Final Chapter

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Back at (YN)'s original world, at Mary's home residence, there we see Both Mary and her mother arriving home from the hospital after the incident against Armstrong. While (YN) was stuck in another dimension, Mary had to fight off Armstrong herself, and had to beat him up into pulp, near death after he harmed Debbie and Oliver and threatened to kill them, which angered Mary a lot, which led her to almost killing Armstrong near death from another world. Afterwards, Mary thought she be stuck and not be able to go back home, Until suddenly, she met another versions of her friends, who came to help Mary get back home, and she did. After all that, she arrive back home and was informed that both Debbie and Oliver were at the hospital. Good thing is that they are both okay and alive, unfortunately for Debbie, she had a broken arm no thanks to Armstrong. Anyways, with them returning back home, alongside, Cecil hired a babysitter for Debbie, named April, in the meantime as she will be looking out for Oliver for a while...

Debbie: April, can you take Oliver ready to bed?

April: Of course. Come on buddy, let's go brush those teeths.

As April takes Oliver upstairs to get him to bed, Debbie looks at Mary and can tell she is worried...

Debbie: Sweetie...

Mary: He's not return yet...Mom, what if-

Debbie: Don't think about it too much Mary, I'm sure (YN)'s is doing okay, and is probably finding a way to return-

Suddenly, they heard a noise from their backyard, and spotted a portal opened, and there, they see (YN) merging out from the portal as the two rush out the backyard...

Mary: (YN)!

(YN): Mary!

Both Mary and (YN) rush to each other with open arms, and a kiss too...

Mary: I was so worried! I-I thought-

(YN): I'm here now babe. I'm here, and...

He looks at Debbie, and notice her having an arm sling...

(YN): Oh my god. Ms.Grayson, your arm...

Debbie: I'm fine (YN), all that matters is that you're here and safe.

(YN): Yeah, but your arm. Did...Did that brain guy did this?!

Debbie: .....

(YN): That heartless bastard!

Mary: (YN), it's fine. He's not our problem anymore...I...I took cared of him...

(YN) notice Mary sounding a bit guilt, as if she sounded like she doesn't like what she is thinking or saying right about now...
She suddenly walks away, and feeling sad...

(YN): Mary...

Debbie: (YN), let her. She...she told me everything.

(YN): ...

Debbie: In the meantime, would you like some tea? I'll make one for Mary for you to take her.

(YN): I would like that, but let me help. Please, I insist.

Debbie: That's kind of you.

(YN): Your welcome.

Later that night, (YN) and Debbie both talked about what has happen during the time when he was gone, when (YN) told Debbie his story...she wasn't happy at all about what he had to go through with his father, and what he became. As of now, Debbie rests up as (YN) heads over to Mary's room with her tea...

(YN): Mary? You awake?

As he enters her room, she wasn't in there, but did spot her window open, as he placed her tea down at the counter table, floats over, pops his head outside and spots Mary sitting on the roof looking at the sky...

(YN): Hey.

Mary: Hey...

(YN): Seems like you won't be sleeping for a while.

Mary: Sorry, got a lot on my mind.

(YN): Same for your mom. You want company?

Mary: ...I'd like that.

(YN) floats over and sits next to Mary...

Mary: ...Things are gonna be different. And to think my life will be close to be normal. But now...

(YN): Hey, we'll work this out, together.

Mary: ....Im quitting college.

(YN): What? Babe no-

Mary: It doesn't make sense. I mean you have it easy, even though it's my fault at first to make you make so many excuses for me when I was gone, but right now, it's even worse: I'm missing almost all my classes, and the more I think about it, what's the point? Am I going to be a dentist? A nurse? A lawyer? Why would I be any of that when I can't get my shit together?

(YN): I know things can be tough at times in life, and even now, but this is your future your talking about, you can't just quit college.

Mary: ...With everything I can do, tell me why I need to go? All of's too much...I can't do it. I've held it for so much, and I can't take it anymore...*gets emotional* I have to get better, learn to control myself, it's important, the for me. I have to get better. I have to BE better. Do you understand?

(YN): Mary-

Mary: Please, Do you??

(YN) remembers what the other Mary said to him "Always be on her side no matter what" and that's what's he's good at, and as her boyfriend too. He slowly reaches for a kiss to her lips, and holds her hand...

(YN): Of course I do. I really do. Even your mom will understand. Trust me. I'll support you in any way you think of, no matter what.

Mary: ...That's all I needed to hear. Thanks, (YN).

(YN): Anytime.

Meanwhile, in space, at the Viltrumite spaceship, at the main hall, we see General Kregg, and Anissa too as she arrive to him...

G.Kregg: Well?

Anissa: ......

G.Kregg: I see.

Anissa: The girl refuses for both reason and heritage.

G.Kregg: So you failed to convince her then?

Anissa: General....shes poisoned, just like her father.

G.Kregg: And you didn't give her any punishment for disobeying?

Anissa: I did, but...

G.Kregg: SuperBoy, right?

Anissa: ....

G.Kregg: I'm not surprised.

Anissa: You can't argue with me about him, you know just as I am that he's far beyond stronger. If he wasn't in my way, I would've-

G.Kregg: You'd still do nothing. No matter what, he knows where trouble is. And as far from what I've seen, he's gave you trouble, hasn't he?

Anissa: Tch. It would've been so much better if you'd let me borrow Kryp-

Suddenly, the alarm goes off, as they both spot somebody flying through was Allen, as he was making his way back to the coalition. Until he was close to be ran over by the ship...

Allen: Oh my god!! What the-Oh. Oh no, this isn't good. Did they see me? Please tell me they didn't...

He notice the ship stop, and Anissa merging out from the ship and dashing her way over to Allen...

Allen: Oh shit. They saw me, they definitely saw me. Uhhhh-

Anissa charges up her fist and throws a punch to Allen, sending him flying away, and yet the punch did nothing to him at all...

Allen: Oh? That...didn't hurt as much as before. I wonder...

Allen gain a bit confidence, as he dashes straight to Anissa and lands a huge blow punch to Anissa, and manage to send her flying away, and cause her to nose bleed from that punch, and notice...

Anissa: No Unopan is THAT strong!

Allen: Guess your research is out of days.

Anissa: You'll be coming with us! Our scientists will cut you open to find the source of your strength!

Allen: ...With those punches? Good luck with that.

Anissa instead god for a punch, she goes for a drop kick, straight to Allen's face and knocking him out...

Anissa: Foolish Unopan.

Anissa grabs Allen and to fly back to the ship.....unfortunately, the drop kick didn't known Allen out completely, as he faked it and was part of his plan to be taken to the Viltrumite spaceship and meet someone.
Later on, as he was taken by the Viltrumites, Allen was being taken down in a hallway with guards...he spots a Viltrumite, who is about to be executed anytime soon...and that Viltrumite is Nolan.

Allen: Holy shit! My plan worked!

Nolan: What?? talking to me?? In my head??

Allen: Remember me?

Nolan: Yes, why are you here??

Allen: For you man. I'm here for you. Talk soon.

Later that soon, at the prison, Nolan was behind bars, as he waited for his execution to be ready. Until...

Allen: Yo. Nolan? You there?

He heard Allen's voice across the hall...

Nolan: I'm here Alien.

Allen: Oh come on man It's Allen. Don't be like that. I heard what you did back on Thraxa, we are on the same side now.

Nolan: No, we're not.

Allen: You turn your back against the empire, Mary and (YN) told me about it.

Nolan: Wait-You saw Mary??

Allen: Yes. On earth, I've came to talk with her and (YN) about creating an alliance to fight against your old pals. But, seems you beat me to it.

Nolan: Leave her out of this. Let the girl live a moment in peace. But...what did...(YN) think?

Allen: You'd be surprised about his answer.

Nolan: Figures. But...after everything I've done, let me pay for all I've done.

Allen: Yea, don't worry. It'll happen sooner or later, I've heard the chatter around here. They're gonna execute you bro.

Nolan: They are, yes.

Allen: Most people worried about that.

Nolan: ...I'm not a Viltrumite anymore. Not really. I feel...shame and regret for my actions. I see the suffering of lesser beings upsets me, deeply.

Allen: You say that if that's a bad thing.

Nolan: What I did on Earth...the pain, and destruction I've caused was...immeasurable. What I did to those people, what I said to my wife...what I did to my daughter...what I Clark...and....(YN)...

Allen: Yeah, and you're people are doomed on a thousands planets right now. You can help us stop him.

Nolan: ....I deserve death.

Allen: Oh god.

Nolan: ......And yet....

Allen: What? What is it??

Nolan: .....I think....I miss my wife.

(End of Book 2)
-To be continued-

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