Chp.12 The Lizard League

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Later, at Debbie's home, we see her feeding the baby with baby food, and so far he hasn't been liking any of them at all...

Debbie: *sighs* You got to at least like one baby food. Oh boy...

Suddenly, Mary and (YN) appeared home as the baby was excited to see Mary...

Debbie: Mary, and...(YN).

(YN): Mrs-I mean, Ms.Grayson.

Debbie: How are you?

(YN): I'm good. Just glad to see Mary back here, and okay. But other than that, everything's good.

Debbie: That's great to hear.

Mary: Hey there Mr.Messy.

Mary grabs and holds her baby brother...

(YN): So, this is your baby brother.

Mary: Heh, yeah.

(YN): And, you didn't told me about him being...ahem, purple.

Mary: O-Oh, crap. Sorry, hehe.

The baby began eyeing on (YN), and began cooing and giggling, reaching its hand to him...

Debbie: I think he wants you to hold him.

(YN): O-Oh. No, I-I don't-

Mary: It's easy babe, here.

Mary hands (YN) the baby and holds him, and the baby started feeling comfortable around (YN)'s arms...

(YN): Huh, well would you look at that.

Debbie: Guess he's starting to like you.

Mary: Seems so. Anyways, mom? Do you know where dad's stuff is?

Debbie: Oh, I gave it all away, to charity of course.

Mary: What! You could've asked me first??

Debbie: Well you were gone for two months, and couldn't waited limbo for you to come back. *sighs* ...I'm sorry, what you need them for?

Mary: When dad was taken away, he told me to read his books.

(YN): Wait, he told you to read his books while being taken away?? That's...oddly weird of him.

Mary: It is, but...what if he must be hiding something between the pages??

Suddenly, the doorbell rings as they all got and check. Debbie opens the door and was Cecil who appears in the entrance of the door...

Debbie: It's not a good time Cecil.

Cecil: Sorry Debbie, but it's urgent. Mary, I need you to go to space again.

Mary: What?? I just got back from space, and you were pretty pissed about it.

Cecil: Think of this as your redemption tour. Listen, we got a ship full of those sequid things coming in hot from Mars. Remember them?

Mary: Y-Yeah...

Cecil: If they get their tentacles on earth, they'll be pulling our strings forever. We need to stop them.

Mary: Sure, of course.

Mary makes her way to her old room to change into her hero suit...

(YN): So, is this the part I join along?

Cecil: Unfortunately no, I need you're help. A raging Kaiju causing Havoc overseas an the North.

(YN): Okay.

Cecil notices the baby on his arms...

Cecil: Debbie, need help with the kid?

Debbie: We're fine, thank you.

Cecil: Well, think about when you have to go to work? Could use a strong caretaker-

Mary: It's our decision, not yours.

Mary arrived with her suit on, and (YN) to hand Debbie the baby...

(YN): Well...I guess I'll be going then.

Mary: What?

(YN): Cecil needs me to take care a Kaiju.

Mary: Aw lucky. Well, be careful then.

(YN): You too.

They both land a kiss to each other as (YN) jogs front and to fly off over, heading straight to North, and Mary goin with Cecil to head space with the guardians...
Later, Mary arrive at the ship alongside with the guardians and the Immortal. From what she's been told more from Cecil, an alien, who also is the same species as Martian Man, manage to shapeshifter himself as a human being and heading to Earth alongside with the other astronauts, and unfortunately his planet where he lives, one of the alien tentacles that mind control people are heading to earth. So it's up to Invincible and the guardians to put a stop to it.

Robot: Invincible, I didn't notice you'd join us.

Invincible: Yeah, well this didn't sound super optional.

Eve: Got room for one more?

Suddenly and surprisingly, Eve appears and to join in the mission as well.

Invincible: Eve! It's great to see you!

Eve: Heh, same here girl.

Robot: Good, what about SuperBoy? Will he be joining as well?

Invincible: Eh, no really. Cecil has his doing another mission.

Robot: I see. Very well then, we launch in 2 minutes.

Rex: Well, I guess this is the part where I leave you brave little astronauts to the endless darkness of space. If you succeed, well I taught you everything you know. If not, hehe...I guess we are all fucked.

Rex leaves the spaceship as the ship started igniting itself, ready to launch, and there it goes. The spaceship launches and heads its way to space.
Meanwhile, somewhere in a high facility building, we then see a group of villains, known as the Lizard League: Komodo Dragon, Salamander, Iguana, and its leader, King Lizard.

They broke in into the facility, as their goal is to take control of the unclear missiles, wanting to Nuke Los Angeles, Chicago and many more cities...

King Lizard: And remember, kill first, ask questions later.

As a bunch of Lizard gang members patrol the area, an alarm was set on to alert danger and a break in...

Iguana: We have a problem.

King Lizard: What's a problem, but an opportunity in disguise?

Komodo: ....

Iguana: ...You want them to know we're here??

King Lizard: Of course. This just speed things up a bit.

Meanwhile, at the guardians hideout, Shrinking Rae, Dupli-Kate, and Rex were taking some time off as the three, alongside (YN) are the only ones left in earth while Mary and the rest were in space. They were ordering Pizza and (YN) still doing his mission...

Rae: Yes, half pepperoni, half mushrooms, and order of Garlic Knits and wings.

Rex: Make it two Garlic Knots.

Rae: ...Make that two Garlic Knots please. Say, you think (YN) would like some Pizza?

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a alert call coming from the screens and in the screen, it was Cecil making the alert call...

Rex: No No No! Keep ordering Rae! Cecil is just checking by to say hi, right? Cecil? ...Right??

Cecil: ...........

Back at the facility, the Lizard League waited for something a reason before even going further to their goal plan..

Komodo: Yo Boss, got any instructions for us?

King Lizrad: Get a soda, and relax.

Iguana: The king has a plan of course.

King Lizard: Those are nuclear blast doors. Impenetrable from the outside, we sealed the tunnel, so there's no other in. We just sit and wait for the government to comply with our demands. Otherwise, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago...

As they were talking, the fact they didn't know is that Shrinking Rae, was in the room, and was tiny as she twins around the room, and to head over to the controls, pressed a button and to open the door behind, letting Rex and lots of Dupli-Kates arrive inside...

Rex: Better die quickly assholes! I don't like my pizza get cold when it gets here!

With that said, Rex, Rae and Kate rush in and started attacking the lizard league. Rex goes against Iguana, Rae against Salamander and Kate against Komodo Dragon. And so Far, she's having bit a trouble dealing with him knowing he's huge muscular and very tough to take down as he was beginning to kill every copies of Kate around him...

Dupli-Kate: I thought these guys are suppose to suck!

She created four more copies of herself and started teaming up against Komodo Dragon, for a few second she was able to man handle Komodo, after that he started fighting them off and killing then more. The original Dupli-Kate was about to create more copies, but was then stopped by Komodo as he grabs her by the neck, and started choking her slowly to death, as Kate try calling for help, yet couldn't yell enough.

Dupli-Kate: R-Rex! Rae!

Rex: Hold on!

Dupli-Kate was able to break free off Komodo and try to flee and create more copies of herself....but as she was, Komodo stops her from doing so, and as Kate was in the middle of Duplicating herself, and Komodo to viciously slam both Copy and Original Kate towards each other, and their bodies imploding each other's heads and eyes out....and dead.

Shrinking Rae: Kate!!

Rex: O-Oh god, NO!!

Rex lost his focus in his fight after witnessing seeing Kate's brutal death, as Iguana ama he to slice Rex up open and began bleeding out, and Komodo Dragon to jump in and fight Rex. Shrinking Rae couldn't let another team member die, and needed to act quick. So she shrinks herself and flies straight towards Salamander's eye ball, and to to destroy the inside of his head and dies and her coming out and popping Salamanders eyeball off and to go helps Rex. She was still tiny and goes to help, only to get caught by Komodo and him placing Rae to his moth and swallowing her...

Rex: Ha! You dumb fuck, she won't stay small forever you know?

Komodo set after to feel Rae trying to grow back to her normal, and try burst herself free out from Komodo....but suddenly, Komodo stared clenching his muscles and shoulder, and not letting Shrinking Rae break herself free out from his body, and started suffocating and gasping.....and was no more to hear from her...

Komodo: Yum.

Rex: O-Oh fuck.!!

Rex was the last one left, and doesn't have a plan to stop the lizard league, so he makes run for it as Iguana goes chasing him. Rex started throwing his explosion energy bars at Iguana, manage to land a hit on her and cutting her in half, and Komodo to start chasing him as well.

Rex: Shit, this isn't how it's suppose to go!

Rex began avoiding and dodging Komodo and throwing back punches to him, and pulls out a small explosion orb, only for Komodo to chomp Rex's hand, and rip it off and began chewing it...

Rex: AAAAGH!! Jesus!! Fuck!!

Unfortunately for Komodo, he didn't realize the explosion orb was on that hand
he chewed up, as it self exploded, exploding his head open, and died.

Rex: N-Ngh..fuck. Gah..damn it.

All the lizard league is dead...but only one remains living still, and it's the lizard king, as he appears behind Rex, and aiming a gun behind his head...

Lizard King: So brave, but is it the brave man who survives? Or is it the one who waits till his opponent is too injured to fight?

Rex: ...Just do it, you prick!

The Lizard King chuckles, and pulls the trigger and shit Rex straight to his head on the side, and his body to drop down
Suddenly, someone barges in the room through the walls, and it was SuperBoy.

SuperBoy: I came as fast as I...c-can...

SuperBoy began seeing lots of dead bodies on the floor, and one of them were Dupli-Kate, and Rex...

SuperBoy: Kate!! Rex!!

Lizard King: Ahh, well well, if it isn't SuperBoy. I've been expecting you as well.

SuperBoy: Bastard!!!

SuperBoy Dashes over to the Lizard King...until suddenly, the Lizard King pulls out something from his pocket...and it was a small rock of Green Kryptonite, SuperBoy's weakness, causing his body to feel weak and to collapse down on the floor...

SuperBoy: N-Ngh!! Wh-Where the hell...did you.-

King Lizards: I had my ways, and yet won't tell how I got it. It's my secret way to keep it shut and keeping it to myself.

SuperBoy: N-Ngh!! Nrrgh!!

SuperBoy was doing his absolute best to keep up his strength to stand up and fight King Lizard, but the kryptonite was still affecting (YN) so much, (YN) can barely take one step front, and all King Lizrad can do is laugh..

SuperBoy: Y-You'!

King Lizard: There is nothing you can do, not that I have this with me. So this is what's gonna happen: You're gonna fly over to the government, and demand him to do what I say, and-

Rex: Hey!!!

Suddenly, Rex was alive, yet still have a bullet to his head behind, but is still alive somehow...

(YN): R-Rex..!

King Lizard: Well, look at this brave little soldier. Seems like a bullet isn't enough to finish you off. How sad. Perhaps another one-

Rex: ever..SHUT.UP!!

Rex charged at King Lizard, King Lizard pulls his gun out to shoot Rex, but Rex was fast enough to stop him as he smacks the gun off from his hand, and lands a punch to his face, and drops the kryptonite down and Rex kicking it away from SuperBoy. SuperBoy rushes towards King Lizard, and to throw a straight jab to his face, and the fact he was so angry for what he did to his friends, that punch was an over killed, causing King Lizard's whole face squashed and breaking its jaw open, and he falls down and dies.......and to feel horrible at the same time the fact he killed him with just one punch....

SuperBoy: ......

Rex: Don't worry, that...fucker...had it coming...shit...

Rex again lost consciousness and collapsed to the floor and (YN) quickly goes checking up on him...

SuperBoy: Rex! Stay with me man, Cecil's men are on his way.

Suddenly, (YN)'s super hearing was able to hear something coming from Komodo's dead corpse, as if someone was grunting and muffling inside his body...and it was shrinking Rae, who's alive, but is badly wounded...

SuperBoy: Rae! Oh thank god...

And lastly...he looks over at Kate, as she was the only hero out of the guardians to be killed, and is saddened..

SuperBoy: ....Immortal isn't gonna like this at all.


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