important to ask you."

Cocking his head to the side, Hoseok wondered what the question could be."What is it?" He saw some hesitation in Namjoon's expression, which concerned him.

Namjoon knew he needed to ask about this, but he was also worried that there might be an unwanted outcome. After all, he didn't know just how different Earth was from Szarvoun or if there were any similarities."What do humans do to men who are defective?" He knew Hoseok was the best person for him to ask. After all, Hoseok would understand the consequences of being defective in Szarvoun.

"You're asking for Seokjin, aren't you?" Seeing Namjoon get surprised that he knew, Hoseok sighed softly."I suspected that he is defective. Ugh, I hate that word. He's not defective. He's just struggling."

"You suspected it?" Namjoon had not suspected it at all before, so he didn't know why Hoseok would suspect it.

Giving a small nod, Hoseok clarified."Shortly after you all started living with Yoongi-hyung, Seokjin told me that he wasn't interested in finding a mate and had a hard time forming a bond. I guessed that meant he was having issues." He cleared his throat quietly."To answer your question, humans don't kill men for being unable to perform sex acts. I know that's what you were wanting to know. There is actually no punishment for it at all."

That caused Namjoon's eyes to widen."Really? Are you serious?" Receiving a nod, he felt so relieved."That's wonderful news. Seokjin is so upset right now because he thinks he'll be punished or killed if anyone finds out. You know he would be publicly humiliated then put to death for this in Szarvoun." Namjoon was so happy that Seokjin was going to be okay. His life was not in danger.

"This type of issue is called erectile dysfunction on Earth." Hoseok stated."There are medications that can be taken to help with it. Sometimes, men get help through therapy for it. I don't think Seokjin needs any medication. His issue isn't caused by a physical ailment, right?"

Shaking his head, Namjoon knew that wasn't the case."I think he's just hurt mentally from having to kill his previous mates. He fears the possibility of being told to kill his next mate, so his body refuses to mate."

"He just needs to get more comfortable here on Earth and see that no one will ever ask him to kill his mate." Hoseok understood that this must be very hard for Seokjin."Until he lets go of that fear and feels ready to mate, he can find other things that make him happy. I know Jimin will gladly help him."

"I think Jimin is the one who triggered Seokjin's sadness and fear about this. Unintentionally, of course." Namjoon interlaced his fingers with Hoseok's as he spoke."Jimin clearly likes Seokjin. It seems like Seokjin might like him too. Connecting with someone probably made Seokjin feel afraid of getting too close and revealing his struggle." Thinking about that made Namjoon feel lucky that he didn't have to go through that himself.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders just a little."I'm sure that was something that triggered Seokjin's fear, but I also know that Jimin won't judge him negatively for it. Jimin is a lot like Tae, in the way that they are both very open-minded and caring. Of course, we shouldn't pressure Seokjin to talk to Jimin about it, but I do think that it would help."

"I'll bring that up to Seokjin tomorrow." Namjoon knew that he could make the suggestion. He would also need to make sure it was clear that no one would force Seokjin to talk about it if he didn't feel comfortable.

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