Chp.19 Justice Meets Injustice

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As we left off, (YN) was trapped in a different dimension world where he finds out that in the world he's at right now, his own self was killed according to Mary and her friends. And to make things way more crazy and shocked...not only did (YN) get to meet different versions of Mary and his friends...but to also meet the one person he would never thought he get to see again, yet with a different look...his own father, Clark Kent, AKA SuperMan. Superman also was shocked to see his own son in his world...

SuperMan: It can't be...(YN)?!

(YN): D-Dad!?

The father and son both stare at each other with utter surprise, where one, has lost his son, and the other lost his father in different ways. Superman smiles with relief and gives (YN) a hug...

Superman: I-I don't know how to feel right now.

(YN): Neither do feels...I don't even know..

Superman slowly backs up, and observes his son...

Superman: Wow, just...look at you.

Superman gave a warm emotion soft smile, starring into (YN)'s eyes as he tried not to get more emotional...

Superman: You have your mother's eyes...

(YN): Hm, I know.

Superman: And you're...grown up too. If only my....

(YN): Um..Dad, What even happened here, and Chicago, and me-I mean...the other me, here, is what I meant...

Superman then looks over at Mary and her friends, as they gave a fear look, slowly backing up and holding their guard up, he then looks back to (YN)...

Superman: How about you and I talk about the situation you're in right now? That way, I can understand.

(YN): Y-Yeah, sure-

Mary: NO!!

Both Superman and (YN) look at Mary, heard her yelling...

Mary: I-I mean...

(YN): Mary?

Superman: Is there a problem?

Before Mary could even speak, Eve stops her...

Eve: N-No, not at all.

Mary: Eve-

Robot: Mary.

Mary: ...

Rex: Seriously?! We're just gonna let this go-

Superman: Something you want to say, Rex?

Superman's tone changed serious, which made Mary and the rest feel afraid of him, and (YN) leaving concern and confuse at the same time and looks to his dad...

(YN): Dad??

Superman: ...Sorry son, We...we don't get along, is all. But, like I said, how about you and I catch up about the situation you're in...and help you.

(YN): O-Oh. Yeah sure. But, give me a sec.

(YN) jogs over to Mary and the rest, as he approaches close to Mary and helds her hands...

(YN): Mary, I know this is all going by fast, but I promise you, I'll come finding you later.

Mary: (YN)-

(YN): Look I don't know what's going on here in this dimension, but seeing you four in a different view is crazy, but....I also never expected seeing my dad, again.

Mary: Again?? You your dimension...your dad...

(YN): ....

Mary: O-Oh god. (YN)-

Superman: Son?

(YN): Coming. Like I said, I'll find you later.

Mary can feel (YN)'s hands slowly sliding off from hers, wanting them to still holding on hers, but leaves with his father. Superman flies off and (YN) to follow him, suddenly, he looks back at Mary, and notice her giving off a worried look to him, leaving (YN) more concern about whatever he witness between his father and them...but right now, he needs to find a way out to get back to his own universe.
In the city, Superman and (YN) were flying together across the city of Chicago, (YN) looks down and notice the citizens looking up, and using his super hearing, he hears all of them mumbling nervously and looking a bit uncomfortable too...

Superman: The city hasn't been the same ever since.

(YN): You don't say.

They flew over onto a huge tower and arriving at the very top. (YN) looks over at the city again, feeling like he's home, but this dimension isn't his actual home...and is really worried for his Mary. Superman walks up to him ...

Superman: This..This is unbelievable. Never would I thought I get to meet and see my son again...

(YN): Same here.

Superman: Not to mention you did look so shocked seeing me, as if you saw a your world, did I-well, your dad...

(YN) stood quiet, and looks over at the sun setting down...

(YN): He was killed...

Superman: What? But, That's impossible.

(YN): Yeah, that's what I said when I found out...after that, I wasn't the same, and mom...and, grandma...

Superman: Lois...and, mom too??

(YN) sat down on the edge as Superman joins with him...

(YN): Mom died in a car accident, and grandma...passed away due to her sickness.

Superman: ...Oh god.

(YN): ...

Superman: ...Was it Nolan?

(YN): What??

Superman: Nolan, Omni-Man...Did he caused the accident and killed Lois-

(YN): N-No. he didn't. He...In my world, he killed you...with a kryptonite he had hidden for himself...

Superman felt disbelief to hear that his former self from (YN)'s world was killed by Omni-Man...

Superman: Hmm, seems like Nolan is still the same in your world.

(YN): Yea, but...I took cared of him.

Superman: You did??

(YN): Yeah, made him leave my planet for good...and I guess he's still out there, alive.

Superman: You...spared him?? After what he did??

(YN): ....I mean, at a moment, when I had him on my hands...I felt like...I wanted to end him for good, end him for everything he's done to my dad, his friends, his family...and Mary too. But, at the same's not what my dad wanted me to do.

Superman: ...You should've killed him, son.

(YN): W-What??

Superman: He didn't deserve to be spared, knowing what kind of cruel person he is. Him, and the Viltrumites don't deserve to be living. Good thing I took care of them for good.

(YN): him?! And, all the Viltrumites!?

Superman: Of course. I was serving justice for the greater good.

(YN) couldn't believe what he was hearing from his alternate dad. Never he would hear from him saying that he "killed" knowing that he and his own dad don't u kill when it comes to fight crime and evil. Even Superman can tell, as he then says...

Superman: Son, I know it was hard for you to hear this, but...Nolan is the reason why Lois, your grandma,, aren't here.

(YN): !!

Superman: ...Besides attending school, you worked under Cecil with other superheroes. One day...on that were killed by him, and some Viltrumites that came to try conquered earth. And alongside...Lois, and...grandma.

(YN): ...I-I don't know what to even say. Like...fuck.

Superman: (YN) you still want your Nolan dead?

(YN): I..I don't know.

Superman: You need to know son. Think about the actions he caused in your world. What he did to YOUR father. Doesn't that give you glimpses of vengeance to go after him, and end him for good.

(YN): I..I don't know-

Superman: Think about it, he's probably out there still, trying to figure out how to get rid of you too.

(YN): N-No. you don't know that. Mary said he was taken away by his own people for execution, she even said so herself, and I believed her, no matter what.

Superman: ...What if she's lying to you?

(YN) slowly backs up, and gave this reaction to his alternate father, trying to sway...

(YN): What do you mean by that?

Superman: (YN), Mary is a half Viltrumite, she's like her father and the other Viltrumites: A cold cruel heartless alien, and is hiding it to herself.

(YN): You don't know that.

Superman: And you do?

(YN): Of course I do. I know My Mary won't like her father, but I don't know about this Mary, but I can tell she's not like that.

Superman: (YN)-

(YN): No! Stop, talking about Mary like that...she isn't like Nolan, nor like the Viltrumites.

Superman: ....

(YN): ...I think we talked enough.

Superman: Yea, we have...

(YN): ...I need some alone time, if that's too much to ask.

Superman: I understand. Take your time, then later...I'll help you find your way back home.

(YN): ...right.

Superman: And, also...I love-

(YN): It's too early for that, besides, we aren't in the same world, but....thanks.

Superman gave an uncomfortable soft smile to (YN), and to fly off to leave him some space as (YN) stood there at the top of the tower, looking around the city...and finding out that his father in this world is a complete different person, and the way he talks about "killing" and trying to make Mary seem like she's a bad person too...

(YN): I gotta find Mary.


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