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Yoongi should have known what he was getting himself into when he chose to have sex with an incubus who was much stronger and faster than he was. He should have known the risks, but maybe he hadn't cared. Now he had to deal with the consequences of that. Those consequences consisted of terrible aches and pains, as well as tender bruises on his hips. Even the dark hickeys that littered the left side of his neck were extremely tender. Mid-afternoon, Yoongi decided it was time to get out of bed and take a shower, freshen up and clean off the residue from last night.

However, as soon as he'd gotten off the bed, his knees wobbled and nearly gave way. Shakily and with much difficulty, Yoongi stepped over to his bedroom door and opened it, basically clinging to anything around him for support."Jungkook!" he called out. He paused and listened, hearing nothing."Jungkook!" he called again. Still nothing."Jimin!" Why was it so quiet in the house?"Seokjin!"

As much as he didn't want to be seen in his current state, Yoongi was desperate. Perhaps he was needy. The dried blotches of cum on his stomach and thighs and his nudity paled in comparison to how much he dreaded going down the stairs to get to the bathroom. Why couldn't this house have a bathroom upstairs? Well, technically, it had a half-bath upstairs, meaning a bathroom that contained a toilet and sink but no shower or tub. The only shower/tub was in the downstairs bathroom.

"Guys!" With a full pout, Yoongi wobbled back to his bed and grabbed his blanket, wrapping it around himself. With how sore he was, he had no intention of getting dressed. Besides, why would he put on clean clothes while he was still so messy? He figured that would defeat the purpose of clean clothes. Wobbly and confused, Yoongi ventured out of his bedroom, listening for any sounds that would let him know where the others were. He knew Jimin didn't work today, so he should be home. Even if he did go out with Seokjin, Jungkook would have stayed home, right?

When he reached the top of the stairs, Yoongi dreaded this. He was hurting so much and didn't want to risk falling down the stairs with his knees being so wobbly."Jungkook, what have you done to me, dick monster?" he mumbled to himself. As carefully as possible, Yoongi began his shaky descent down the stairs. Maybe he should have left the blanket in his room and just wandered around in his nude, messy glory. Having this blanket around himself made it impossible for him to grab onto the rail.

Yoongi seemed to be doing well until he got near the bottom of the stairs. The blanket got tangled around his foot and caused him to lose his balance and fall. Thankfully, he was only a mere three steps from the bottom. Still, slipping and landing on his already-aching butt was most unpleasant. The achy human let out a cry but still heard no response from anywhere in the house."Where are you guys?" He was on his own. Of course, this wasn't his first time being on his own, but he'd grown used to having someone around. Aside from feeling needy, he also realized that he felt lonely upon knowing that he was home alone.

With a groan, Yoongi got up from where he'd fallen and resumed his hobble toward the bathroom."A hot bath would be so nice right now..." he mumbled to himself. However, he decided that taking a bath while being this messy would just be gross. So he knew that taking a hot shower would be the better choice. Yoongi got into the bathroom and dropped his blanket to the floor. Then, he made sure the shower curtain was closed before turning on the water. He adjusted the temperature then got into the shower.

As Yoongi proceeded to wash himself, he couldn't help but wonder where Jimin and the incubi were. Where did they go? Why did no one tell him they were leaving? There was one question that bothered Yoongi more though. Why wasn't Jungkook by his side today? Of all the days Jungkook could have chosen to go out without him, it had to be today?"We mated..." Yoongi pouted as he was washing his torso."But he left me alone today..."

A whirlwind of thoughts blew through Yoongi's mind. What if his worries were right? What if committing to Jungkook was a mistake? He didn't want to think that. He wanted to believe that Jungkook's love for him was as strong as his own love for the incubus. Deciding that he trusted Jungkook's love, Yoongi had another worry."What if I wasn't any good?" He hated himself for being so self-conscious. He knew Jungkook couldn't really compare him to anyone else because he was the incubus' first mate. However, he wondered if Jungkook may have had higher expectations of what sex would be like.

"I didn't have sex for three years..." Yoongi rinsed off the soap from his body and carefully moved down to sit on the ceramic floor of the shower. It was painful for his butt, but it was easier than standing."What if I sounded weird when I moaned?" Yoongi's cheeks heated up with embarrassment as he thought of that."Oh god, what if my orgasm face looked funny or gross?" Images came to his mind of last night."Jungkook was so handsome and godly..." Even his mental image of Jungkook during their mating from last night was enough to make his heart pound.

Yoongi was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of people entering the house. They must be back now."Where were they?" he wondered to himself. Managing to get up, he turned off the water and got out of the shower. He dried himself off poorly then grabbed his blanket, putting it around himself again. As he exited the bathroom, he could hear chatting and laughing. Whatever the others had been doing, they clearly had fun."Jungkook!" Yoongi called out.

"Yoongi?!" Jungkook had not expected for Yoongi to be up and roaming around the house. Rushing to his mate, he smiled when he saw that the human had clearly just gotten out of the shower."You're all clean~"

What Yoongi saw made his heart melt. The new jacket looked so cozy on the incubus. The deep shade of pink that covered Jungkook's cheeks, nose, and ears was cute and showed that he'd been out in the cold for a while. The thing that hit Yoongi's heart the hardest was that Jungkook looked so happy. He loved this sight."Where were you?" This cute, happy sight wasn't enough to make him forget that he'd been left by himself.

"We went out to play." Jimin said as he butted into the little moment."It's been snowing all day, and Jungkook had clearly never seen snow before. I think Seokjin's seen it before because he wasn't impressed by it, but Jungkook lost his fucking mind for a while."

"Yeah, yeah!" Jungkook had indeed gone rather nuts in the snow."Snow is so cool! We made snow angels and had a snowball fight! It was awesome!"

Jimin chuckled as he thought about the fun they'd had."I did have to tell him to stop eating the snow a few times though."

"I missed it..?"

Seeing Yoongi clearly become a little upset, Jimin settled down and felt concerned."Hyung, what's wrong?"

Against his better judgment, Yoongi kicked Jimin's leg, almost losing his balance."You assface! You took Jungkook out for his first snow without me!"

Jungkook reached out and gently grabbed Yoongi's shoulders to hold him still, not letting him kick Jimin again."Hey, mate, it's okay. There'll be more chances for us to go out in the snow together."

"But this was your first snow!" It was hard to tell if Yoongi was angry or just loudly-sad. Even he couldn't really tell, but it felt like a mixture of both."You're my baby, Jungkook, and I want to be there for all your firsts!"

Hearing that, Jimin sighed with a smile."You're right, Hyung. I'm sorry. We had a lot of fun in the snow, but it would have been better if you had been able to join us. We just didn't want to disturb you while you obviously need to rest."

"Jimin, you should thank the stars that you're my best friend." Yoongi said with a half-hearted glare."Otherwise, I would have your head for this." Looking at Jungkook, his breath got stuck in his throat for a second."Wh-why are you staring at me like that?"

Being caught staring, Jungkook had no lame excuse to give."I just fell a bit more in love with you. That's all."

With a grumble, Yoongi turned his gaze away."Stupid."

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