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As we left off, the Lizard League were finished off for good, as as for the guardians who stayed on Earth...not really. Rex and Rae turned out alive at the end...but unfortunately for Kate, she isn't alive anymore.
Meanwhile, at the Pentagon, Mary and the rest of the Guardians made it back safe and sound and solved the problem. Also, they have yet to have someone new alongside with the team, and yet this new team me never happens to be in Earth ever since Mary went to Mars in the first place and an alien shapeshifter, just like Martian Man, arrive to Earth. He is known as "ShapeSmith".

And also, he took the identity of a former Astronaut name "Livingston", and has been living his life as well, and now Mary has brought him back to earth in peace, which was the mission the entire time. At the Pentagon, Mary and Eve walked with a medic taking Livingston to his medic room...

Medic: Welcome back, Captain.

Livingston: Can I go home? I just...wanna go home, I need to sleep. "They" never let me sleep...

Eve: I'm gonna need to wax my ears with special Q-tips knowing one of those nasty creatures got in my brain...

Invincible: Hehe, just be lucky you turn out okay. And hey, I should thank you for saving me back there...and....

Both Mary and Eve suddenly stopped walking, as the two stop (YN), and Donald alongside here at the medic center area...

Invincible: (Y-I mean, SuperBoy!

SuperBoy: Invincible.

Mary and (YN) both hugged each other...

SuperBoy: I'm glad you're back. And Eve, glad to see you too.

Eve: Heh, same here. Good to know you're doing well.

Mary: What are you doing here?? What happened?

SuperBoy: ....Some villains invaded a facility to try nuking some cities. Rex, Shrinking Rae and Dupli-Kate try stopping them....Rex and Rae will be okay. But, Dupli-Kate......

Eve: O-Oh god, no.

Invincible: Don't tell me...

SuperBoy: ....They killed her.

Eve and Mary were in shock to hear the news. That they have lost a teammate...a friend during a fight....and making it worse, The Immortal was been told about it, about Dupli-Kate, which he had a close relationship with her, and finding out she's been killed, made him feel sad, sadder than loosing his original guardian friends. Eve was also saddened for Rex, knowing she still cares for him in the slightest still.....Mary then notices (YN) also saddened as well...

Invincible: SuperBoy...

SuperBoy: ...If only...I got there earlier...she wouldn't have been killed...

Mary began to realize (YN) was blaming himself for Kate's death, which is almost like how Mary felt being blamed for the actions of what her father did...and, the fact she still feels bad for him the fact when she return from Thraxan, and (YN) telling her everything what happen when she was gone...she was speechless, shocked too, and yet still felt awful for (YN) knowing how much he is going through as well, and till now too...Mary slowly comforts him with a hug, and gently carees his head...

Invincible: Don't blame yourself, you didn't do anything just happened. I feel you...

SuperBoy: .....


A week has passed now, Kate's funeral was made during that week, and everyone who knew and cared for her send their thoughts and prayers for her families, attending her funeral. The Immortal, who lost his friends by Omni-Man, and now, loosing someone who was so close to him like Dupli-Kate, made him feel even more sadder, and heartbroken, and isn't taking too well for her lost.
One day, both Mary and (YN) were heading to her home after College. Once they arrived inside, Debbie was spending more time with Mary's baby brother, playing with his building toys....and now has a name.

Debbie: Good job, Oliver.

Mary: Oliver??

Debbie: Mary, (YN).

The baby, Oliver, spot Mary and (YN), and walks up to them and calls Mary...

Oliver: Sister!

Mary picks him up and holds him...

Mary: You named him after grandpa?

Debbie: Well he needed an actual name. Besides, Nolan's alien baby.

Mary: Heh, it's okay. I like it.

Oliver then notices (YN), and wanted some hugs from him too...

(YN): Heh, okay come here you.

Mary: He seems to like you a lot, which I'm not sayings it's bad.

(YN): I get what you mean babe.

Mary: So Mom, any luck with a sitter?

Debbie: I'm trying looking for one really, I just hope I get to find one before I head back to work this week.

Mary: I hope so too. I don't know if I'm able to even keep him in my dorm.

(YN): .....

(YN) started thinning to himself...and says...

(YN): What if I take care of him?

Mary: Huh??

Debbie: (YN)..??

(YN): Yeah, I mean, I don't mind at all. Besides, it can be easy taking care a baby.

Debbie: (YN), that's...nice and generous of you and all, but you're in college as well. I mean I can have you take care of him during the weekends-

(YN): Actually...I'm planning to drop off college.

Debbie: Wh-What?? (YN), you can't. But, why??

(YN): Ms.Debbie...At first, College was going great. And it was fun too at first, moving in, especially spend more time with Mary on free times, and studies too. But...I never thought how difficult it can be. I mean, pay loans? And paying for your dorm? That's a lot, and I don't have that much money to pay it all off. So, the best choice for me is dropping off. And trust me, our friends tried helping me out, even Mary, but I cannot have them struggle for my responsibilities.

Debbie: Oh, (YN).

(YN): I'll be fine, really. I can find a part time job, probably be a photographer, or a reporter, like my dad. I can find some other school to study for those things too, and taking care of this little guy here.

Oliver: *Cooing*

Debbie: ...

Mary: What do you think mom? He can do it.

Debbie: ...Very well then. But, when it comes to hero work, you bring him to me, nobody else, not even Cecil if he tries talking you out, understand?

(YN): You have my word.

Debbie: Alright then. It's settle. Since the both of you are here, I'll make dinner.

Mary: Thanks mom.

As Debbie heads to the kitchen, Mary walks up to (YN) holding Oliver, smiles at him and lands a kiss to his cheek...

Mary: Thanks babe. It means a lot to me and my mom.

(YN): Don't mention it. You know I'm here for the both of you. And hey, we can work this together.

Mary: Heh, alright then. And, speaking of, if you're gonna work as a reporter, I say wear some glasses. It'll make you look...good~

(YN): *flusters* ...Im still holding the child, Mary.

Mary: R-Right, sorry, hehe.

(YN): Hehe.

Oliver: *Coos and laughs*

Couple days pass by, at College, Mary and (YN) both were at his dorm, taking some time off with their studies, William was spending time with Rick now knowing he's okay after the whole Sinclair incident, and Amber focusing on her studies more. Mary and (YN) were both reading some books and comics, and they were made by Mary's father, Nolan. Mary manage to get her dad's book back that Debbie thrown out. All of his stories were about him, fantasy stories of how he encounter lots of stronger enemies and creatures and were able to fight Nolan knowing he's a a Viltrumite. They read all of it...yet don't know what they are looking for.

Mary: Nothing?

(YN): Not even the slightest.

Mary: *sighs* Ugh...I don't get it.

(YN): What is it?

Mary: I mean, after I came back from Thraxan, after seeing my dad is alive...and after everything he did, never would of thought I miss him. I don't know...but, what I mean, is when the Viltrumites took him away, the last thing he told me was "read my books". Not even a "I love you" or "I'm sorry". And here I am, reading them, and nothing isn't popping out.

(YN): I got nothing to be honest, and honestly...his writing sucks.

Mary: (YN). It's...not that bad.

(YN): Mmm.

Mary: ...You think he's trying to hint something?

(YN): You think??

Meanwhile, at the GOFG hideout, Immortal was doing his work, and has been stressing out lately too, and not over about Kate's death. Cecil arrives and talks to him...

Immortal: What do you want Cecil?

Cecil: Bermuda.

Immortal: What?

Cecil: I hear it's lovely this time of the year.

Immortal: ...What are you talking about?

Cecil: You. A long overdue vacation. You need one, on the house.

Immortal: ...I'm fine.

Cecil: I'm not asking.

The immortal grew irritated as he stood up and confronts Cecil...

Immortal: How dare you!

Cecil: Psych's concerned. And so am I. And since you refuse to see our specialists-

Immortal: I don't need your pinheads poking around my brain!

Cecil: Kate's death has been difficult for everyone. I need you to-

Immortal: I said I'm fine!

Cecil: ...

Cecil gets an incoming call from his ear piece, and was told something is coming from space...

Cecil: Send it here.

The screen shows a LIVE footage of space of something, or to say someone coming towards Earth....

Cecil: Someone's coming in hot from deep space.

Immortal: Omni-Man!!

Cecil: No wait-

Immortal wasted no time and to go flying off...

Cecil: Immortal! Fuck. Donald do you copy? ....Get SuperBoy, now!

In space, that "Someone" who's coming straight to earth is none other than Allen the Alien, who is alive and in great shape as well. Grew muscles too after being "murdered". But, now that he's alive, he was sent to go to Earth by his Leader, and find Mary and (YN) and speak with them...

Allen: Uhh, where does Invincible and SuperBoy live again?? This one's gonna be tricky.

Suddenly, Allen gets attacked behind by the Immortal...

Allen: Woah! Hey? Hi? I think there has been a misunderstanding.

Immortal: Huh?! How can I hear you speak in my mind?!

Allen: Okay, it's just this implant I have. It lets us communicate telepathically. No big deal.

Immortal: Get out of my head!

Immortal began swinging punches to Allen as Allen avoids to cause any trouble and try calm down Immortal...

Allen: Hey. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to see Invincible and SuperBoy.

Immortal: So Omni-Man sent you!!

Allen: No!

Immortal continues charging at Allen...

Allen: Woah chill the hell out! I do not want to hurt you sir!

Allen grabs Immortal by the neck with a headlock and Inmortal punching Allen straight to his eye...

Allen: Bitch move! You cross the line for that!

Immortal: I'll kill you!

Allen: We just met!

SuperBoy: Stop!

SuperBoy comes in time to stop them both...

Allen/Immortal: SuperBoy!

SuperBoy: The hells going on??

Allen: I don't know. I came here looking for you and Invincible, and suddenly this douchebag attacked me. You say that on earth, right? Douchebag? You have those too??

SuperBoy: Um...okay. Look, Immortal, Allen's a good guy, he's no threat.

Immortal: .......

SuperBoy: ...Did you hear me??

Allen: Oh! Um, my thing only works between me and someone else, not between me and two others. It's a design flaw...I expect an update soon.

SuperBoy: Ooh. Well, can you tell him then??

Allen: Yeah, with pleasure. Ahem! You sir, (YN) says I'm his pal, he also says I'm also the king of space. So uh, you should be very nice to me. And also, get rid of the's ugly, even (YN) says it's ugly.

Immortal: I don't believe you!

Allen: ....He doesn't believe me.

SuperBoy: Did Allen attacked you? Or threaten you?

Allen: Oh that's a good question. Now Mister, (YN) wants to know if I attacked you, or threaten you, WHICH I didn't. Because you did all that first, charging at me and attacking me. So not very heroic of you, Earth superhero of Earth.

Immortal: ...I...I thought you were someone else.

Immortal felt embarrassed and awful the fact he throw out his anger to someone like Allen who didn't even do anything...and goes flying back to the hideout...

Allen: The hells is his problem??

SuperBoy: His girlfriend died couple days ago.

Allen: O-Oh. Damn. Now I feel like a bigger have those, right? If I keep making those references. Anyways, we need to talk, both you and Mary. It's about space, and future references.

SuperBoy: Sure, I'll lead you to where we stay at.


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