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While Mary and (YN) for round 2, I would quickly want to talk about a specific character into this story and will be a major too. Now, I'm talking about Allen The Alien. What's his backstory? Here's how it goes:
Allen was created by the Unopians in collaborations with the Coalition of Planets in hopes of standing up against the Viltrumites. The plan proved unsuccessful when Allen went head to head with a Viltrumite and lost, but the Coalition realized he still had something to offer still. Allen set off in hopes to finding allies to stand against the Viltrum, which led him directly to earth, and meeting both Invincible and SuperBoy.
The leader of the Coalition, happens to be a Viltrumite too, his name is Thaedus...

Allen convinces Thaedus that both Invincible and especially SuperBoy can be a major help and useful as allies. Everyone knew who SuperBoy was, and can tell obvious the name is a dead giveaway that even the Coalition know he's the son of SuperMan, but unfortunately as for Invincible, the coalition is not having trust with Invincible knowing she's half Viltrumite. Also, Omni-Man's betrayal spread wildfire across the galaxy, severely crippling his daughter, Mary Grayson. Allen is the only one that Thaedus trust him. So, he lets him a little secret: There is a mole in the coalition, in other words, there's traitor, and wants Allen to snuff them out. But, it's not until Allen meets up with his girlfriend, Telia....

Allen breaks down all the information to her at a food restaurant they met up, until suddenly, Allen was then ambush by three strong Viltrumites, who demanded information about Mary, Omni-Man....and (YN). Allen refuse, and the viltrumites did what they always train for, and brutally murder Allen while his girl Telia was force to stand by and watch. In a blink of an eye, The Coalition appears to lost the only one person that could stand against the Viltrum in the coming war.
Back at the coalition HQ, Allen is revealed to be alive, but in grave condition. Telia has been on his side and never left. Thaedus stops by to visit his favorite soldier. He tells Telia that it's okay to step away for a while and he can watch over Allen. And as soon she leaves....Thaedus pulls the plug on Allen's life support and watching him die, after all, he's the mole. His betrayal spells bad news for the coalition, who lost its fearsome soldier and Their Viltrumite leader in one foul swing....for now of course.
And now, let us go back to the story. It was now night time, almost all students are asleep at their dorms. As for (YN), he quietly appeared at his dorm and notice William asleep. He flies over to his bed and to lay down, sighs in relief and smiles of how fun he had with Mary, and trust me, he had ALOT of fun...until...

William: Oh my god! You had sex with Mary.

(YN): Huh-Wha!? William?

William was wide awake this whole time, and knew as he turn on the lights on...

William: How was it? I want all details.

(YN): Dude gross. No, Nah, No.

William: Come on, we're roommates. This is what roommates talk about.

(YN): Oh okay, well, what about you? Did you luckily stumble up with some dude and invited him into our dorm while I went to get figures?

William: Huh? What are you talking about?

(YN): When I went to get my figures and came back and saw the sock on the handle door.

William: Oooh. Ugh, I wish. I think I forgot to take it off after the demonstration. Wait, you thought...I had someone in here...

(YN): Well, yeah.

William: Aw, super flattered. But, no. I'm just still screwed up about what happen to Rick.

(YN): Oh, yeah, Mary told me about it...Sorry William.

William: I always imagined we'd be here at Upstate together.

(YN): Don't worry, Cecil said he's doing better. He should be release by a month or so.

William: I know...sorry for bringing this up.

(YN): No no it's fine, I understand.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door...

William: Oou, looks like someone's coming for round two. Coming Mary.

(YN): *More like round five* I don't think that's Mary...besides, she's asleep when I left, and already made plans for tomorrow.

William: I bet y'all did.

As William goes and opens the door, and yet he stood dead quiet to see that someone that knocked on the door. He slowly shuts it, walks back to his bed and covered himself with his blanket...

(YN): Will?

William: ....I think it's for you.

(YN): ???

(YN) walks over to get the door...

(YN): What...The...

Seance Dog: Hello Super-I mean, (YN)! I need your help, to look for Mary Grayson.

(YN) quickly acts as he pulls Seance Dog inside his dorm, and pins him to the wall...

(YN): Who are you!

Seance Dog: Wh-Why, it is I, Seance Dog, fight fire with fire, fight evil with magic. That's me.

(YN): Don't bullshit me. One last time, who are-

Suddenly, he notice his door open and hear distant chat from students, passing by his dorm and can see everything inside as William uses his blanket to cover up...

William: (YN)!

(YN) tosses Seance Dog outside. William rushes his way over to Mary's dorm. Once he arrives he started banging on it her door.

Mary: Sheesh, can it wait till tomorrow (Y-..William?? What-

William: (YN)! Seance Dog! Real!

Mary: What?!

William: Go outside, (YN) is dealing with Seance Dog! I don't know if he real or not, but they're outside.

Outside, Seance Dog and (YN) we r floating in the sky...

(YN): Seance Dog isn't real. He's a comic book character.

Seance Dog: In your dimension yes, but there exist myriad other world where dogs and magic are real as the air  you breathe.

(YN): Dude, we have dogs here. They're real.

Suddenly, Mary appears and sees everything...

Mary: (YN), and...Seance Dog?!

(YN): Mary.

Seance Dog: Ah! Mary Grayson. Just the person I'm looking for.

Mary: ...I'm not going to even ask. Cause I know you're not real.

Seance Dog: Oh but I am! But that is not important, cause I came here to-

(YN) wasted no time and goes dashing and tackling Seance Dog through he sky, and then dropping him on the floor around the trees. He had him pin down and clenching his hands...

(YN): What do you want with Mary.

Mary: (YN).

Mary arrives...

Mary: Let him go.

(YN): ....

(YN) backs up and Mary takes over...

Mary: I know you're not real, but you could at least tell us who are you, or I'll have my boyfriend here handle it his own way.

Seance Dog: ....very well.

Seance Dog's body started to change, and turns out, he is actually not real, and to find out it's an alien disguise as him...

???: I'm sorry, my disguise wasn't meant to harm you both, but to unarm. I thought if I appeared something Mary loves, it wouldn't be a problem. But, I am no threat, my journey to come here took me most of my life. So...may I rise?

Mary: ...Yes.

(YN): And you better tell us everything.

???: O-Of course.

The alien stands up...

Nuolzot: My name is Nuolzot, I'm from the planet called Thraxan. My people sent me to plead for your Help Mary.

Mary: Thraxa?

Nuolzot: It's a couple galaxies away. I mean...not very far. Doesn't matter.

(YN): Never mind that, tell us how do you know us?

Nuolzot: Rumors of the one they call you both, Invincible and SuperBoy, spreading like while fire. But Mary's speed, strength. You're the only one who can save our people from the meteor showers destroying our world.

Mary: ...Okay, listen here, um...

Nuolzot: Nuolzot.

Mary: Nuolzot...I just got to college. I didn't even got my first day in classes yet.

(YN): Why not I go?

Mary: What??

(YN): I can do it, I mean it'll be easy-

Nuolzot: NO!

(YN)/Mary: ....

Nuolzot: I-I'd be nice and all, has to be Mary specifically.

Mary: And...why is that?

Nuolzot: The monarch says, yeah.

(YN): Oookayyy....

Nuolzot: I'm sorry, as much I hate to say this, but Mary is the only one I need in help to save my whole people.

Mary: And, how many people are in danger?

Nuolzot: Lots of them.

(YN): Specifically.

Nuolzot: Oh, fourty-two billion.

(YN): ....

Mary: ....Fine. I'll go.

(YN): Mary?

Mary looks at (YN), and to grab onto his hands, held them and says..

Mary: I'm sorry, I know we had plans made up for us together, but...if he needs me to go save others lives, then-

(YN): Mary, stop. Don't ever apologize about saving lives. Remember, you're a hero, and you do what's best: saving lives. And don't worry, I'll cover up your classes, I'll ask Amber to help out too.

Mary gently smiles and to give (YN) a kiss...

Mary: Thanks babe.

(YN): Anything for you.

Nuolzot: So?

Mary: I'll come with you, save your people.

Nuolzot: That's great!

With that said, Mary goes to space with Nuolzot to head to his home planet to save his people. Mary talked to Cecil about it, and he wasn't very happy about it at all. (YN) stayed behind and to cover for her classes. Once he was heading back to his dorm, suddenly, Cecil appears teleported in front of him...

(YN): Cecil.

Cecil: Please tell me Mary didn't left already.

(YN): Just now.

Cecil: *sighs* Fucking kid.

(YN): Relax, she'll be couple of weeks or so. Besides, you still have me....and the guardians.

Cecil: I know that, but, at least you didn't join with her. Cause I'm going to REALLY need your help sooner or later.

(YN): What's up?

Cecil: ...Something is coming towards our planet.


Six days have passed now, Mary and Nuolzot have arrive to planet Thaxan. The ship lands on the ground as the two got out and appear out as Mary spots more Thraxans surrounding and relief to see Invincible...

Invincible: Um, hello.

Nuolzot: Don't mind them. Come, the monarch wants to meet you.

Nuolzot leads Mary over to the kingdom to meet their Monarch. She began to look around the area and notice the place seems...unharmed, and not in danger at all.

Invincible: So wait, what exactly about this planet needs saving? Where are the meteors??

Nuolzot: Meteors?? What do you mean??

Invincible: ...The ones that are killing billions?

Nuolzot: O-Oh yeah! Right, you know, must be a touch of dementia. Here, we age much quicker than you humans on Earth. But don't worry, the Monarch will explain all.

They arrive at the kingdom

Nuolzot: Your majesty! May I present you, Invincible from earth.

Mary takes a bow on one knee to show repair to the Monarch. All the Thraxans bow down as well and to see the Monarch passing by, and to walk up to Invincible.....and spoke...

Omni-Man: Hello sweetie.

Mary quickly looks up, as the voice he heard startled her, and to see that the monarch, was none other that her father, Omni-Man, Nolan.

Omni-Man: It's been a while.

Invincible: D-Dad!?!


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