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Poking his head into Seokjin's bedroom, Yoongi smiled softly as he saw Jimin in there with the incubus."Hey, you two. Jungkook and I are going to the store." he told them."When we get back, I'll order something for dinner."

"Okay, have fun." Jimin said with a small wave. He was perfectly happy with staying home with Seokjin. He and the incubus were simply enjoying each other's company anyway.

"The internet and shit aren't set up yet, but there are some movies in the living room." Yoongi hoped they wouldn't get bored while there was no way for them to watch tv or Netflix."I don't know which box the movies are in, but I'm sure you two can find them."

Seokjin perked up a little at the idea of watching a movie. He loved watching tv and movies. It was entertaining and also helped him learn a little more Korean. At the very least, he could practice trying to understand."When you go store, uh...We watch movie."

Giving a thumbs-up, Yoongi had no doubt that Seokjin and Jimin would enjoy their time alone together. That was part of why he was going to the store. He wanted those two to have some time home alone together to just hang out and cuddle. Besides, there was something he needed to get from the store anyway."Alright. See you two later."

Jungkook was just waiting by the front door for Yoongi to come back downstairs. He was ready and excited to go to the store. As soon as he saw his little human coming down the stairs, he started bouncing on the balls of his feet."Candy!" He loved going to the store because Yoongi always bought candy for him. It was of no surprise that Jungkook started associating the store with getting candy.

"Yes, Jungkookie, I'll get you some candy." As soon as he reached Jungkook, Yoongi grabbed his hand."Let's go." Opening the front door, he headed out with his happy incubus. He really loved going to the store with Jungkook. It was such a simple thing to do, but he always enjoyed it. Spending time with the incubus made him happy, even when doing mundane things, like shopping.

During their walk to the store, Jungkook couldn't stop smiling. He wasn't only excited about getting candy. He was happy to be going out with Yoongi. Doing anything with the human was always fun for him. He also liked getting out of the house for a while."Yoongi." As soon as the human looked up at him, Jungkook grinned."I love you."

Yoongi's cheeks heated up, and his heart pounded."I love you too, Jungkook." It never failed to pull his heartstrings whenever Jungkook would just randomly state that he loved him. He never expected it because nothing ever provoked those words from the incubus.

Feeling quite satisfied with just saying those words, Jungkook was quiet for the rest of their walk to the store. He just held onto Yoongi's hand and allowed his gaze to wander until they reached their destination. Upon arrival at the store, he stepped inside with Yoongi then pointed over to the shopping carts."Need?"

"No, we don't need a cart this time." Yoongi thought it was so cute that Jungkook was picking up on more Korean words but still couldn't speak full sentences. He didn't know why Jungkook rejected Korean lessons from Namjoon and Hoseok, but the youngest incubus was learning a little from the tv, as well as from listening to everyone else speak around him. Though, his learning was a bit limited after their move because they didn't have ways set up to watch tv again yet.

Jungkook kept a hold on Yoongi's hand as they started walking through the store. He was so used to coming here now. By watching Yoongi shop, he had learned that nothing here was free. Everything had a price, and taking things without paying was a big no-no. It was so different from his previous world. He no longer thought of Szarvoun as his home world because he didn't think the word 'home' should be attached to such a place anymore. He now associated the word 'home' with Yoongi. Earth wasn't 'home.' Yoongi's house wasn't 'home.'

Yoongi was 'home.'

"We're only here for a couple things." Yoongi said as he walked through the store aisles with Jungkook. As they made their way through the aisles together, he felt relieved when he saw the clothes section up ahead. He was pleased to see that there were plenty of coats and jackets in stock."We need to get jackets for you and Seokjin. The weather has been getting chilly, and it's supposed to snow within the next few days." Yoongi hadn't thought of buying jackets or coats sooner because the incubi didn't go out often, but they would need to dress warmer during the cold weather whenever they would go out.

Looking at the clothes, Jungkook wondered what they were getting. He thought they had enough clothes. Did they need more for some reason? He watched as Yoongi started sifting through a rack, seeming to be picky about what he was going to get. The human would feel the fabric, hum softly, then shake his head before moving on to a different one.

When Yoongi found a jacket that he thought would be warm enough, he took it off its hanger and showed it to Jungkook."Try it on, Jungkookie." He held the jacket out to Jungkook and watched him put it on."Hm. How does it feel? Good?"

Jungkook wondered why he would need something so thick and warm. He did like it though. It was pretty comfortable."Good." he answered with a smile then took it off, handing it back to Yoongi.

"Great. Let's grab another one for Seokjin." Since he had picked out a black one for Jungkook, Yoongi grabbed a dark blue jacket for Seokjin. Looking at Jungkook, he pointed at the black jacket."For you." Then, he pointed at the blue one."For Seokjin."

With a wide smile, Jungkook happily followed Yoongi as he led them to another part of the store. He wondered what else they were going to buy. Whatever it was, he hoped they would get it quick. He just wanted to get a candy bar.

Leading Jungkook to the next thing they needed to get, Yoongi dreaded this. When he reached the correct section, he paused and bit his lower lip, looking at the different types of lube."Why are there so many kinds?" He let out a soft groan as he looked at them all, trying to decide which one to buy."Silicon, water-based, organic, flavored...Warming lube?" Grabbing the small orange bottle from the shelf, Yoongi eyed it with curiosity."Creates a warm sensation? Won't the act make us warm anyway?"

Jungkook watched curiously as Yoongi put the orange bottle back onto the shelf then grabbed a dark purple one. He didn't know what these bottles were, being unable to read Korean. He didn't know what Yoongi was buying. However, he could feel that his little mate was uneasy. He could feel that through their connection."Yoongi?" Jungkook wanted to remind Yoongi that he was here for him if he needed anything.

"I'm just trying to pick one, Jungkookie." Yoongi wished there weren't so many different types from which to choose, but he also knew that people had different preferences for comfort during sex."I think this one should be fine. It says that it's water-based and non-sticky."

"Funny seeing you here."

Yoongi froze at the sound of the familiar voice. A hand reached from behind him and grabbed a green bottle of organic lube from the shelf. Yoongi didn't want to see the person behind him, but it was like his body had a mind of its own and turned around. Now he was face-to-face with the other man."Yukwon-hyung..."

Yukwon chuckled when he saw that Yoongi didn't seem to know how to speak to him."It's been a while. How long? Two years?"

"Three." Yoongi hadn't expected Yukwon to care enough to know how much time had passed, but it still hurt.

Noticing that this man was making Yoongi uncomfortable, Jungkook inserted himself between them. He didn't want anyone to make Yoongi unhappy.

Gently touching Jungkook's arm, Yoongi slightly shook his head."It's okay, Jungkook."

"Is he your boyfriend?" Yukwon asked."Pretty protective, huh?"

"He just wants to make sure I'm okay." Yoongi said as he lowered his gaze."He loves me, so..."

A light laugh was let out from Yukwon."Love? Come on, Yoongi. Don't be naive. Love isn't real. It's just a pretty lie we tell ourselves." Then, he said the words that hurt more than anything."You should know that better than anyone."

When Yoongi's whole demeanor showed signs of sadness, Jungkook clenched his hands into fists and narrowed his eyes at Yukwon."I will end you."

Quickly lifting his gaze, Yoongi was shocked. Not only was he shocked that Jungkook knew that phrase while not knowing where the incubus had learned it, but he was also shocked to see Jungkook become angry. The anger was very clear.

"Whoa now, tough guy." Yukwon said with a smirk."I've done nothing to warrant that."

"Yoongi?" Jungkook wanted to know who this guy was and why he was making his human so sad.

With a weak voice, Yoongi mumbled."Ex-boyfriend." He almost regretted that. However, part of him felt satisfied when Jungkook's fist suddenly made contact with Yukwon's face.

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