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Now, let us go back to our actual timeline story, where originally, things didn't ended up too well with Mary and her mother about the actions and horrible things her father, Nolan, AKA, Omni-Man, has done behind their backs: Murder, killing his own friends, and of course SuperMan, (YN)'s father.
It has now been a month now ever since Nolan left earth after his fight against Mary, and (YN) afterwards. Both Mary and her mother, Debbie were left heart broken after everything her father has done, and how cold hearted he started to act towards Mary and Debbie. And now, with him gone, the people in Chicago can now stop worry about him knowing (YN) was the one that stopped him for good. One day, at Mary's residence, we see Debbie watching the news on TV, seeing the city being rebuild after the destruction her ex-husband has caused, yet she doesn't wanna hear it about it, nor doesn't want to be reminded about anything that has to do with Nolan, she focuses on herself, and her daughter. Speaking of daughter, she notices Mary walking downstairs, seeing her feeling a bit better now...

Debbie: Mary.

Mary: Hey mom.

They both approach and hug each other to feel comfort...

Debbie: Sweetie, you don't have to go back if you're not ready.

Mary: Heh, neither do you.

Debbie: Maybe we are both dying to get out of this house.

Mary: Hmm, yeah.

Debbie: So...I know it has been a month, and want to are you and (YN)?

Mary: ...We're good. He's doing his own thing, and I'm doing my own thing.

Debbie: Mary.

Mary: It's fine mom, really. He and I are-

Debbie: Honey...

Mary: ...*sighs* He and I are still good in terms, but...there's this part of me, feeling guilty, about what happen in Chicago...all those people died cause of me, cause I wasn't strong enough to protect them from, and knowing what he did to (YN)'s dad in the past, and always thought...if he still loves me still-

Debbie: Don't you dare finish that sentence, Mary Grayson.

Debbie reaches for Mary's hand...

Debbie: Don't you ever say that, especially in this house. You know how much (YN) loves you, he cherish you a lot. He doesn't blame you for all this, And yet, you carry Your father's blame for all he has done, to his friends, to us...none of it is all your fault. (YN) understands it, I do too.

Mary: ...I know, I know. It's just, been tough this past month.

Debbie: Don't think about it too much, and don't ever blame yourself for you the actions "he" has done, understand?

Mary: ...Okay mom, I won't.

Debbie: Good.

The two get ready to head out as Debbie heads to work and Mary to her school..

Mary: See you later, Mom.

Debbie: You too.

At Mary's High School, during school time, Mary would feel uncomfortable being there knowing almost all of her classmates know who she is and who her father is, and make her feel bad at the same time. Suddenly...

Todd: Mary Grayson.

Mary heard her name called, and to see it was Todd, as he comes walking up to her...

Mary: Todd, I'm not in the mood for-

Todd: I know, I just came by to say...sorry, about your dad...

Mary: O-Oh. Uh, thanks. Really, but I don't any to talk about it-

Todd: It sucks, like really. I can't imagine not seeing my dad again ever. I mean mines was a dick, but yours was an okay guy, right? I mean he...

She began to loose sight, and her heart started pounding and having little anxiety when her dad is being mentioned...suddenly, (YN) appears behind Mary and grabs her by the hand and takes her with him...

(YN): Hey thanks Todd Mary really appreciates it.

Todd: No problem.

Down the hallway, (YN) walks with Mary and to reach and grab onto her hand and says...

(YN): Welcome back.

Mary: Thank you.

(YN): Everything alright? You could use some company.

Mary: ...Yeah.

Both Mary and (YN) head over to the cafeteria and talk there...

(YN): I know your mom is fine, and I'm glad she is, but are you fine??

Mary: ...Todd's right. My dad might as well be dead. That's how it feels anyways.

(YN): ...sure.

Mary: But, I have no right to be sad. I'm part of the problem. I'm the reason all of those people in the city died that day.

(YN): Wait, are you...

Mary: On top of that, I shouldn't be here, I should be out there, making up for all my mistakes.

(YN): Mary, you didn't kill those people, your dad did.

Mary: And I didn't save them all.

(YN): You stopped your dad from taking over our home planet and saved it, you risked it all as well. You don't owe anyone anything-

Mary: You don't understand!

Mary raised her voice as she stood up...

Mary: I keep trying to forget it, but it keeps running through my damn head! The blood I was covered by the people, the way they all died right in front of me, all cause I wasn't strong enough to protect them.

(YN): ...Mary-

Mary: I just...I gotta go.

(YN): Mary come on. Wait. I wanna help you...

Mary: ...I don't need your help, I'm sorry. I can take care of it myself.

(YN): ...

Mary: ...Call you when I'm home.

Mary leaves the cafeteria with annoyance and frustration, leaving (YN) as well. (YN) ha been feeling utterly sad for Mary knowing she's taking all the blame for what her father did, and (YN) blames Nolan for this, for what he caused, for causing Mary to feel scapegoated...and yet thinking of Nolan, made (YN) grew angry, as he clenched both his hands, and to kick a whole lunch table, sending it flying and crashing to the wall...

(YN): *sighs* fuck...

Meanwhile, at a burger restaurant, where Mary use to work before achieving her powers. She sat there, and waited for someone to talk with. Yet, that someone she's waiting for has arrived, it was Cecil.

Cecil: Hey Kid, good to see ya again. What can I do for ya?

Mary: ...Going back to school made me realize it's the ring place for me right now...I need to be out, so you need to start contacting me again.

Cecil: Woah, hey hold on-

Mary: I'm better, stronger and ready.

Cecil: ...No you're not, *sighs* You're not, Mary.

Mary: What! What do you mean??

Cecil: You think I haven't been watching your early morning routines?

Mary: That's why I need you. I need to do more.

Cecil: It's only been a month Mary. Focus on your mom, your grades, your attendance, your boyfriend. You wanna go to college with (YN), right? You can't do that if you don't graduate, right?

Mary: I can save lives.

Cecil: You did. You saved a ton of them, And so did (YN). But, you also went through an emotional tumble dryer and I need to know your heads stop spinning, before I let you back in the game, so no, not yet.

Mary: ...You can't stop me. I don't need your permission to be a hero.

Cecil: You know who else said that to me?

Mary: ...I'm not my dad. I am NOT my dad!

Mary punches the table, leaving it bent out of anger...

Cecil: Take some time off, kid. Some real time off. You're gonna need it.

Mary: ....

Meanwhile, at the US Pentagon, Cecil teleported himself to the office and meets up with Donald, as Donald was watching at a screen, LIVE watching the new members of the guardians fighting off against a red giant one eye monster, known as The Giant...

Cecil: Jesus, this thing still going?

Donald: It's not going well sir. The guardians could use some help. They could really use...Invincible.

Cecil: I'm not making the same mistake I made with Nolan. There's one way this kid goes back out there, and that's on a very short leash. Besides, I know who to call.

At the city, the people scatter and pencil as they run away avoiding the Giant causing havoc on the city as the new guardians try stopping him, yet saving the people at the same time...Rex started tossing his explosion energy balls towards the Giant...

Rex: That's for stepping on my favorite bar you giant piece of shit!

The Giant: Don't call me that! I am the Giant, and I want to be president of the United States of America, and be an astronaut!

Dupli-Kate: Uh, that's...a very specific requests.

Rudy(Robot): It appears based on his speech pattern and vocabulary, the Giant seems to have the mental capacity of a of a literal eight year old child.

Monster Girl rushes from behind, leaps towards the Giant and lands a punch...

Monster Girl: An eight year old? That explains the astronaut part.

Shrinking Rae: So do we buy him comics or something to calm him down?

Black Samson: I don't care how old he is, he's causing destruction, scarring citizens! He needs to be taken down!

Black Samson tosses a whole vehicle towards the Giant and lands a hit on him, but isn't much to take him down. Suddenly, Robot gets a call through his robot suit...

Cecil: Rudy, you copy?

Robot: Cecil. Apologies, I know we're trying but-

Cecil: It's alright. We can talk about your guys teamwork later, but as of right now, stand down, your back up is on its way.

Rudy: ...Understood. Everyone, stand down.

Rex: What!

Monster Girl: Rudy??

Black Samson: Why the hell were stopping!?

Rudy: Just do it, and ally of ours is coming to help us.

Dupli-Kate: Really?? Is it-

The Giant: I'm gonna smash you into pieces!!!

The Giant rushes towards the guardians as they all didn't had a chance to dodge away. As the giant's fist was coming straight towards them....
SuperBoy comes in, and to use his whole body as a shield to block the punch, and causing a huge wave impact, and the punch did nothing at all, and the guardians noticing...

Rex: (YN)! About time your ass got here man!

Dupli-Kate: Don't listen to this asshole, we're glad you're here to help.

SuperBoy: ....

Robot: SuperBoy?

SuperBoy: ...I'll end this in 5 seconds.

He looks straight back to the giant...

SuperBoy: Is that how you punch?

The Giant: N-Ngh!!

SuperBoy with an ease moves the giants fist away...

(YN): If so...then, it's my turn.

SuperBoy super dashes straight to the Giant's face, and to land a vicious uppercut to it, sending him flying up to the sky as he goes through the clouds, and would seem that uppercut has knocked the Giant out cold, and his body to fall straight down...

Rex: Oh shit!! Incoming!!!

But, (YN) flies up, and to catch the Giant's body in the air with one arm behind its back, and yet not even struggling to hold him as the Giant is knocked out and out of it.

Black Samson: Woah...

Monster Girl: So cool.

Rudy: That's SuperBoy for you.

Back at the pentagon, Cecil and Donal saw everything of how easily it was for (YN) to handle a giant monster with mere seconds...

Donald: Seems like he's gotten more stronger. But...doesn't look like himself sir.

Cecil: Can you blame him? Invincible isn't the only one who went through the struggle. And at least the boy can maintain his cool than Mary...god who knows how would it end if he ended up killing Nolan.


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