Prologue + 1

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"I want to go home~"

"What are they?"

"Nevermind that. What the fuck are they going to do to us?"

"I'm scared~"

"Whining like that isn't going to help, Taehyung. We need to find a way to get out of here."

Standing from where he'd been sitting on the floor, Jimin clenched his hands into fists by his sides, trying to be strong in this situation."Yoongi-hyung's right. We need to work together to come up with a plan."

Yoongi stood as well."Of course I'm right. Sitting around and whining isn't going to do us any good."

However, Taehyung remained on the floor, sitting with his knees pulled to his chest."But what can we do? They're faster than us. They're much stronger too." He sniffled as he couldn't stop thinking of something very important."And they took Hoseok-hyung. What if they're hurting him?"

"Even more of a reason for us to work together and get out of here, dumbass." Yoongi was worried about Hoseok too, but he was trying so hard to keep his composure. He didn't want to collapse with fear, as Taehyung kept doing."We'll find a way out of here, save Hoseok, and gtfo like our lives depend on it because they might."

Yoongi's words seemed to scare Taehyung even more."You think they'll hurt us?"

"Oh, Tae, we'll be okay." Jimin knelt down in front of Taehyung and tried to comfort him."We'll be fine. We just need to stick together and be as brave as possible. Okay?"

However, Yoongi was having none of that."Jimin, don't sugarcoat it. We don't know what these freaks are or what they are going to do to us. We know nothing about our situation. All we know is that they've taken Hoseok, and any one of us could be next."

But before they could even start to discuss a plan, the only door to the room that contained them opened. A man of significant height stepped in and approached the three captives. Lifting a hand, he pointed to Yoongi then motioned for him to come closer.

"Fuck you!" Yoongi spat. He didn't want to cooperate with this freak.

The tall man didn't seem to understand Yoongi's words, but he clearly understood his tone as defiant. Moving closer, he reached out and grabbed Yoongi with such strong hands. He lifted Yoongi with ease and tossed the skinny male over his shoulder. Turning to leave, he wasn't bothered in the least by Yoongi's fists pounding against his back.

"Put me down!" Yoongi was trying so hard to be defiant, but he wasn't strong enough. No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he was so weak and fragile, compared to the strength of this freak.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin stood and tried to give chase, but the door was closed and locked as soon as the tall man exited the room with Yoongi over his shoulder.

Taehyung, unable to handle how scared he was, began to cry."They're just going to pick us off...One by one..." He huddled into a ball as he could hear Jimin start to bang his fist against the door.



It was a normal day like any other as Yoongi was just hanging out with his friends. He didn't really talk a whole lot whenever they got together, but he enjoyed their company. It was nice to just sip his coffee while his friends chatted about anything and everything. Though, he did find his gaze lingering where it shouldn't. He knew it wasn't good, but his gaze got stuck on Hoseok sometimes.

"Hyung, stop staring at my boyfriend." Taehyung playfully scolded."I know he's handsome, but he's also taken."

As all eyes came to him, Yoongi put his hands in front of himself in defense."I didn't mean to stare. I was just spacing out, honest."

Hoseok simply chuckled at Yoongi's reaction."No worries, Hyung. Taetae knows that I'm only his." He snaked an arm around Taehyung's shoulders, causing his boyfriend to smile happily.

"You two are so cute." Jimin's tone was full of admiration."I want a boyfriend. Being single sucks."

Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders."I don't have a problem with being single."

"Really?" Jimin poked the outside of his iced coffee and pouted."I hate it."

"I suppose having someone would be nice, but I don't see it as a necessity." Taking a sip of his coffee, Yoongi thought of how he should say this."An intimate relationship shouldn't be viewed as something integral to our lives. It should be viewed as just a bonus."

"Hyung's right." Hoseok knew he didn't really have much room to speak since he was dating Taehyung, but he thought the same way as Yoongi."Relationships are nice, but we don't need them to survive."

Taehyung understood, but he also liked to believe that he was super important in Hoseok's life."Relationships sure are nice though." Hoseok was certainly very important to him.

As the conversation continued, Yoongi simply zoned out. He did often find himself wondering what it would be like to find the person who would be the perfect match for him. After all, he got to see how happy Taehyung and Hoseok were together. Could he have that someday? Of course, he wasn't in a hurry to get it. It was just something that crossed his mind occasionally.

When it started to get a bit late, they all agreed that it was time to head home. Yoongi walked with Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok living in the opposite direction as them."They really do seem very happy together." Yoongi commented with a soft smile on his lips."I'm happy for them."

"I'm happy for them too." Jimin nudged Yoongi's arm with his elbow."So tell me. What's up with you, Hyung? You get caught staring at Hoseok-hyung a bit often. If you keep it up, Tae might think you're trying to steal his boyfriend."

"I have no intention of stealing Hoseok, I swear." Yoongi huffed out quietly and rolled his eyes."There's just something about him that seems...I don't know. Odd, I guess."

Jimin stopped walking and perked an eyebrow at Yoongi."Odd? What do you mean?"

Stopping as well, Yoongi shrugged his shoulders."Like I said, I don't know." He thought about the things that made him a little on edge about Hoseok and couldn't quite place what he felt."He just doesn't quite pass the vibe check. You know what I mean?"

"I have no idea what you mean, but I'll pretend I do." Jimin said with a chuckle."Hoseok-hyung seems pretty cool to me. He and Tae are a perfect match together. They're like two little fluffy balls of happiness, and seeing them together just makes me want the same thing for myself."

"You want a ball of fluffy happiness?" Yoongi sighed and didn't quite see the appeal of striving for a relationship so much."Is that your ideal type, Jimin?"

Pursing his lips, Jimin only gave it a little thought."I don't really know. I think I have a wide range of guys I'd like. What about you? I know you don't think relationships are important, but do you have an ideal type?"

Yoongi had never really thought about this before. Since he didn't see intimate relationships as a priority, he didn't focus on his ideal type."Probably somebody who's chill, you know. I'm not the most energetic person, obviously, so I don't want to be with someone who will run rampant all over my life."

"But maybe an energetic person would be perfect for you." Jimin suggested."An energetic man could be the missing part of your life. He could be the fun you're missing."

"See, I don't like that way of thinking." Yoongi shook his head in disagreement."I don't want to think that anything in my life is missing. I told you before that I think relationships should just be a bonus. Like a class in school, I view my life as the required criteria. A relationship is just extra credit."

"But sometimes, we don't do so well on the required criteria and need that extra credit in order to pass." Seeing Yoongi's face scrunch in disapproval, Jimin lightly laughed."Okay, okay. I see your point, but I also see my own. We can just agree to disagree on this one."

Resuming their walk, Yoongi started to kick at a small rock on the ground to occupy himself."Jimin, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

At that question, Jimin knew what Yoongi wanted."I have no plans until tomorrow afternoon, so I can stay at your place tonight."

That caused Yoongi to smile."Thanks." He was always so relieved that Jimin understood him so well. As much as he liked to be alone a lot of the time, he also occasionally got lonely and wanted Jimin to stay overnight. After all, Jimin was his best friend, despite their disagreements on certain things.

"Oh, Hyung, look!" Jimin stopped abruptly as he noticed something."A shooting star!"

Stopping and allowing his gaze to follow where Jimin excitedly pointed, Yoongi saw it."You do know a shooting star is just a burning meteor that's about to die, right?"

Jimin was giddy though."Hyung, shut up and make a wish!"

Humoring Jimin, Yoongi got quiet and waited for his best friend to make his wish. After a short moment, he figured it was okay to speak again."I'm assuming you wished for a boyfriend."

"Duh." Jimin turned his gaze to Yoongi and grinned widely."What about you?"

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans."If I wish for anything, it'll be for Netflix to not lose my spot on that stupid cop show we were watching last time you stayed over."

"Lame." Jimin laughed as Yoongi glared at him."What? Don't you have any bigger wishes than that?"

"Not really." Shifting his gaze to look back up at the burning meteor, Yoongi sighed."Big wishes are for people who actually believe in shooting stars. I only believe in what I can see for myself."

"Well then, you should believe in shooting stars because we just saw one." Jimin became a little confused when Yoongi's expression changed and started to show some panic."Hyung?"

Yoongi's eyes grew wide as he was looking up into the dark sky."Jimin, I don't believe in shooting stars because that is definitely not a shooting fucking star!" He pulled a hand out of his pocket and pointed up at what he was seeing."Shooting stars don't do that!"

Quickly looking back up, Jimin was shocked to see the not-a-shooting-star turn and change direction."What the hell?!" The thing in the sky moved around like some kind of craft, but it didn't look like a UFO that Jimin had ever seen online or in any books or movies. It appeared to be shaped like a sort of orb."We gotta see what it is! Let's follow it!"

As soon as Jimin started running in the direction of the flying orb that seemed to be gradually getting closer to ground level, Yoongi bolted after him."No, Jimin! That's a terrible idea!" Nonetheless, after the orb they went.

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