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Now, before we continue the story, I would like to take a little look at someone's else part of this story, who will indeed be a major foreshadow towards this story and a threat too.
At the global defense agency jail, there were see two familiar faces, who escaped once from prison, yet fought against the guardians of the globe, and also failed to mind control the Immortal when bringing him back alive; their the Mauler Twins. The Mauler Twins discuss and figure out a way to escape...but how?? Then, suddenly, two green portals open in each their cells out of nowhere, leaving them confused, yet they went along as they know it's a way to escape prison easily. They both walked into the portal at the same time and the portal to close afterwards.
Somewhere unknown, a big portal opens, and see the Mauler Twins arriving at an unknown area, where they notice everything around them is destroyed and undead bodies and fossil of humans being burnt to crisp...

Mauler 2: Ugh. Where the hell are we?

Mauler 1: I bet he knows.

The two look up ahead, and spot an African stranger standing with his arms behind his back. The Mauler twins walk their way over to the stranger and arrive close and to look around and seeing wherever they are, it's nothing but a desert...

Mauler 1: Holy shit, what happed here?

???: A tragedy, but don't worry. This isn't your world. My name, is Angstrom Levy.

Mauler 1: Hi, Angstrom. Why'd you break us out?

Mauler 2: More importantly, what do you want?

Mauler: 1: That's basically what I said idiot.

Angstrom: I explain on the way. This Earths to dangerous to stay here for long.

The Mauler Twins follow Angstrom. Now, you're probably thinking, isn't this the guy from the beginning?? Yes, and No. for you see, this is a different Angstrom...

Mauler 1: Let me guess, you can open portals between dimensions.

Angstrom: I mean I don't like to brag.

Mauler 1: But not with the same dimension.

Angstrom: Hm, why you think that?

Mauler 1: Cause we're walking.

Mauler 2: And cause you needed to find a crater deep enough here to reach us from the GDA's underground there.

Angstrom: Ah, you two are sharp. I was worried freeing you two would be a mistake.

Mauler 2: Still might be, if you don't tell us what do you want.

Angstrom: I need your help with a very specific project problem.

Mauler 1: Mmm, last time we worked with someone with a specific problem, didn't ended well for us.

Angstrom: I'm a pacifist. I don't hurt people, neither don't kill people. I only use my power for good. And working with you two will be a real ethical and moral stretch for me, but I don't have a choice. There isn't anyone that has that type of scientific je ne sais quoi. Trust me, I liked everywhere. Now I can't force you to help me, but I will leave you both here forever if you don't. Or somewhere worse than here.

Mauler 2: ...I miss when we only worked for ourselves.

Mauler 1: You and me both.

The Mauler twins had no choice but to help Angstrom with a project he's working on. And also, about his powers, he has the ability to open portals to alternate realities, but not to be confused with him teleporting, his powers only put the same spatial in the dimension transport from in another dimension.
Meanwhile, at the Guardians of the globe hideout, the team weee having a meeting with Cecil, alongside with (YN) too, and talking about their job to stop the Giant, yet to fail and (YN) to do their always.

Cecil: Ongoing repeated fuck ups of monumental proportions.

Dupli-Kate: That's a bit harsh Cecil.

Cecil: That's the nicest way I can say it, don't push me.

Dupli-Kate: As I was saying: You're slow, unprepared, undisciplined, take downs take too damn long and the public pays the price.

Rex: Hey! We put our damn necks on our line the whole day-

Cecil: Shut it Rex. This ain't about you. And instead, you should be thanking SuperBoy for saving y'all asses.

(YN): You're welcome.

Rex: Show-Off.

(YN): I like to see you try man handle a giant monster on my position, if you can.

Rex: Oh you commie-

Cecil: Enough. Now, we've done an analysis of your last 15 engagements and narrowed it down to a failure of leadership.

Rudy: ...I apologize, to everyone here. I am still trying to adjust my new body, and yet I lack of trying to stay focus.

Cecil: And I'm instituting a change. (YN)-

(YN): Pass.

Cecil: You said you'd tag along.

(YN): Yea, I said I'll tag along to hear the news, not agree on whatever you have in mind.

Cecil: *sighs* good fucking grief...good thing I had a plan B back up.

Cecil announce the new leader of the new team, which it wasn't (YN), not what Cecil planned it through, but was lucky to have a someone else take in charge...and that someone who will be the new leader, is The Immortal, brought back to life once again thanks to Cecil and his work.

Cecil: The Immortal is now in charge. Should turn things around knowing he's got thousands years worth of experience. And also, I would like to introduce you all to your newest member, team, meet Bullet Proof.

The new member of the team, Bullet Proof appears and spawns behind Rex...

Bulletproof: Hey.

Rex started talking sarcastically...

Rex: ...Ho Ho! Amazing! It's just a whole afternoon of new friends. And...what do you do? I means beside having the most obvious name. I mean, "Bulletproof?" Haha.

Bulletproof: I can do everything you wish you can do. And that's rich coming from you being called Rex Splode. What, you came up with that six grade bullshit name yourself? Or someone did for you?

Rex: I-I uh....I..came up with it...

Bulletproof: Come on man, I know your type. Be better.

Rex: I-I was trying...mmm...

(YN): Damn, get cooked.

Rex: Sh-Shut up dude...

Immortal: That's enough. New training schedules are in your lockers. First session is in 30 minutes, dismiss.

The team make their way over to their lockers as the immortal is now the new leader of the team...

Immortal: SuperBoy, you're joining?

(YN): Love to, but not today, next time though. See y'all.

(YN) flies off...

Cecil: Rudy, replacing you doesn't mean you being kicked out. I still want you on the team, you good with that?

Rudy: This...was not the outcome I desire, but yes, of course. I understand.

Cecil: Good, I knew you'd understand.

Meanwhile, at Mary's school, classes have ended. Students started making their way back to their homes. As for Mary, she was about to head home until...

(YN): Hey there.

Mary: Oh, hey (YN).

The two hang out for a bit as the two took their conversation over to the gym building and talking on top of the building....

(YN): So yeah, Immortal is now in charge of the team, heh. I mean can you imagine, me in charge of the team?? Hehe, I bet they won't last at least 3 minutes of my workout training, haha.

Mary: Heh, I could never...

Suddenly, (YN) started to notice Mary was still isn't he tries to set up a mood to try cheering her up. He floats around Mary, and faces in front of her being upside...

(YN): Soo...

Mary: Soo??

(YN): This is the part where my girlfriend tells me how you are?

Mary: I..don't know. Okay, I guess...

Even So, (YN) knew trying to cheer her up won't even work, so he has to stay on her level. He sits closer to her and grabs onto her hand...

(YN): You know, it got me thinking...when was the last time you went out there as...Invincible?

Mary: Yesterday Morning, but...I just fly around like an idiot. And can't stop thinking...*sighs* When I was little, I always wanted to be my dad...and, now that I know who he really is and how he acts...what if I become like him? And I don't even...

(YN) leans closer, and to land a kiss onto Mary's forehead...

(YN): We've talk about this babe. You're not your dad. We all know that, Amber, William, Eve, even your mom. Hell, the whole world knows it too.

Mary: ...Cecil thinks he does.

(YN): The proof him wrong. Unless, you're okay with it?

Mary: ...Take me to him.

Meanwhile, at the pentagon, Donald and Cecil have looked through surveillance cameras and spotted the Mauler Twins coming up something problematic...

Donald: We tracked them down to a warehouse near the harbor. We don't know what they're building in there yet, but it's big, really big.

Cecil: Well let us find out before it becomes a shit show. Get me the Immortal-

GDA Agent: Director.

An agent employee appears, and brought both Mary and (YN)....

Cecil: (YN), and Mary. Look right now this ain't the time-

Mary: I'll work for you. I'll Follow orders and let you do the calls, just put me back out there.

An alarm goes off...

Donald: Sir! Energy levels just went off the chart.

Cecil: ...(YN), got that earpiece still?

(YN): Yup.

Cecil: Then, someone get another one for Mary here.


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