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Later on that day, soon about to be evening, (YN) couldn't wrap his head around after having that conversation with his alternate father about what happen in this world, and how he was talking about trying to get him against Mary for some reason....right now, he flies through to look for Mary..

(YN): Why would dad try and make it sound to make me turn against Mary? And, telling me that sparring Nolan was a bad choice...he would never say that, I mean according to this version of my real dad on the other hand....tch! Don't think of it much. Gotta find Marry, and I know where she and the others can be.

Meanwhile, at the mountains, there, an old hideout, which happens to be the old Guardians Of The Globe hideout...

(YN): Guess it didn't age well...please be there.

(YN) uses his x ray vision, seeing through the hideout, and to spot Robot, Eve, Rex, and Mary...

(YN): Yes.

In the hideout, we then see Mary and her friends doing there own thing, Mary was slowly pacing around, feeling sick worried for (YN)...

Eve: Mary...

Mary: ...We should go looking for him.

Rex: Uh, you do realize he's with his dad...or, is it weird to say it's his dad, but are from different worlds??

Eve: Not helping Rex.

Rex: Look, what I'm saying, if we do go, that bastard Superman will try laser one of us if we even try to get near him.

Robot: We know, Rex. That is why we stood back. I'm sure (YN) is fine as we speak.

Mary: I just...can't stop thinking about it. I need to find him before-

(YN): Mary!

Suddenly, her and the rest startle hearing (YN) as they spot him entering the area, as Mary jogs over to him and hugs him...

Mary: (YN)!

(YN): I told you I'd be back.

Mary: I'm glad you did.

(YN): So, guess the hideout didn't age well?

Rex: You could say something like that.

(YN) began roaming around the area, and notice it isn't alot like the hideout from his world, everything was almost dull...Mary walks up to him...

Mary: did things went, know?

(YN): ...Not too good. I mean, at the beginning it was okay, and then got weird. He said some stuff, that I'd never imagine him saying. It's like...he's a different person.

Rex: Well, it's obvious. He's changed.

(YN): Yeah, I can totally tell.

Rex: Before we continue, this is a chance for you to tell us about the situation you're in.

Rex: Yeah man, how the hell did you end up in this world??

(YN): ...Before, me and Mary had to deal with a Viltrumite that came out of no where, she was tough, but not as tough as I expected. Later, I manage to make her leave, but although I have a feeling she might come back. Then, Mary and I had to rush over to her house, and Debbie was being held hostage by a mutated guy, who has the ability to open portals through different dimensions, and I am.

Robot: Someone who has the power to open portals through different dimensions? You mean, Levy Armstrong?

(YN): Y-Yeah! That's his name, there's one here too?

Robot: Yes, but unfortunately he has disappeared out of nowhere, and not to be found.

(YN): ....Wait. Also, this one time, me and Mary had to deal with The Mauler Twins, and had this giant machine, and that guy, Levy, was sat in that machine, and had many portals and many clones of him too.

Robot: Interesting. That explains his disappearance. It appears the Armstrong from your world has recruited every single of his alternate selves for some scientific reason.

(YN): Seems like it, and then, the machine suddenly exploded...and I guess all the alternate Levy's combine into one...and yet,

Robot: Exactly.

(YN): And...he had a strong urge against Mary for some reason.

Mary: M-Me??

(YN): Yeah, I don't know, but when we arrive to her house, he was threatening to kill Debbie and Oliver-

Mary: Oliver??

(YN): O-Oh. Shit. Um...

Mary: (YN)? Did my mom...from your world met someone else-

(YN): N-No! *sighs* Okay, okay....Mary, in my have a baby brother, but isn't from Debbie' was alien, that your dad met, from another planet, far away from earth.

Mary: What?! You mean, my dad left my mom?! Why??! He loved her!

(YN): Mary...

(YN) walks up to Mary, and to held her hand for comfort...

(YN): There are so many things, your dad from my world, have done so many fucked up things you cannot imagine.....he's the reason my dad died....he killed him.

Mary and the rest gave a shocking gasp reaction...

Rex: No way.!

Eve: Oh god.

Mary: M-My dad?! Killed your dad??

(YN): Mary, you should know a fact your dad is a full blooded Viltrumite. They're nothing but heartless aliens that like to enjoy killing. I dad from this world told me he killed my other self, mom, and grandma...

Mary stood quiet...and (YN) can see tears from Mary's eyes running down, and broke down as she hugs (YN)...

Mary: I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, (YN)! I should of been there in time! I...I knew what my dad did, and how he turn out when I find out...and from there, I felt so horrible that I wasn't there in time, to save the only one person I deeply wanted to stay together! I didn't know what to even do...some Viltrumites arrive here on earth, and I wasn't strong enough to take them down...

(YN): ...It's alright Mary, it's alright...but, my dad, in this world told me he killed your father?? And the rest of the Viltrumites?

Mary wipes the tears off her eyes and slowly backs up...

Mary: He told you?

(YN): Yeah...

Eve: Is that all he told you??

(YN): Yeah, what? Is he suppose to tell me more that I need to know what happen here??

They all looked at each other with a worried disquiet look...

(YN): Guys?

Robot: (YN), there's more you need to know about your father in this world...

Eve: Can't believe it with those x ray visions you have, can't even see how much of a douche he is.

Eve: (YN)...your dad isn't who you think he is.

(YN): ...What the hell are you guys talking about?

Mary: (YN)...your dad killed-

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard, as someone barges in the hideout...and it was Superman, slowly floating towards to the floor, and lands...

Superman: That's quite enough from you four.

(YN): Dad??

Superman: (YN), step aside, these four need to learn when to shut their mouths when they aren't to say anything that is fake news.

As Superman slowly walks towards, Mary and the rest slowly back up and having their guard up as (YN) stands in between and stops it...

(YN): Woah Woah Woah Dad! The hell you're doing?!

Superman: What I should have done since the beginning I took care of Nolan.

(YN): You mean kill them?! No! The fuck dad!?

Superman: Son, have you not understand the conversation we had, what HER father did to my son here?!

Mary: I did have nothing to do with this! You know I was close with him! And Cecil had it control with my dad, until YOU had to come and kill him!

Superman: He got what he desvered-


Everything was dead quiet after Mary yelled...and (YN) to witness hear what Mary said about what Superman did to Debbie in this world...

(YN):, what does she mean by that?

Superman: ..........

(YN): Y-You...You killed Debbie?!!

Superman: Son, let me explain-

(YN) backs away from Superman as he tries to reach him...

(YN): Answer me damn it!! Did you!?

Superman: .......I did.

(YN) suddenly felt light headed, and his heart dropped to hear that his own father, his alternate father, thinking he might be the same like his original, but only to find out a killer.

(YN): Wh-Why..Why!! I-I don't understand-

Robot: (YN), not only did he killed Mary's mother, but has killed every person we were close, friends, families...Cecil....even every guardian members we know, and we're the last ones.

(YN) now felt gut wrenched now, and couldn't even look at Superman the same now...

(YN): H-How could you!!? You don't kill! You SAVE! Why kill everyone we, and that I KNOW!?

Superman: You would not understand (YN). You don't even belong here to fully understand why I'm doing all of this, my obligations don't end at the borders of my world. I am this world's savior, unlike the heroes I've knew and met, I'm Earth's only protector.

(YN): Is..Is this what's going?! All of this for protection?!

Superman: Disobedient children, like these four shall be punished.

(YN): What?! Children!? You're not a god! You don't get to choose who gets to live, and who gets to die!

Superman: And yet you chose to spare the Nolan in your world after he killed your father-

(YN): And I had a reason!

Superman: And that reason is because of Mary, right?! Unacceptable! And, The decision is mine! It became mine when HER father took away the only thing that I had in my life!

(YN): Hey you're not the only one who lost someone!

Superman: And yet you judge me?

(YN): ....

Superman: If your mother was still here, she would see and understand how I have perfected this world, she would've been-

(YN): Disgusted and Afraid!

Superman: And still alive!

(YN): Mom's death doesn't justify the fact you can get to do what you can do!

Superman: Nolan took her away from me...and you! God (YN), why can't you understand where I'm coming from!?

(YN): ...How can I understand from a father who turn out to be a murderer.

Superman can tell (YN) didn't wanted to be near him he looked down, and not even giving him eye contact...

Superman: I guess we're done here. Now, step aside, I need to finish something that I should taken care off before.

As Superman walk and was as our to pass by (YN)...
He felt (YN)'s hand towards his chest, as (YN) stopped him from going any where near Mary and his friends...

Superman: (YN)...

(YN): Get.Away.From.Them.

Superman: ...Don't try anything dumb son-

(YN) swings his arm, and lands a punch to his own father's face, grabs his cape, spins him around and to toss him up, sending him crashing out the hideout...

Rex: Holy fucking shit!

(YN): Mary, all of you! Get out of here now!

Mary: (YN)-

(YN): GO!!

Eve: Mary, come on!

Eve grabs Mary's hand and to take her with him with Rex and Robot and make a run for it. (YN) flies out the hideout and arrives at the sky to look for Superman, from behind, Superman lands a kick to (YN), and (YN) recovers and turns around...

Superman: Don't make me do this!

(YN): You started this! And now...I'm finishing it.

Superman: ....Guess I'll have to discipline you for good then. You maybe my son, but your not my son in this world.

(YN): And I can't let you kill Mary.

Superman: Try and stop me, if you can.


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