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As we left off, Superman was inches away to destroy Robot and some security soldiers that he's brought to stop Superman's chaos...until someone appear with Robot, which will allow Superman to be taken down mentally, and is the only person to stop him...his wife, and (YN)'s mother, Lois Lane...who also happens to be pregnant too.

Lois: Hello, Clark.

Superman was left speechless, and out of shock to see his wife coming from a different dimension...

Superman: Y-You're...You're not Lois.

Lois: And you're not my Clark.

Superman: ......

Lois: ...He died stopping Nolan and the Viltrumites.

Superman: .....

Suddenly, Lois spots (YN), as she walks pass Superman, and heads her way over to (YN). (YN) too was shock to see his mother, and felt nervous when she's approaching closer and closer. And once she does, she slowly reaches her hand over to (YN)'s cheek, and gently carees ...

Lois: You must be (YN).

(YN)'s eyes were beginning to feel teary, the fact in his world his mother died from a accident when he was a kid, and never thought he'd see her again...and all he can say is...

(YN): M-Mom...

Lois: Look at you, all grown up. My (YN).

(YN) grabs and holds onto his mother's hand, and got close to her and he gently smiles as Lois wipes the tears off from his eyes...
Then, she and (YN) both turn their focus to Superman, as he felt sad he's left alone, and starting to feel like everything he's done for Lois, isn't the reaction he expected, and feel guilt about it.

Lois: Clark, this needs to stop now, all of this, now.

Superman: I..I was trying to give this world a better peace.

Lois: By murdering others that disagree with you?? ...How many people, husbands, wives, children, families will you kill for peace, Clark?

Superman: ...

Lois: Even if this (YN) isn't your son or not, you'd still hurt him for disagreeing with you as well??

Superman looks at (YN), and (YN) slowly looking away with a disappointed look, and having Superman to slowly realize that he was in the wrong this entire time, thinking if the actions can be in the right, but to be wrong...he drop onto his knees to the ground...

Superman: How...How did it come to this...

Lois walks up to Superman, and (YN) following her as the two approach close to Clark...

Superman: Lois...(YN)...I am terribly sorry, for everything, all of this...I thought, maybe if I did something that is right, would make you both proud of me...but, I guess I was in the wrong.

(YN): Horribly wrong.

Lois: Like (YN) said.

Superman: ...I don't deserve to live anymore, I deserve death.

Robot: No. I've bought enough time searching these guards from a different dimension. They have built a red sun prison for you to be in.

Superman: ...I'll do it. Whatever punishment you have, I'll take it.

Robot: Very well.

The guards Robot brought with him surrounded Superman, as of one then handcuffed him, the handcuffs were made out of kryptonian. Once he's handcuffed, before they take Superman away, he then looks over back to Lois and (YN)...and says to (YN)...

Superman: (YN)...I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you, and the actions I've done...

(YN): ...I really hate to say this, could've done better than that.

Superman: I know...heh, never thought I'd get advice from you, my son.

(YN): ....

Superman: Please...take care, and be better than me.

(YN): I will.

Superman gave one last gentle smile to (YN)...and walks through the portal with the guards, and the portal to close and Superman from this world, is gone. Mary and the rest group up with (YN) and Lois...

Mary: (YN)...

(YN): Mary.

Mary and (YN) hug each other...

Lois: You must be Mary?

Mary: Y-Yeah, you're...(YN)'s mother, Lois?

Lois: Yes, in my world, I'm close friends with your mom, Debbie. And...Robot has told me about yours...I'm deeply sorry sweetie.

Mary: Its...okay.

Robot: We can mourn later, right now, we need to get (YN) back to his own world.

(YN): Uh, think you can give me 20 minutes, with my mom...from another world. I want to talk with her for a bit.

Robot: Give me 20 minutes tops.

(YN): Cool, okay.

Robot: Lois?

Lois: I won't mind at all. I got time before I head to my world.

Robot: Very well then.

(YN): you have any...spare clothes? Mines...burnt up from the sun.

Robot: Of course...wait what??


Later on, it was noon, the sit was setting already, the city can now live in peace finally as Mary and her friends announced the end of Superman. Meanwhile, (YN) and Lois were walking together on a field, talking about their lives from their world.

(YN): So, my dad from your world was killed by Nolan and the Viltrumites by saving the world.

Lois: ...I'd never thought Nolan would turn out to be who he is. Poor Debbie.

(YN): How is she holding up?

Lois: At first, it didn't went to well after she found out what Nolan was after all this time. But after, she got over it, and is focus on raising her daughter.

(YN): Good, Debbie will be a great mother. You as well.

Lois: Thank you (YN).

(YN): So, how's little me doing in there?

Lois grabs (YN)'s hand, and having her reach and touch her belly, and him to feel his heartbeat, resting.

(YN): He seems to be resting pretty well.

Lois: He is. And can't wait to see him grow big, like you.

(YN): Heh,

Lois: ...(YN)...I know I wanted to talk with you, but why is it you wanted to talk with me?

(YN): I just...wanted to speak to you one last time before I head back.

Lois: But...don't you have your mom, and Clark??

(YN): ..........

Lois: O-Oh my god. (YN)...

(YN): ...My mom got in a car accident...and dad, he was killed by Nolan. Debbie didn't took it well like yours...not even Mary.

Lois: your world, Debbie has a daughter, and is Mary?

(YN): Yeah, she and I are together. Even though what Nolan done to his friends, everyone he's killed...Mary didn't like it one bit, and fought Nolan once. After, I fought him...and let him leave, and told him to never come back.

Lois: Oh (YN)...

Lois walks up to (YN) and holding her hand to comfort him...

Lois: I'm deeply sorry for your losses.

(YN): And, I'm sorry for loosing...Well, my dad from your world too. But hey, you still have Debbie, and little me to have in your life.

Lois: Heh, I could say the same to you too with Mary in your world. She must be worried sick for you right about now.

(YN): She is.

Suddenly, Robot, Mary Eve and Rex appeared...

Robot: Hope the two of your are done, the portal guns ready to take you back home (YN).

(YN): Guess it's that time...very well.

Robot opens the portal that leads (YN) to his own world...

(YN): Welp, guess this is it. Mom...

Both (YN) and Lois hugged each other...

Lois: Take care (YN).

(YN): Same to you....ill miss you.

Lois: I'll miss you too.

They slowly backed away as (YN) looks over at the others...

(YN): Take care as well guys. I'm sorry for your losses here, but be glad you still have each other. See y'all.

As (YN) was about to enter the portal, Mary runs up behind and grabs onto his hand...

(YN): Mary?

Mary: (YN)...before you leave, I need to tell you. And that's to always be on Mary's side no matter what, don't make her feel like I have after loosing my (YN)...please, do that for me.

(YN) grabs Mary's hand...

(YN): I'll do anything for my Mary, don't you worry.

Mary: Good. Now, go.

(YN): ...Goodbye, Mary.

Mary: Goodbye.

Both (YN) and Mary have one big hug to each other, and (YN) can feel Mary wanting to break down, as he slowly backs away, and gives her one gentle smile, and waves at her, and she waves back...and (YN) to enter the portal...and return back to his own world.


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