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After finishing his cereal, Jungkook returned to the bedroom and saw that Yoongi had rolled over to face the wall. The human looked so small as he was curled up. Quietly, Jungkook stepped over to the bed and laid down behind Yoongi, snuggling against the human.

"Don't touch." Yoongi spoke groggily."Fuck, everything hurts." He was sore from last night's events."We had sex. Oh my god." It was like the realization was hitting Yoongi now.

"Yeah, three times. You okay?" Jungkook stopped snuggling to Yoongi and opted to just start playing with the human's hair.

"What part of 'everything hurts' did you not understand?" It was definitely new for Yoongi to hear Jungkook speak flawless Korean, but he had known this would happen once they mated, so he wasn't surprised."Damn, Jungkook. My ass hurts. My back hurts. My stomach hurts. I think you may have bruised my hips." He whined and curled up a little more."I have a headache too."

Hearing about Yoongi's pain in the aftermath of mating, Jungkook pouted and kept playing with the human's hair."I'm sorry. I was too rough."

With a sigh, Yoongi stared ahead at the wall."It's fine. I mean, it's partly my fault too. I lost count of how many times I told you to fuck me harder."

"You told me, huh?" A smirk overtook Jungkook's lips."It sounded more to me like you were begging." When he heard Yoongi groan in response to that, he chuckled."You were desperate for more of my cock." he teased."Oh, Jungkook~" he mocked Yoongi from last night."Please harder~ Please~"

Yoongi's whole face flared bright red as Jungkook mimicked his begging from last night. He rolled over, despite how sore he was, and smacked the incubus' arm."Oh, shut up." Now that he was face-to-face with Jungkook, Yoongi peered at him with a shy gaze."Jungkook, I..." Giving in to how he felt, he cuddled against Jungkook's chest."I love you, even though you're a brat."

"I'm your brat." Putting an arm around Yoongi, Jungkook kissed the human's head.

"Well, yeah, you are." Yoongi was swarming with feelings and thoughts that he couldn't sort as he relaxed with Jungkook. He didn't know what was next for them. They were full mates now, but what was next? Was anything going to be different? Were things going to stay the same? Should he be happy right now? Should he be worried that things might turn bad?

Noticing how quiet Yoongi became, Jungkook stroked his hair gently."You're worrying again, aren't you?"

"Um, no?" Sighing, Yoongi knew he couldn't lie about it."Yeah..."

"Talk to me. What's on your mind?" This was something Jungkook really looked forward to doing. He could listen to Yoongi's worries and provide reassurance. He could soothe his mate's mind.

Grabbing the blanket and pulling it up to his chin, Yoongi felt like hiding."Well...I guess I'm just worried that things will be bad after this." He felt ashamed for thinking this way."You're my first boyfriend since Yukwon-hyung. I mean...You are my boyfriend, aren't you?" That had never been made official.

"Do you want me to be your boyfriend?" When Yoongi nodded a little, Jungkook smiled."Then, I am."

"Anyway, I've been so scared to commit to anyone ever since things went bad between me and Yukwon-hyung." Yoongi explained. Feeling super vulnerable while talking about this, he pulled the blanket up further to hide his face."What if I get betrayed again? What if things don't work out? What if...What if you don't love me as much as I love you?"

Listening to his mate's worries, Jungkook couldn't help but melt."Yoongi, my little mate, things won't go bad between us. I can promise you that. I'll never betray you because you are my everything." He pulled the bundled human closer and held him securely."And my love for you is so big that it could swallow you whole and still be hungry for more, but only you can satisfy that hunger. I will always be hungry for more of you."

Feeling embarrassed and shy from those sweet words, Yoongi wiggled a little within the blanket."Have I ever told you that you're fucking stupid?"

"How would I know?" Jungkook answered with a shrug of his shoulders."I couldn't understand you until after our amazing mating last night, so if you have ever called me stupid before, I would have no idea." Realizing that, he perked an eyebrow."Wait. Have you called me stupid before?"

"Maybe." Yoongi mumbled, knowing that he had said such a thing before while knowing Jungkook had been unable to understand."I may have also called you other things, like, um...dick monster..."

"Dick monster?" That earned a laugh from Jungkook.


As soon as he heard that, Jungkook's heart pounded."You've called me sweetheart? Really?" He thought that was extremely cute, especially since Yoongi didn't seem like the type to say such a thing.

"Only once, so don't think it'll happen again, brat." Yoongi was blushing so much that he could even feel his ears getting hot.

Jungkook hooked two fingers onto the blanket and started to pull it down to see Yoongi, but the human pulled the blanket back up, keeping his face hidden, which Jungkook thought was utterly adorable."Let me see you, sweet mate."




"Just a little?"


"I'm not leaving your side until you let me see you." Jungkook playfully threatened.

Yoongi quietly mumbled,"Good." Then, he shifted slightly and whined at the discomfort he felt before pressing his covered face to Jungkook's chest.

"Yoongi." When he got just a small hum as a response, Jungkook smiled happily."I'm not worried. I'm, uh...What's the opposite of worried? Whatever that word is, that's what I am." He was so content and happy as he held the bundled human close."I have you, so I don't need to worry. As long as I have you, I have everything I need." He had waited so long to be able to say this to his mate."I love you, and I'll do anything for you. You're my first mate, but you'll also be my last mate. I won't ever desire anyone else because you are the only one I need. I will smother you with my love every single day for the rest of my life."

"Jungkook~" Yoongi whined within the blanket."You're such a dork~"

"What's a dork?"

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