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It was rather late in the morning when Jungkook woke up. He was sprawled out on his back, entirely uncovered. This seemed to be the norm. Looking to the right, he saw that Yoongi had hogged the blanket again, which he didn't mind at all. His human mate was curled up in a little ball, bundled up tightly. Seeing that Yoongi was still fast asleep, Jungkook decided not to disturb him. The incubus was hungry though and seriously needed to urinate.

However, his plan to be quiet completely failed as soon as he got off the bed and stepped right onto the bottle of lube that had been dropped on the floor last night. Slipping, he fell straight down. Jungkook bit his bottom lip when he heard Yoongi start to groan. He got up from the floor and peered at his little mate. When Yoongi opened his eyes only a tiny bit, squinting at the incubus, Jungkook reached out and began to softly stroke the human's cheek. He shushed Yoongi sweetly and was pleased when he went right back to sleep.

So that he wouldn't fall again, Jungkook picked up the little purple bottle from the floor and set it on top of Yoongi's dresser. Then, he simply pulled on a pair of pants before leaving the bedroom and going directly to the bathroom to relieve himself. He could hardly believe last night's events happened. It seemed like a perfect dream. His ability to read the labels of things in the bathroom said otherwise, as did the nail marks on his arm and a couple bites on his shoulder.

Next, Jungkook went to the kitchen and decided to just pour himself a bowl of cereal. He got out a bowl and spoon, grabbed the box of cereal from its spot atop the fridge, then got out the gallon of milk. As he was pouring the cereal, he noticed Seokjin come into the kitchen."Hey, good morning, Seokjin."

"You and Yoongi clearly had a good time last night." Seokjin commented with a yawn."I mean, not that I was too disturbed, but I was sleeping in Jimin's room, and he kept giggling every time Yoongi got loud."

"Hey, you slept pretty late." Jimin said as he came into the kitchen as well. He and Seokjin had been up for a couple hours already."Where's Yoongi-hyung? Still sleeping?" Of course, he didn't really expect an answer, so he was taken aback when he got one.

"Yeah, Yoongi's still in bed. I guess he's still worn out." Jungkook's clear Korean speech caught Seokjin and Jimin both by surprise. They hadn't thought Jungkook and Yoongi had actually fully mated last night. Clearly, it had been assumed that the two were just being naughty and fooling around again.

Jimin stepped closer to Jungkook with wide eyes and a gaping jaw."You mean...You two finally...Holy crap."

With a wide grin, Jungkook poured milk into his bowl."Yup. We're full mates now."

"You're not a virgin anymore!" Reaching out, Seokjin gave Jungkook a high five.

"I don't think we're going to see much of Yoongi today." Jungkook said with a chuckle. He used his spoon to start pushing his cereal below the milk, making sure it all got dunked."We went, like, three rounds. He's tired."

Jimin carefully poked one of the nail marks on Jungkook's arm."He's probably really sore too, if you went as hard on him as he clearly went on you."

"I will admit that I may have gotten too rough with him." Jungkook knew that Yoongi was probably in some pain this morning."I couldn't really help it though. I got carried away. It was my first time."

Seokjin took a chance to poke a bite on Jungkook's shoulder."Does that hurt?" he asked with a perked eyebrow.

Jungkook shook his head."No, not really." He twirled his spoon around a bit and smirked."Man, everything is going to be so easy now that I can understand. Living in this world is going to be super simple."

"Don't get cocky, Jungkook." Jimin warned, wagging his finger at the incubus."This world is a lot more complicated than you think. You can't just learn the language and expect everything to be easy."

"Why not?" Jungkook didn't understand what Jimin meant."I can understand now. As long as I can understand, I can learn how to do anything here. It'll be a piece of cake."

Rolling his eyes, Jimin decided to put Jungkook in his place."Jungkook, how do you drive a car?"

That took Jungkook back a little."I don't know."

"How do you bake a cake?"

"I don't know."

"How do you get a job or buy a house?"

"I don't know. Okay, I get it." Jungkook let out a huff."I'll learn though."

"There's a lot more you need to learn besides how to do those things." Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair, earning a pout."You need to learn proper etiquette. You need to learn what kind of behavior is acceptable in different places. You need to follow the laws and be a good person."

"Laws?" Jungkook cocked his head a little to the side."But I thought you humans don't have a ruler like we do...uh, did." He hadn't been told of any human ruler.

"See? That's another thing you need to learn about." Jimin sighed and loosely hooked an arm around one of Seokjin's."We don't have an emperor, like you guys. We have a president. President Moon Jae-In is currently in charge. We also have the police who uphold the laws and arrest people who break those laws."

With a groan, Jungkook used his spoon to shovel some cereal into his mouth. After chewing and swallowing, he groaned again, showing his annoyance."Why can't this world be simple like Szarvoun? Follow the rules or just don't get caught breaking them. If you get caught, you die. So simple."

"Believe it or not, the people in this world don't want to just kill everyone." As he spoke, Jimin leaned his head against Seokjin's shoulder."We give people second chances. We punish people who break the laws, but we hope that punishment teaches them to be better."

Seokjin was only catching some of what was being said, doing his best to keep up with the conversation. Of course, there were some words that he didn't know yet."I'm sure you will learn how to live in this world correctly, Jungkook. I need to learn as well. I'm sure Yoongi, Jimin, and the others will help us."

"I guess so." Jungkook was disappointed now. He had thought that learning the language would be enough to get him through this world easily. How was he supposed to be helpful to Yoongi if he still had so much to learn?

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