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"Then, we were kicked out of the store with a twenty-four-hour ban." Yoongi said as he was explaining the situation to Jimin back at home."The manager in the store said he was going to call the police, but Yukwon-hyung said he didn't want to press charges."

"You two are so lucky that he didn't press charges." Jimin said with a heavy sigh."If he pressed charges, Jungkook would have been arrested for assault. Then, the police would find out that he's not in any databases. It would have brought up a lot of questions."

Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's hand as he spoke to Jimin."Yeah. Plus, I wouldn't have been able to go with him, so he also wouldn't have anyone to speak to the police for him."

Jungkook didn't understand the severity of his actions. Starting fights and things like that were completely normal on Szarvoun. There would have been no punishment for it at all, unless he tried to attack his captain or teammates during a mission or training. With his free hand, he held the chocolate bar Yoongi had bought for him and munched on it quietly.

"At least they let us buy the stuff we'd already picked out." Yoongi would have been bummed if they'd been told to just hand the stuff over to the manager then leave. So he was able to buy the two jackets and lube, and he had let Jungkook pick a candy bar at the check-out lane."Anyway, I'll order us something for dinner." Getting up from where he'd been sitting on the sofa, Yoongi paused for just a second."Oh, one more thing. Jungkook said something to Yukwon-hyung, and I don't know where he learned it."

Tilting his head a little, Jimin was curious."What did he say?"

"He said 'I will end you.' Where the hell did he learn that?" Yoongi had certainly not taught the incubus such a thing.

With a guilty expression, Jimin raised his hand a little."That would be me." He saw a questioning look form on Yoongi's face, so he answered before being asked."In my defense, I didn't know he would actually say it to anyone. I was telling him and Seokjin about a movie I watched with Tae. Seokjin was doing his best to translate for Jungkook, as much as he could understand from me. There was a part I told them about, where the protagonist said 'I will end you' to the bad guy then kicked his ass."

"Oh my god, Jimin." Yoongi rolled his eyes then gave Jungkook's head a small pat."Why don't you go hang with Seokjin a bit while I order some food?"

"Seokjin?" Jungkook peered at Yoongi and saw him nod. Getting up from the sofa, he made his way to the stairs to head up to Seokjin's bedroom.

"It's not like I knew he would actually punch someone and use that line, Hyung." Jimin said in his defense.

Yoongi sighed and decided that it wasn't a big deal right now."It's fine, Jimin. We just need to teach Jungkook that he can't just punch people. He could get in big trouble for it."

"Yeah, I guess so." Now that Yoongi and Jungkook weren't on the sofa anymore, Jimin laid across it on his back."Your stupid ex deserved it anyway. The jerkface needs a broken jerk face." When he saw Yoongi turn to leave the living room, he asked one more question."What did he say to you anyway? Was it some bad stuff?"

Pausing, Yoongi thought about the things Yukwon had said to him."I don't want to talk about that." He just wanted to forget about the things Yukwon had said to him earlier. Leaving the living room, Yoongi went upstairs and straight to his bedroom, closing the door. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called a local pizza place.

Up in Seokjin's room, Jungkook had plopped himself down onto the air mattress beside the other incubus and offered him a bite of his chocolate bar. After Seokjin took a bite, Jungkook grinned happily."I protected my mate today."

"From who?" Seokjin asked before being offered another bite of the chocolate bar.

"His ex-boyfriend." Jungkook was very proud of himself for that."He made Yoongi sad, so I punched him. I wanted to completely kick his ass, but Yoongi made me stop." Jungkook was aware that he probably caused some trouble, but he didn't really care much about that. He had felt so satisfied to be able to punch Yoongi's ex-boyfriend."Did you and Jimin have a good time while we were gone?"

Seokjin smiled softly and nodded."We did. We talked and watched a movie. I came back to my room after the movie though because I'm still trying to get used to having my own space."

"I'm glad that you have your own space now. I don't need my own space. I prefer to be with Yoongi." Jungkook was fully happy to share Yoongi's bedroom. He wouldn't want to sleep on his own anyway. He would rather sleep with either his mate or his best friend. Though, he also knew that Seokjin didn't mind sleeping alone.

With a smile, Seokjin nudged Jungkook with his elbow."Do you even know how to progress things with him?" he asked with a chuckle."I mean, I know you've never mated before, so you probably don't know much about it, do you?"

Jungkook simply shrugged his shoulders."I don't know."

"You should ask Yoongi to teach you." Seokjin suggested. He knew it wasn't really his place to teach Jungkook about mating. Besides, he thought it would be a good bonding experience for Yoongi to teach Jungkook.

"How do I ask?" Cocking his head to the side, Jungkook need to know the right words.

"Repeat after me." Seokjin told him."Teach."

"Teach." Jungkook repeated.



"Sex." Seokjin obviously wasn't very good with words yet either, but he knew this would definitely get the point across.

"Sex." Jungkook made a small hum."Teach me sex. Will this work?"

Seokjin shrugged his shoulders."It'll definitely let him know what you want. Just make sure you also say please."

"Teach me sex please." Jungkook practiced. He really hoped this would work. He really wanted to mate with Yoongi, but he also wanted to make sure he would do it right. He didn't want to hurt his little mate or make him uncomfortable."I will tell him this tonight."

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