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"It's your turn now, you know." Taehyung teased as he nudged Jimin's arm with his elbow.

"My turn for what?" Jimin asked as his gaze was locked onto his phone. He was playing a game that he honestly thought was pretty lame, but for some reason, he kept playing it. He didn't know why.

Taehyung scooted closer to Jimin with a wide grin on his face."To mate, silly."

Not taking his eyes off of his game, Jimin chuckled."Nah."

"No?" When Jimin slightly shook his head, Taehyung was a tiny bit confused."I thought you wanted to be Seokjin's mate. You said that before."

"I do, but I can tell that he needs time. There's something bothering him, something that makes him hesitate to get close to me, so I don't want to pressure him." Jimin messed up on his game while he was talking and mumbled under his breath before speaking to Taehyung again."I'm okay with waiting however long Seokjin needs. I'm happy just being with him."

Hearing that made Taehyung melt a little."Aw, Jiminie, that's so cute." He felt rather proud of what Jimin said."You know, you've matured a lot. You used to whine a lot about wanting a boyfriend and needing some dick in your life; Your words, not mine. Now you're pretty chill about not getting laid. I thought you'd cave by now."

"I'm not a thirsty hoe, Tae." Jimin rolled his eyes and paused his game, setting his phone onto the coffee table."Sure, I was desperate for a boyfriend. I wanted to get laid. I just, well...I guess being with Seokjin has helped me realize that there is more to a healthy relationship than sex. A truly healthy relationship doesn't require sex." A smile spread over his lips as he spoke about this."I think I also realized that I don't want a sexual relationship as much as I thought I did."

Taehyung wrapped an arm around Jimin's shoulders and had questions now."So what are you saying? You don't want sex at all now? Maybe you never actually did? Or is it just not important to get?" he wondered.

Jimin shrugged and wondered how he should say this."I'm not sure. Sex is still something that interests me, but I don't know. I'm not in a rush to get it. I've imagined what sex with Seokjin will be like, but it's just got me like 'oh, that would be nice.' It's not like a 'I need his dick' kind of thing."

"You should tell Seokjin that." Taehyung suggested."He's been doing so well with his Korean lessons from Hoseokie-hyung and Namjoon, so he might be able to understand enough for you to tell him about your thoughts and feelings."

"You know what? You're right. I'll talk to him right now." Standing from the sofa, Jimin immediately paused when he realized something."Wait a minute. I don't know where he is." He cocked his head a little to the side as he tried to remember where the incubus had gone.

"He went outside with Yoongi-hyung and the others. Remember?" Grabbing Jimin's phone from the coffee table, Taehyung looked at the paused game."By the way, what were you playing? You looked pretty into it."

Jimin moved a hand up to rake his fingers through his hair."Cupcake Crusher." When Taehyung perked an eyebrow at him, he simply shrugged."It's addicting, okay. You match up stacks of colored cupcakes then you get to smash them. The bigger the stack is, the more points you get when you smash it. If you wanna play, go for it." He didn't mind letting Taehyung play on his phone.

"Kay, thanks." As Jimin headed out of the living room, Taehyung started playing the game.

Making his way outside, Jimin grabbed his jacket from a coat rack that had been set up by the front door. He stepped outside onto the porch and smiled as he saw Yoongi and Namjoon chatting casually. Hoseok was having a pretty tame snowball fight with Seokjin, and Jungkook was nowhere in sight."Um, it looks like you're missing someone." Jimin commented."Where's Jungkook?"

Looking over at Jimin, Yoongi shrugged his shoulders."No fucking clue." However, he knew the easiest way to find the missing incubus."Jungkook!" he called out. There were muffled thumps above them, soon followed by a yelp right before Jungkook crashed down onto the snow-covered ground."What the hell were you doing on the roof?" Yoongi shook his head in disbelief.

Namjoon couldn't help but laugh as Jungkook got up from where he'd landed."At least you clearly weren't all the way up there. You were just on the first story, right? Falling from the second story would have hurt."

"I'm fine, no biggie." Jungkook got up onto the porch and stepped right to Yoongi."You need me, little mate?" He lifted up a tightly-packed ball of snow that he'd been holding and took a bite out of it.

"I was just wondering where you were." Eyeing the ball of snow, Yoongi sighed."What did I tell you about eating snow?"

"You said that eating snow is gross because it's on the ground." Jungkook showed Yoongi his snowball."But that's why I was on the roof. The snow up there hasn't touched the ground." Seeing Yoongi facepalm, he cocked his head to the side."What?"

Suddenly, with no warning at all, Jimin was hit in the back with a snowball. Spinning around, he saw Hoseok and Seokjin standing side-by-side. Hoseok immediately pointed at Seokjin."He did it!"

Seokjin's jaw dropped."No!"

Jungkook held out his partially-eaten snowball to Jimin."Fight back?" he offered.

"You bet!" Jimin grabbed the snowball and ran off the porch, launching it at Hoseok, who ran and laughed. Thus, Jimin ended up joining the snowball fight.

Yoongi chuckled as he turned his attention back to Namjoon."Anyway, what movie are you three going to see?" he asked curiously, getting back to their conversation.

"It's undecided yet. Hoseok wants to see an action movie, but Taehyung wants to watch a comedy." Namjoon had told Yoongi that his mates wanted to take him to the theater for his first time, but they couldn't decide on what movie to see.

Not being part of the conversation or snowball fight, Jungkook hopped off the porch and climbed up into the nearest tree. He didn't mind not being involved in anything right now. He was just enjoying the snow and the sounds of his friends' laughter. He wanted more days like this. As he was up in the tree, Jungkook couldn't help but smile happily. From here, he could see Yoongi, who looked so content in his conversation with Namjoon. Jungkook could easily spot Seokjin from here too, seeing his best friend being much more active than usual. It was heartwarming.

As the snowball fight ensued, Jimin got lost in the fun. He figured he could just talk with Seokjin another time. For now, he would just enjoy this moment. After all, it wasn't often that he got to hear Seokjin laugh like this. It was a beautiful sound, very contagious.

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