Chp.21 Justice vs Injustice

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We then left off between Superman and SuperBoy, father and son from different dimensions, about to clash against each other for the first time. The two dash towards each other in the sky, clash one with another, holding and gripping each others hands with brute force, Superman tighten more and began squeezing (YN)'s hands as he started loosing grip, until he launches a Headbutt straight to Superman's face, attach both his hands and lands a axe hand above Superman's head, sending him falling straight down and crashing to the ground. (YN) dashes straight down and tackles Superman down again, this time going through underground. Merging out from the ground, (YN) was launched out, and Superman to appear as well, going after (YN) and to land a punch to his face, sending him flying away to the sky and flies over and repeatedly started punching him through the clouds, as he attempts to land another punch, (YN) manage to block the punch, hold onto his hand, pull Superman towards him and landing a vicious punch to the gut, and Superman spat blood out, then grabs him by his cape again, swings him and tossing him straight to the mountains as Superman crashes through a few of them. (YN) flies over and to look around...

(YN): Enough Dad. We can stop this, unless you wanna keep fighting? I don't mind at all.

Suddenly, he notice a moutnian shaking, and seeing the whole ground lifting up as Superman was lifting an entire mountain and to toss it straight at (YN)...

(YN): Fuck-

He was hit by it of course, but uses his strength to stop it from crash landing to anywhere near the city, tossing it back to Superman as Superman lands a punch, destroying the mountain into pieces, but did not see (YN) coming through and lands a punch to his face. This time, (YN) tackles Superman through the sky, and the two to crash land throw several cable lines. Superman was wrapped around as (YN) grabs one of them that's he's tired up, and to pull Superman and swing him around whilst tied up, and started slamming him the the ground, while Superman was down, (YN) glides down feet first, landing and brutally stomping Superman straight to his chest. Superman acted quickly as he grabs onto (YN)'s leg, fly up and to fly back to the ground and slamming him to the ground. Again, picking him up, and lands a vicious punch straight to his gut, and an uppercut, following an over hand, dropping (YN) again on the ground. He grabs his cape, and tossing him up to the sky and goes after him. (YN) recovers, looks down seeing his father going up after him, he then fully blasts his lazer eye beams straight down, hitting Superman with it, yet not affecting him as he kept flying towards him, and gets close and grabs (YN) by the neck...

Superman: Just give up. You're not strong enough to even take me down easily.

(YN): Nrgh!!!

Suddenly, (YN) takes one deep breathe, and blows, and releases a freeze breathe, freezing Superman's whole arm that was grabbing onto his neck, manage to let go of (YN), as (YN) gives Superman a kick to the face, and a straight jab afterwards. As he tried going for another punch, Superman lazer beams (YN) straight to his face, but (YN) retaliates and uses his beam against Superman's as both of their lazer beams started clashing with each other, and the energy from each others beams increased bigger and bigger, and to self explode, causing a huge explosion wave where the city of Chicago can feel it, as well as Mary and her friends as they were escorting citizens away from the city...

Rex: Holy shit!

Mary: I have to help (YN)!

Eve: What! No! Mary-

Mary: I need to! What if that basted ends up killing him! I cannot go through of it AGAIN!

Rex: And how do we help him!? We don't stand a chance against Superman! And not even offense.

Eve: Shut up Rex.

Mary: Don't care! Stronger or not, I'll do anything  to save (YN)!

Robot: Mary-

Mary: Robot, please don't! At least be understandable of what I'm saying here!

Robot: And I do, but Rex is right, us four don't stand a chance against Superman to help (YN). But...I know how to mentally break him, but we need to escort these people to safety first and give us time

Mary: ....

Back at the fight, in the sky, we see several clash wave beams hit one another, seeing Superman and (YN) both landing punches to each other, (YN) willingly able to withstand those punches like nothing and taking the high advantage during the fight, landing couple of punches and jabs straight to Superman's face, quick blows as well, and goes for another axe hand, demons Superman falling back straight crashing to the ground and (YN) flying back down, seeing Superman beaten and bloody and walks up towards him...

(YN): Please, stop. You're tired, and injured .

Superman: ...Not as injured as you are about to be.

(YN): Still being a stubborn I see?

Superman: just don't understand, but...I do know this!

Superman lazer beams (YN), sending him flying crashing towards some trees, then Superman flies quickly over and catching (YN) by his neck...

Superman: You see son, I know your secret during all're holding back.

Superman tosses (YN) to the sky and goes after him, and to start beating the holy hell out of him, and this time his punches were now more brutal and vicious and hard hitting that (YN) never felt before, not as close as his fight with Conquest, not even Nolan....Superman didn't hesitate to even hurt his own son, even if he's from another world or not. He kept landing brutal blows, and again repeatedly punching him through the sky...

Superman: You were holding back! I bet you always do back in your world! So soft, and yet so denial! But me on the other hand, I use to, but now...not anymore!!! Unlike you of course!

Superman catches (YN), the swings and lands a brutal upper cut to (YN), sending him straight up all the way to space and goes after him and again landing a punch, sending him further away from earth and crashing through several meteors. Superman continue throwing punches to (YN), leaving his face bloody and beaten up...Superman stopped and can see (YN) coughing out blood and grunting in pain...he grabs him by the shirt...and tells him...

Superman: I'm sorry, but you chose this fight, and I'm ending it.

Superman tosses (YN) farther away...and was heading straight to the sun...and vanished through the heat as Superman can't tell where he is...

Superman: .......

He didn't know how to feel afterwards...but tried to ignore it and fly off back to earth....until....
He used his super hearing, and heard something from the sun as he quickly turns around...

Superman: How..?!

He kept starring at the sun...and there, (YN) merged our from the sun, and to fly directly straight to Superman. Superman clenched his hand and to swing a punch, manage to land it against (YN)'a face....but, this time, his punch didn't do no affect, (YN) was floating there still, took that punch, and glaring at Superman dead in the eyes as half his clothes were burned...


(YN) slaps Superman's fist off his face, and  clench his hand, and striking a brutal gut punch to Superman, as he spat blood out, and felt bits of his ribs breaking, and (YN) to tackles Superman straight and while he does, he began throwing vicious rapid punches while falling back to earth straight. They arrive inside the surface of the earth, and (YN) still continually throwing rapid punches towards Superman, until they crash landed on the ground, and causing a huge impact, and a little earthquake as well
After that, Superman was pin down as (YN) had him by his neck, and slowly started strangling him out out pure anger and frustration...

(YN): Stop it! Please! I don't...I don't want to keep hurting you more! But you keep pushing me!

Superman: T-Tch! Like I said,'re holding back...

(YN) grunts, and to squeeze Superman's neck more, clenching his hand and raises it up as he was about to beat him up more...until...

Mary: (YN) wait!

(YN) heard Mary's voice, and looks behind and sees her arriving, alongside with Eve and Rex...

(YN): Mary?! Guys! Get out of here-

Superman kicks (YN) off from him as (YN) quickly gets up and flies over to Mary and his friends to protect him from Superman...

(YN): Guys you need to leave, NOW!

Rex: Sorry man, but not this time. I wanna see him break down.

(YN): What?! What are you-

Mary: (YN), trust me...we're not gonna fight.

(YN): ??

Suddenly, a portal opens as everyone spots it, and coming out from that portal, was Robot, and yet has brought a few high tier security guards with their armed weapons filled with Kryptonian

Robot: Superman, surrender now, or face the consequences.

Superman: So this is your final trump card? Do better, Robot. And honestly...I'll finish you and these people off first!

Rex: Fuck!!

Eve: Shit!!

Mary: NO!!

(YN): DAD NO!!!

As Superman flies over to Robot....
Someone appear out from the portal, and it was a lady, a lady that made Superman stop, and leaving him speechless, and not only him...but also took (YN) out of big surprise as well seeing that lady coming out from the portal too...and never would of thought seeing her as well...
This lady is none other than Superman's wife....and (YN)'s mother, Lois Lane.

Lois: Hello, Clark.


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