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(YN): You're Name

(LN): Kent

Hero Name: SuperBoy

Age: 18 Years Old

Height: 5FT 9in

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Aqua Blue


One Night, somewhere in a dull area, up in the sky, there, clouds began opening huge gaps, as if something, or someone is going through them. We take a look, and there, we see one member from the Guardians of the Globe, The Immortal, who happens to be fighting someone we never knew it can happen, and yet is a hero too. It was Invincible, gets punched by the Immortal, backs away and spat out blood and shrugs it off and gives off a grin...

Invincible: Heh, I've been hit way harder than that before. That was nothing.

Immortal: Tch, so arrogant, just like your father!

The Immortal dashes straight to Invincible to attack, Invincible manage to throw a punch to Immortal, and axe hands him above his head, sending him falling and goes after him, The Immortal goes flying back up, tackles Invincible, and tossing her way up to the sky, continues to chase her down and land some punches towards her. Invincible shrugs off the punches and swings and uppercut towards the Immortal's chin, and then a bicycle kick to the head, sensing him flying away and goes after him and began throwing more punches.

Invincible: I'm just trying to save lives! Why can't you trust me?

The Immortal throws a quick jab to Invincible, and grabbing her neck after out of frustration...

Immortal: After what your father Omni-Man did?! After what YOU did?!?

Suddenly, someone comes dashing down between Invincible and The Immortal, chopping off his arm that was holding Mary...

Immortal: AAGH!! Ngh!!

And that someone, was none other than Omni-Man himself...

Immortal: Y-You!!

Omni-Man: Yup.

With an arm chopped off, The Immortal goes charging at Omni-Man, landing a punch on him and pushing him away with a kick, and goes charging again, and to swing a punch, but Omni-Man stood unfazed, as he block Immortal's punch with one hand, then to brake it into two, and throws 2 brutal jabs, and after chopping his head off with his hand as his body falls down, Invincible catching his head and to squeeze its head and explode...

Invincible: Heh, Immortal your way out of that, right dad?

Omni-Man: ....

Invincible: Dad?

Omni-Man: The immortal loved for over thousand of years, trying to make this planet better for all its people. I thought he see the truth, like you did, Mary.

Invincible: I think he's trying to lead us a way.

Omni-Man: So we must be close.

Invincible: Yeah...So, how did (YN) took it?

Omni-Man: Still deniable, had to knock some heavy senses on him since he didn't wanted to understand you nor I.

Invincible: ...You didn't kill him, right?

Omni-Man: No hon, his body is lay somewhere beaten, well come back for him later and make him understand again.

Invincible: I hope he does this time.

Now, you're probably thinking "What the hell is going on! Why is Mary teaming up with her own father, killed The Immortal, and yet the city of Chicago in flames and destroyed! Didn't they fought each other??" Well, to put this simple, this isn't the hero Invincible you all know. For you see, in this timeline, Mary does side with her father about ruling the earth and having his father's people to come and make it better, and doing it on their terms, meaning destroying and killing everyone in the city, other countries, and even super heroes.
We take a look at the city, the street run over, buildings on flames, destroyed, dead citizens and some surviving. Yet, we see a specific citizen, his name is Angstrom...

Angstrom March his way towards a bus behind, opening and entering, which leads underground the subway station on an elevator. And underneath, are more survivors that have been living under avoiding both Omni-Man and Invincible. Angstrom arrives underground and walks by and arrives to meet up with one of the surviving heroes, Robot, and also his disabled body in a capsule as well alongside...

Robot: Angstrom, were you followed?

Angstrom: The Immortal led them away, we're safe.

Eve: Yea, that's what Rex thought.

And there, another surviving hero, Atom Eve, who she looks different, with now a buzz cut hair and wearing black clothes underneath her hero suit.

Robot: Did you retrieve the null energy?

Angstrom looks into his backpack and pulls out a small purple capsule...

Angstrom: If this doesn't make Omni-Man have a bad day, nothing will.

Eve: Wait, you said the Immortal led them away, what about (YN)?? Where the hell is he? Wasn't he with the Immortal??

Angstrom: I...I don't know, I mean he was with the Immortal for a bit, only to be taken away by Omni-Man and-

Suddenly, the felt the underground shaking, people started panicking and to hear loud thuds above...

Angstrom: Oh no...oh god, No!!

The underground gets destroy as the walls collapse, Eve creates a barrier to protect them....and there, both Invincible and Omni-Man appear and found the rest of the surviving citizens...

Omni-Man: Told you we were close.

Invincible: Hey Eve, looking good. Nice cut.

Eve charges at Invincible and began shooting her pink energy bullets as Invincible dodges them as the two fly away to take their fight somewhere else...

Angstrom: Robot!

Angstrom tosses the purple capsule to Robot, puts the purple capsule onto his arm which he worked on making it into a weapon, charge it and to shoot a big energy blast to Omni-Man. The blast didn't do anything to him as Omni-Man flies straight to Robot, destroying his body and his main body as well and tearing every piece of his robot body limb to limb as Robot says his final words...

Robot: Someday, you too, will die soon...

Omni-Man: Sure, but...you should have died in birth.

Back with Eve and Invincible, Eve continued shooting her punk bullets at Invincible, easily deflecting them while walking up to Eve...

Invincible: Come on Eve, last chance. You and your stupid resistance made us kill thousands of innocent people for not understanding.

Eve creates a barrier around Invincible, but she easily break out of it, flies towards Eve and grab her by the neck...

Invincible: Stop this, please. Or I stop you again, please. As your friends, listen.

Eve: Nrgh!! I rather die.

Invincible: What! Eve, I..would never kill you. But, I cannot let you hurt any one else.

Eve: Tch, just like you did to (YN).

Invincible: .....

Invincible stood quiet...and to snap Eve's neck, leaving her paralyzed...and then to grab her body and fly away to meet up her dad as he saw...

Omni-Man: I'm sorry you had to do that, Mary.

Invincible: Don't worry, she's not dead. She's paralyzed.

Omni-Man: Huh, so that's what you were doing practicing with those protestors last week. Couldn't figure it out.

Invincible: I've got some people who can take care of her.

The two flew away, and to meet up with the rest of the people...

Omni-Man: Hi, everyone. Now, since all of you are part of the resistance, we need to kill you all.

Angstrom: Murderers!

Omni-Man: Ah, a volunteer. Mary?

Invincible: On it.

Invincible walks up to Angstrom...

Angstrom: Don't you dare!

Invincible: Woah, buddy, relax, don't be upset. you sentenced yourself to death, when you decided to join the resistance club.

Angstrom: Justice...Justice will come to you both. For all the friends we've lost to your senseless cruelty, for all the families and friends you've torn apart. You will reap what you...

Omni-Man: Let's do this Mary. I miss lunch cause of that riot in Bangkok.

Invincible: Yep, way ahead of you-

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a small green portal opens underneath Angstrom, and him falling towards the portal and vanish and closes...

Invincible: What the hell was that?? A portal??

Omni-Man: Meh, who cares. Now let's finish this off.

As both Omni-Man and Invincible flew closer and closer to the people.
Suddenly, someone comes crashing from above arriving underground as the smoke roams around for a bit. As it began to clear, both Omni-Man and Invincible spot a silhouette through the smokes, standing and two red glowing lights began glowing through the smoke. The smoke clears away, and to be revealed that it's (YN), SuperBoy, with a pure frustrated appearance, yet beaten up...

Omni-Man: I told you killing him was better off.

Invincible: Dad.

SuperBoy was dead silent, yet both his eyes were still glowing red, and slowly walks towards, as Invincible walks up to him, trying to talk to him...

Invincible: (YN)...stop this. I don't..I don't want to hurt you.

(YN) takes step foot front, and speed blitz straight to Mary, grabbing her by the neck, and lifts her up, his other arm began trembling, as he was angry and very sad at the same time to find out what Mary had become, what he did to his home city, his friends, his family...and his dad as well.

SuperBoy: You're the one who needs to be stopped.

Omni-Man: Let her go!

Omni-Man charges at (YN), lands a punch, letting go of Mary and goes straight after him..

Invincible: Wait dad!

Both Omni-Man and (YN) began fighting each other, throwing punches, (YN) manage to dodge a punch from Omni-Man, and to strike a vicious upper cut to him, grabs his leg after, and swing him and slamming him to the ground and tossing him away. Invincible from behind tackles (YN), and drives him through several walls , pinning him in the ground and raising her fist up and looking a bit scared...

Invincible: (YN)! P-Please, don't make me do this!

(YN) easily breaks off from Mary, grabs her by the neck again and to slam her to the ground and pinning her down this time...

SuperBoy: Enough, is Enough.

He clenches his hand, and was about to end Invincible for good, but only for Omni-Man to again dive and spear (YN) from behind, crashing him to the wall and started beating him up again, and to use one hand to choke him, and the other to insert his thumb towards his eye, and slowly pressure it down to try popping his eyeball out and choking him. Just by seeing everything Omni-Man has done, his daughter as well, and yet what they did to his friends and family, triggered him more, as he gave a loud yell, swings a brutal punch towards Omni-Man'a shoulder, dislocating it...

Omni-Man: AAAGH!!!

(YN) goes and land a brutal Headbutt to Omni-Man...

Invincible: (YN) NO!!

(YN) places both fingers towards Omni-Man's eyes, and viciously pop both his eyeballs, and at the same time ripping his face off in half, killing Omni Man, and in front of Mary as well...

Invincible: N-NO!! What..What did you do!!!

(YN) looks at both his arms, covered in Nolan's blood, and seeing his dead corpse fallen onto the floor, and felt a bit unease for killing him...but at the same time he didn't regret it. He slowly looks over to Mary with a dead look in his eyes, and says...

SuperBoy: Look what you made me do...Mary, please, for your own sake...give up. I don't want to kill-

Invincible: BASTARD!!!

With anger, Invincible goes charging to (YN), and swings a punch, but (YN) easily dodges it....and to throw a straight jab fist towards Invincible's chest, leading his arm to pop out behind Mary. She gags and coughs out blood, as (YN) slowly takes his arm off, grabbing onto Mary's body and slowly comforting her way to her death...

SuperBoy: It's alright, it's alright...it's over, it's over...just, rest.

Invincible: I-I..I...l-loved...you...

With her final words, her eyes shut down, and to be dead for good as (YN) gently lays Mary on the ground, feeling heartbroken, sad, and despair due to the actions he did, but were to be done in order to stop the madness. He shed a tear, carees Mary's hair and landing a kiss on her forehead...

SuperBoy: ...Why did it have to end like this.

What happens next? Find out, as we now take a look at the actual story on the next chapter.


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