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"Do you think Yoongi will get out of bed at all today?" Jungkook asked as he looked around in Jimin's room.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders and glanced toward his window."Well, he has to get up at some point to eat, and I'm sure he needs a shower. So yeah, he'll get up eventually."

Wanting to be included in the conversation, Seokjin spoke up."When someone tell Namjoon?" he asked with his broken Korean."I mean, uh, that Jungkook mated."

"I guess we'll tell him next time we see him." Jungkook said as he started looking through the drawers of Jimin's dresser.

"Why are you being so nosy?" Jimin stepped over to Jungkook and lightly smacked his hand."Stop going through my stuff."

"I'm just curious." With his head cocked to the side, Jungkook gave Jimin a questioning gaze."Do you have a rubber penis thing too? Yoongi has one for self-pleasure, and Hoseok once told me that it's normal for humans to have one. Do you have one?"

Jimin's cheeks flared pink at the question as he quickly shook his head."No, I don't have one. You can't just ask things like that, Jungkook."

"Why not?" Jungkook really didn't understand. It still boggled his mind that humans seemed to be so secretive about their sexual pleasures and desires. Sure, Hoseok had told him before that some humans were more open and did sexual things for monetary gain, but he had yet to see an example of that.

"It's private. That's why." Talking about such a thing was super embarrassing for Jimin. It made him very uncomfortable to talk about sexual stuff with anyone other than Yoongi or Taehyung. He wouldn't even talk about it with Hoseok.

Seokjin was curious about this as well."We don't understand." he spoke on behalf of himself and Jungkook.

"In Szarvoun, talking about sexual pleasures and desires is normal." Jungkook just wanted to understand, but this was so confusing for him."The only sexual thing we are not allowed to do is self-pleasure in public. Self-pleasuring in public shows weakness and inability to get a mate. It is allowed to mate in public though." he explained."So I don't understand why humans keep intimacy so secret."

Seeing that the incubi were genuinely confused and curious, Jimin seated himself on his bed and sighed softly."Most humans have been taught for a very long time that we shouldn't be so open about our sexual needs or desires. It's taboo. Don't talk about sex in public. Don't be intimate in public. Don't show too much skin. We're taught these things at young ages." As he talked about it, Jimin wondered if humans needed more sexual freedom or if everything was fine this way.

"Too much skin?" Seokjin asked as he furrowed his brow."That's bad?"

"It used to be." Jimin fidgeted with his fingers nervously."In some places, it's okay to show a lot of skin, but in other places, it's bad. I've heard that there are some places that will severely punish you if you show too much skin. We're not in one of those places though. It's not too bad here. Still, showing too much can be bad. I think society is adjusting to people being more open with their bodies, but there are still some no-nos."

"Like what?" Jungkook seated himself beside Jimin and listened closely.

Jimin gulped quietly."Like, um...Showing your butt in public or something like that."

"So you mean, exposing our privates?" Jungkook had assumed that he shouldn't do that because of how Yoongi had reacted the first time he'd seen his dick out.

"Exposing your privates in public will get you arrested, man." Jimin almost laughed with he saw the expressions of shock and disbelief in the incubi's faces.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook hadn't thought it was that bad."What if I'm out with Yoongi, and we want to mate? You're saying we can't do that?"

Jimin shook his head and wondered how crazy things must have been for Seokjin and Jungkook in Szarvoun."No, of course not. You would get in huge trouble for that."

Though he was shocked, Seokjin was also relieved. Since humans were more private about their intimacy and sexual needs, he didn't have to worry about too many people finding out about his troubles. He wanted to open up and tell Jimin, but it was going to take some courage. He had already discovered that Jimin was trustworthy though.

Now Jimin had a question though."In your previous world, are there any orientations that aren't accepted?" He was curious about that. After all, Namjoon and Jungkook had both shown no hesitation in displaying interest in the same gender.

"Orientations?" Jungkook was unfamiliar with that term.

"Like, straight or gay or bi." Jimin tried to explain."Are they all accepted or some not?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Jungkook didn't have much of an answer."I don't think anyone in Szarvoun really cares about gender. Well, most don't. Some incubi really hate succubi and prefer to only mate with other incubi. I don't blame them. I hate succubi too."

"Why is that?" Jimin really hoped that didn't mean Jungkook was an indiscriminate woman-hater.

"Succubi are deemed as more important than incubi." Jungkook explained."They rarely face severe punishments, unless their actions are extreme. Whereas, incubi are put to death so easily. Due to the favortism, succubi are stuck-up and typically cruel to incubi, only showing love to their mate. It is rare to meet a nice succubus."

"Why are they more important?" That seemed completely wrong to Jimin. No one's life should be viewed as more important than anyone else's life.

"Succubi have babies." Seokjin answered."Incubi don't."

That was the reason."What he said." Jungkook sighed heavily."As long as there are succubi, the emperor will never run out of people to order around. But if he only had incubi, they would all die off eventually with no new generation to take their place."

"But wouldn't it also be bad if there were only succubi? Incubi are important too. Otherwise, how would the succubi have children?" Jimin gave a wave of his hand."Actually, nevermind. I think that's enough of this topic. It's depressing." He really didn't like Szarvoun, based on the little bit he knew about that world. It didn't seem like a nice place at all.

Accepting a change of topic, Jungkook decided to ask a question."So what is the rubber penis thing called?"

Jimin rubbed his face with both hands, trying to fight away the pinkness that returned to his cheeks."That depends. Does it vibrate or no? If it does, it's called a vibrator. If it doesn't, it's called a dildo."

"Dildo? That's a weird-sounding word." Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"Dildo?" Seokjin tilted his head to the side, not knowing what that was. He hadn't fully caught what was being discussed now.

"Shit, what have I taught you two?" Jimin really hoped he wouldn't get scolded for teaching the incubi such a word.

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