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During that same day, it was night, we take a look at the warehouse where the mauler twins are located to be at. They happen to help Angstrom finish building a giant chains he has been working with. The reason why he built it is because his goal is to save his reality by learning from his alternative selves, helping numerous universes with the knowledge he will be gaining from his alternative selves. All of Angstrom's alternative selves were sat on the machine with each having a helmet on connected to the machine to give the knowledge to the actual Angstrom...

Mauler 1: Power's stable. Neural matrices spinning up.

Mauler 2: Buffers ready and networked. You know who else could've pulled this off? No one in a million different dimensions.

Angstrom: That's right, you two are about to change the world. All of them.

Mauler 1: Let us not waste time then, open your portals to the other nine machines.

Angstrom open nine portals and giant cables appear out and connects towards the machine...

Mauler 2: Trans-dimensional interconnects are stable, bringing them online.

The Mauler twin turns in the power to activate the machine...

Mauler 2: One thousand minds, synchronized. Your throne. But, I should remind you. You're doing a ton of process behind the scenes so you'll remember that you are you, and not them.

Mauler 1: Even though you'll have everyone's memories, it's a first for us, but that means once we start the process, it's impossible to stop it. At these power level, severe brain damage would be the least of your problems.

Angstrom: I understand. I'm ready.

Mauler 2: Then, let us ride the lightning.

They power up the machine as all of the alternative selves of Angstrom started feeling the pain from their brains being dragged towards the original Angstrom and to feel the power of each of their knowledge and feel stronger too.

Mauler 2: Lock and stable, we're laughing.

Mauler 1: ...Don't say that.

Mauler 2: Why not?

Suddenly, the ceiling up above come crashing, as both Invincible and SuperBoy came in action...

Mauler 1: That's why.

Invincible: Uh...

SuperBoy: This is new.

Cecil: Spit it out, both of you.

Invincible: Okay so there's this giant mechanical Christmas look alike tree being charged up, attach with a bunch of...the same guys sitting on it...

SuperBoy: Portals attach to the machine, and Mauler twins on top of that.

Cecil: Doesn't matter, stop them.

SuperBoy: On it. Alright you two, shut it down.

Mauler 2: Make us.

SuperBoy: Your loss. Ready?

Invincible: So ready.

The two dash towards and to take down each Mauler of their own...

Angstrom: N-No wait! Invincible, SuperBoy! You don't understand!

They ignore him as they continue beating up the Mauler twins ...

Angstrom: Stop it! Both of you! Just listen to me. This is for the greater good.

Invincible: Yeah? Heard that before.

SuperBoy: Not the first time.

Angstrom: Then...I'm sorry.

Suddenly, more portals open by Angstrom...and out of those portals, different version of Maulers pop out...

Angstrom: Maulers, help your brothers.

Mauler 1: You were using other us's?!

Mauler 2: And you said we were special!

Invincible: (YN), go and stop the machine. I got this.

SuperBoy: On it.

As Invincible fights off the Maulers, (YN) flies over towards Angstrom and the other versions of him...

SuperBoy: Okay, how do you turn this off...??

Angstrom: S-SuperBoy!

SuperBoy: Uh..Do I..know you??

Angstrom: Yes, not really...but, all of them, my selves, do!

SuperBoy: Wh-What??

Angstrom: what is it you're doing teaming up with Invincible?!

SuperBoy: What..What do you mean??

Angstrom: Why you, who happens to be a beloved hero and to be the greatest hero of all, side with a cold hearted viltrumite like her??

SuperBoy: What! Mary isn't bad, she-

Angstrom: You wouldn't understand, cause you won't believe us. should know...every dimension I visited...she is just like her father, ruthless, savage, and cold hearted! And has killed, everyone and everything we, I cared for...

SuperBoy: Every..Dimension?? ..N-No. she isn't-

(YN) looks over and sees Mary getting beaten up and surrounded by the Maulers...

(YN): NO! Get away from her, bastards!!

(YN) dives straight towards the Maulers and started beaten them up one by one. He uppercuts one of them, then swings a double back hand towards two other Maulers..

Angstrom: N-No! What..are you doing! Why..are you defending her! Stop!

Angstrom grabs the helmet in his head and tries taking it off, and causing the machine to set of an alarm and alerting the maulers...

Mauler 3: No stop!

Mauler 5: You kill us all!!

It was too late, once he took of the helmet, the machine caused a huge explosion at the warehouse, killing all the Mauler twins as well...
After the explosion, (YN) managed to save Mary from the explosion and he covered himself as a shield to protect her...

Invincible: (YN)..

SuperBoy: Im fine. But, are you??

Invincible: Yes, and..thank you.

SuperBoy: You're welcome.

Suddenly, the guardians arrive at the scene...

Robot: Invincible, SuperBoy, are you two hurt?

(YN): We're fine, well I am, but Mary is, she...

Invincible: No..No no..not again...

Invincible began to see the blood in her hands, and to feel but traumatic that she left the maulers and the alternative selves of Angstrom die from that explosion...

Invincible: I..I did this. All of this-

SuperBoy: Mary no. Don't, okay? This isn't your fault. All of this was the Maulers.

Rex: He's right, and apparently...lots of them?

SuperBoy: Point is, we stopped whatever that was.

Cecil: (YN)'s right Mary.

Invincible: But..those people, and even the Maulers...

Cecil: Everyone here did this to themselves. Whatever they were planning, you both stopped it. This is what happens when you follow my orders, you did good today, understand? Head home. We'll have this place clean up and puzzle everything that they were up to. Immortal, check for any sites of survivors and report to me.

Immortal: Understood.

A little while later, we take a look at Mary's home residence, in the kitchen, we see Debbie, asleep at the counter table, spilled wine near her and her laptop open and active as she was doing her work and overslept. Mary and (YN) both arrive to the house and spot her...

Mary: Mom...Mom...Mom.

Debbie: M-mmm...

(YN): Ms.Grayson.

Debbie: O-Oh! Oh my gosh! Mary, (Y-YN)!

Debbie was surprise seeing (YN) in her home, but was also surprise to see Mary a bit beat up after the incident...

Debbie: Honey, what happened??

Mary: I'm alright mom, we both are. I..I'm working with Cecil now, stopped the Maulers, but...things okay?

Debbie: Wha-O-Oh. No, I'm just...tired. I'm so sorry, didn't mean to appear like this in front of you (YN).

(YN): It's no worries Ms.Garyson, here, let me...

(YN) grabs the bottle of wine and puts it back and Mary to clean up the spill...

Mary: Have you eaten?

Debbie: No, I guess I forgot...

Mary: I'll make dinner.

(YN): I'll help.

Debbie: N-No, I appreciate it-

Mary: I want to, we both do.

(YN): Besides, you could use to company as well.

Debbie: ...Okay, that would be nice. Also...a mail came for you, Mary.

Debbie hands Mary her mail, a letter from a College University school, which would mean if Mary is accepted to that college of course.

(YN): Hey, it's from Upstate University.

Mary: It is, then that means...

(YN): ...I'll go get mines!

Later on, at Mary's room, her and (YN) were both anxious and nervous reading their letters to see if they been accepted to the college they both want to go.

(YN): Uh, ladies first?

Mary: No way, you first.

(YN): How about the same time?

Mary: Fair enough.

The two open the mail and to looked at each others letters and read...

Mary: "Congratulations on being accepted to Upstate University, Mr.Kent." Mr.Kent?! Wait! This is yours!? But how-

(YN): Did the ol switch a roo when you were busy helping your mom cleaning, wanted to make things more spicy.

Mary: That's great! B-But what about me-

(YN): You too as well.

Mary: R-Really!? But, you didn't even open it...

(YN): Wow, did you honestly forgot I have X-Ray vision??

Mary: *flusters* ...Oh, hehe.

The two have a gentle look to each other eyes, and yet to smile at each other to feel happy that both of them will attend the same college together. Mary jumps towards and (YN) catching her, and holding her as he and her land a kiss to each other...

Mary: We both got in.

(YN): We sure did babe, together.

Time passes, it was midnight, (YN) stayed over at Mary's and to sleep over at her room together. Suddenly, he slowly awaken as he suddenly felt a presence, to think there is someone nearby. He slowly gets off the bed to not wake Mary up, walks over to the window and fly out to look around. Then, he spots a shadow silhouette above him, turns around guarded up, and spots the Immortal...

(YN): Oh. Hey, Immortal. Say, what uh...brings you here??

The Immortal slowly floats towards (YN), arms crossed and yet with a unbothered and untrusted look on his face and says...

Immortal: Cecil says Invincible is working with us now, is that true?

(YN): Yeah...

Immortal: ...That's all I need to hear then, cause now I'm gonna have to be more cautious around her.

(YN): ...The hell you're trying to say?

Immortal: Cecil says she's on our side, unlike her father...and I'm not so sure.

(YN): Hey, if you try to say what I think you're trying to say, drop it. She isn't like nor will never be like Nolan. I know her, more than you of course.

Immortal: ..You better hope you're right. I'll be watching.

The immortal flies off, leaving (YN) a bit unbothered by the fact there are some people like Immortal thinks that Mary will turn out to be like her father soon...and won't happen.
Meanwhile, we take back over to the warehouse bend exploded. There, one of the original Mauler twins survive, and yet half of his body burnt and limping around, looking for his other twin brother self around the destruction of the warehouse...

Mauler 1: Brother! Where are you! Nrgh! I told that imbecile to not take off that damn helmet!

Suddenly, he spot movement coming from up ahead and walks over to take a look, to think it's his twin brother self, but instead, it was Angstrom Levy, who is alive surprisingly, yet appeared differently, as his whole head mutated and grew...

Mauler 1: How are you even breathing??

Angstrom: Wh-what...what did SHE do to me...??

Mauler 1: You did that to yourself, and THIS to me.

Angstrom: She...She did this. Made me a freak. She ruined everything! Argh!! ...She killed so many...people I knew, people I loved! Millions died, cause of HER!

Mauler 1: Huh, your Brian's scrambled. You've lost track of what memories are yours and which come from the others.

Angstrom: They're all of my memories! All of them!

Mauler 1: You need a hospital.

Angstrom: No...I need revenge. I need to make HER pay! I won't rest, until I kill INVINCIBLE! And, on top of that, I'll kill that unforgivable so called hero, SuperBoy! The audacity, of him to even have the least decency to even side with a cruel heartless person like HER! Well guess what! I'll make him pay as well!


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