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Jimin was in such a good mood as he laid in bed, curled up on his side. He'd had so much fun today. He loved chatting with Taehyung. He had lots of fun in the snow with Hoseok and Seokjin. The thing about today that stuck in his mind the most was how happy Seokjin had seemed earlier. Playing in the snow had definitely put the normally-quiet incubus in a wonderful mood. Jimin could see that Seokjin was opening up more, and that made him so happy. Though, he did remember that he'd not had the chance to have a private talk with Seokjin. He would do it tomorrow.

Or maybe now?

They must have both been thinking of each other. There was soon a soft knock on Jimin's bedroom door."Jimin..?" It was Seokjin's voice.

Getting off his bed, Jimin straightened his pajamas a little before stepping over to the door and opening it."Hey, Seokjin. Anything wrong?" He hoped nothing was wrong. Seokjin didn't normally come to him like this.

Seokjin shook his head just a little."Nothing wrong. Can I, um..." Still needing to work a bit on asking certain questions, he just pointed into Jimin's bedroom.

"Oh, do you want to sleep in here again?" When Seokjin confirmed with a nod, Jimin couldn't help but smile."Of course." He moved aside to let the incubus enter his room. Then, he closed the door and watched Seokjin immediately make himself comfortable on the bed. A light chuckle slipped out from Jimin as he got back onto the bed as well."Seokjin, can I talk to you about something? Or are you too tired? If you're too tired, it can wait until morning."

"We can talk." Seokjin hoped he wouldn't have any trouble understanding or communicating. There was something he wanted to say to Jimin as well. He just needed to figure out how to phrase it."What talk about?"

Seokjin's broken Korean sounded so cute to Jimin's ears. He adored it."I want to talk about us. Our relationship, I mean." He kept his gaze on Seokjin's handsome face, feeling confident in his thoughts and choices."When you first started living with Yoongi-hyung, I said I wanted to be your mate. I really wanted to get laid." Seeing a little confusion in Seokjin's expression, Jimin rephrased."I wanted sex."

Listening closely to Jimin's words, Seokjin was managing to grasp what the human was saying. He shifted his gaze a little to the side when he heard Jimin mention sex. He didn't know how this conversation was going to go.

"But I've changed my mind." Jimin wondered how he should say this."I've changed...me. I don't know what makes you uncomfortable, but I can see that there is something that makes you pull away from me often. I understand that there is probably something in your past that still troubles you, so I don't want to be selfish." He gently grabbed one of Seokjin's hands and smiled."What I'm saying is that sex with you would be nice, but I don't mind never getting it. I'll wait for you forever. I'm happy just being with you. I like you so much, Seokjin."

This was not what Seokjin had expected to happen when he came to Jimin's bedroom. He had expected to just say what he needed to say then hopefully go to sleep if he was still accepted, but this was already much better than that."Jimin, I like you too. Much." He curled his fingers to hold onto Jimin's hand, which was smaller and cuter than his own. He loved that."I need tell you something." It was time.

"Hm?" Jimin wondered what Seokjin needed to tell him. Could it be the reason the incubus came to his room? Not just to sleep but to talk about something important?

"I like you." Seokjin needed to find the right words to say this."I want you my mate." He knew his Korean still required more lessons and might not be that great, but he would do his best to get his message across to the cute human."But can't mate. Before, I killed mates. Wanted mates. Loved mates."

Jimin could see Seokjin's expression becoming very sad."You killed your mates?" He remembered being told about that only briefly when he had first met the incubi, when Hoseok had explained things. Something had been brought up at that time about mates being killed. Sure, Hoseok had mainly been talking about Jungkook at that time, but Jimin had assumed situations had been similar for Seokjin as well.

Seokjin nodded just a little and felt rather down as he talked about this."After, I can't mate. I have, um..." He tried to think of the right word."Trouble." He hoped Jimin was understanding what he meant."I can't, um..."

Understanding what Seokjin was trying to say was a little difficult, but Jimin could grasp that Seokjin had trouble mating for some reason after what he had gone through with killing previous mates."You can't?"

"My, uh...dick." Seokjin really hoped that was the correct word to use."Can't hard."

"Your dick can't hard?" Jimin was confused but only for a couple seconds. When it clicked in his mind what Seokjin was trying to say, everything made sense."Ohh." Now that Jimin knew this, he finally understood why Seokjin got uncomfortable with closeness and showed absolutely no interest in any sort of intimacy."That's why Namjoon and Hoseok-hyung are teaching you Korean. You won't learn it through mating because you can't mate. I understand."

"Are you...disappoint?" Seokjin had kept feeling like he would disappoint Jimin or let him down by being unable to mate with him. It had honestly scared him to tell Jimin and possibly face rejection.

Jimin brought Seokjin's hand up to his lips and pressed a tender kiss to it."No, I'm not disappointed at all. Thank you for telling me." Now more than ever, Jimin felt determined to remain with Seokjin and shower him with acceptance and adoration."We don't need sex. We can be mates without it. Do you want that?"

Tears welled up in Seokjin's eyes, happy tears."Yes." He adored Jimin and wanted to stay with him. It made him so overjoyed to know that they could still be together and accept each other as mates without fully mating."Thank you."


"Yo, did you see the way Jimin and Seokjin kept smiling at each other earlier?" Hoseok asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at his two boyfriends."There were practically hearts in the air."

"They seem like such a cute couple." Namjoon said, smiling at that thought."Jimin is the perfect match for Seokjin, I think. He's very accepting and open-minded, I've noticed."

Taehyung couldn't resist smiling as he thought about what Jimin had said to him before. He knew his friend was going to make Seokjin very happy and vise versa. He had no doubts about their relationship."Yoongi-hyung and Jungkook seem very happy together too." he stated.

"Yeah. Those two are crazy about each other. They're such opposites, but I think that helps them be more understanding of each other." Hoseok loved seeing all of their friends in happy relationships. It was heartwarming."Ah, I'm a happy papa! All my boys are doing so well!"

"Papa." Namjoon said with a light laugh."That's cute." However, he halted when he noticed that Taehyung had lagged behind. They were out walking around to enjoy some cold air together, but something seemed to be pulling at the human's mind."Taehyung?"

Hoseok looked back at Taehyung as well."You okay, babe?"

Taehyung fidgeted with his fingers as a blush added more pink to his cheeks than what was already there from the cold."I just want to say something." These words kept floating around in his mind, and he was ready to let them out."I love you. Both of you, I mean." Smiling, he felt quite happy with saying those words aloud.

"We love you too, Taetae." Hoseok felt his heart flutter happily in his chest as he saw Namjoon throw his arms around Taehyung. He loved seeing his boyfriends interact so sweetly.

"I love you, Taehyung." Namjoon hugged Taehyung close and peered into his eyes."Having your love means the world to me."

"Well, you've got it, so don't waste it." Taehyung teased.

"Now kiss!"

Namjoon and Taehyung both looked at Hoseok, who seemed to be having a little moment of his own just watching them.

"What?" Hoseok chuckled as his boyfriends rolled their eyes at him.


It was pretty quiet in Yoongi's and Jungkook's bedroom as they were both in bed, cuddled together. Yoongi was in pajamas, as Jungkook was nude. Having something he wanted to say, Yoongi was having trouble falling asleep."Jungkook." he spoke softly, just in case his mate was already asleep.

Opening his eyes, Jungkook hadn't been asleep yet either."What's up, little mate?"

"I just want to tell you that, um..." Yoongi had something to say, but he felt shy about saying it."Ugh, roll over. Don't face me."

Despite wanting to keep Yoongi in his arms, Jungkook rolled over to face away from the human."Is this better?"

"Yeah." Yoongi moved closer to Jungkook's back and put his arm over the incubus to hold him."I want to tell you that I love you." That wasn't all he wanted to say though."I've been scared for so long, you know. Relationships and commitment terrified me because of my ex. I know I don't need to be scared anymore, but I still have my insecurities." He pressed a soft kiss to the back of Jungkook's shoulder."I trust you to help me get through them. I need you."

"I'll help you in any way I can." Jungkook said with a smile. Even though he loved holding Yoongi in his arms, he was discovering a love for being in the human's arms like this. It was nice to be held."I'll never leave you, so you can count on me to always be here for you."

"Thank you, Jungkook." Yoongi closed his eyes as he relaxed with Jungkook. He was definitely ready to sleep now."Mm, I'm big spoon." he mumbled.


"Nothing. Go to sleep, sweetheart."


"Shut up."

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