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"Jimin, seriously! This is a horrible idea!" Yoongi ran after Jimin as fast as he could, but his best friend was faster, keeping ahead."Stop fucking running!"

Jimin didn't stop though. His curiosity was too strong. He knew it would be his downfall someday, but he just had to know what that orb was."What if it's aliens, Hyung?! I gotta see!"

Yoongi wouldn't admit it in this moment, but he was scared. Whatever that orb was, it was something new and unknown. They shouldn't be going after it like this."It could be dangerous!" Yoongi was struggling to keep close to Jimin as his friend was not slowing down at all. His curiosity must be driving him to run so fast. The thing driving Yoongi wasn't curiosity though. It was concern and fear for his best friend's safety.

Running as fast as he could, Jimin knew he was going the right way. He kept glancing up toward the sky at the large orb. How was no one else in the city seeing this? No one else seemed to be running after it or even peering out through their windows. It was very strange. Jimin just kept running and running, able to see that the orb was touching down."Up ahead! It's landing!" He pointed as he ran in that direction.

This wasn't looking good at all to Yoongi. The closer they got, the more afraid he felt. The orb seemed to have landed in the empty parking lot of a mall that had already closed for the night. As they got to the parking lot, Yoongi stopped running. His eyes were wide as he could finally see how huge the mysterious orb was."Holy fuck..!"

Jimin stopped as well, but he was closer to the orb than Yoongi was."Hyung, it's got to be some sort of transportation! It's definitely big enough!"

Seeing Jimin start to step closer to the orb, Yoongi rushed forward and grabbed his arm with both hands."Jimin, no! Stop!"

"But, Hyung, we need to know what's in there!" Jimin looked at Yoongi and froze. The mixture of curiosity and excitement that had filled him now dimmed at the sight of fear in his hyung's eyes.

"Jimin, please!" Yoongi was terrified. They didn't know what this orb was or what it might contain."Don't go near it! We don't know what's in there! It could be dangerous! There could be radiation!"

Coming to his senses, Jimin nodded in agreement."You're right, Hyung. I'm sorry." He turned his gaze back to the orb."What should we do? Should we call authorities?"

Yoongi's grip on Jimin's arm tightened immensely when an opening of some sort on the side of the orb came ajar, bright light pouring from within."We should get the fuck outta here!"

However, neither of them moved from where they stood. They knew they should leave, but their eyes were glued to the opening that was getting wider, more bright light shining out from inside the orb."Hyung..." Jimin didn't know what to think or say about what he was currently seeing.

Once the opening was wide enough, something emerged and stepped out onto the pavement of the parking lot. Or rather, someone emerged. Multiple someones. Three, to be exact. At first, only their silhouettes could be seen because of the intense light behind them. However, they stepped forward, away from the orb. They seemed to notice Yoongi and Jimin.

The feeling of fear in Yoongi rose as the three figures walked toward them. The figures looked like people, like men, but they were clearly not normal people. That was obvious from their mode of transportation."Shit, Jimin, run!" Something felt wrong. Very wrong.

Listening to his hyung for once, Jimin turned and started running with Yoongi. He could hear something behind them. It sounded like talking, but he couldn't make out any words. It had to be some other language.


As the two smaller men ran away, the three from the orb were quite perplexed."They followed our ship." one said."Only those with bonds to our kind can see the ships."

"There must be one of our kind here." said another."Do you think it's..."

"It has to be." The third smirked."You two, follow them. Stay unseen."

"What will you do, Namjoon?" the first one asked.

The one called Namjoon kept his gaze ahead where the two smaller men had run."I'll hide our ship in a better spot then find our missing friend."

"Just don't destroy it." the second one said with a chuckle."Your driving isn't that great."

"Very funny, Seokjin." Namjoon said with a straight face, no hint of amusement in his expression."Now you and Jungkook should get going before you lose those two."

Jungkook grinned with excitement."I call dibs on the little one!"

Seokjin simply shook his head."They're both little, brat." he said as he and Jungkook headed off in the direction of the running humans.

Shaking his head in disapproval of his two noisy companions, Namjoon made his way back into the large orb that was their ship. He needed to find a more convenient spot for it. It would be preferable to leave it in a much larger spot with a lower chance of being discovered by anyone else who had a bond to their kind. He had a feeling this world was going to be interesting. It had to be special in at least some sort of way for one of their kind to be living here.

"Why is Namjoon so stiff?" Jungkook asked Seokjin as they did their best to follow the two running humans. They weren't in any hurry though, simply following a scent like a couple hounds.

"He's just staying focused. He'll chill out once he's all settled." Seokjin smiled as he remembered something."Besides, our missing friend is probably here. You know Namjoon's been looking everywhere for him."

That made sense to Jungkook."Oh, right. They were supposed to bond, weren't they? But he left our world without leaving any trace behind."

"Right." Seokjin let out a soft sigh."But I have to wonder, with that sort of thing lingering for Namjoon, will he stay focused enough on our mission?"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see." Jungkook let his gaze wander a little as he was trying to familiarize himself with the structure of this world."So what are we going to do with these two? Mate them, right?"

At that, Seokjin shrugged his shoulders."That's up to Namjoon. We'll either mate them or kill them."

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