Chp.8 Its Been A While

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And so, we then left off with a big surprise, Mary thought this whole time she was going to planet Thraxan to save Nuolzot's people from a meteor shower, but instead...she then meets the Monarch of the Planet...and the Monarch to be none other than her father, Omni-Man, Nolan...

Omni-Man: Hello sweetie, it's been a while.

Invincible: D-Dad?!

Mary was in shock and never expected to see her father again...and just seeing him, makes her remember the horrible things he's done back at earth. She slowly approaches to her father, takes off her mask and stands up front, and began glaring at him. She started grunting and clenching her hands, wanting to punch her dad still. Omni-Man did the same, and was ready for it.....Mary instead, hugs him, which took Nolan out of surprise...

Mary : You're okay.

Nolan: I...I missed you.

Mary: So, this was you? Bringing me here?

Nolan: Yes.

Mary: But, The Thraxans said they needed my help.

Nolan: They do need your help.

Mary: ...Why?

Nolan: It's...complicated. Just come with me and I'll-

Mary: No! Why would you lie to me, again?!

Nolan: ....

Mary: You killed thousands of people. Why would I ever want to see you again? Hell, you even called mom a "Pet" like if she never meant a damn thing to you?!

Nolan: ...Mary, I need your help-

Mary: And yet, I can't even believe you even made the Thraxans to lie to me as well.

Nolan: Just listen to me-

Mary: I don't have to listen to anything YOU have to say!

Nolan: Mary, I...look, I made a mistake, and I've always thought about you everyday since-

Mary: A mistake?!!?

Nolan: Sweetie-

Mary: No! You don't ever get to call me that anymore!

Nolan: ...Then what do you want me to say, Mary?

Mary: Oh I don't know! Maybe start with "I'm sorry"!?

Nolan: .......

Mary: *scoffs* You know what, forget it. I guess it wouldn't mean anything anyway. Not like I care. Hope you like your new home and friends. Guess they don't know you a lot than I do. And also....Fuck you.

Mary turns her back on her father, and to fly off to head back to Earth...Nolan goes flying and chases after her...

Nolan: You'll never make it home on your own.

Mary: Watch me.

Nolan: Mary, it's millions of miles and you don't know the way. Besides, navigation wasn't your strong suit. Just come back, and we can talk, please?

Mary: And what if I don't? You're gonna beat me up? Break all my teeth's again?

Nolan: ....

Nolan flies and blocks Mary's way...

Nolan: I'll get you a ship home, but there is something you have to see first.

Mary: No.

Nolan: Nuolzot wasn't lying to you. His people do need your people, and let me tell you why.

Mary: I don't care.

Nolan: ....I know that's not true.

Mary: ....Five minutes. For them, not you.

Mary turns around, and to fly back to the kingdom, and to help the Thraxans, not cause her father said, cause they needed it.
At the kingdom, Nolan leads Mary and tours her around the palace...

Mary: So you conquered this planet instead of Earth? Great. Good for you.

Nolan: I didn't conquer the Thraxans. They asked me to be their emperor.

Mary: Emperor, Conqueror, I don't get the difference.

Nolan takes Mary to his home. Once they arrive, suddenly, a female Thraxan was at Nolan's home, she walked up to Nolan....and she and him gave tongue to each other, in other words kissing, which left Mary speechless, Nolan's new wife name is Andressa...

Andressa: Mary, welcome to our home. My husband has told me so much about you-

Nolan: Andressa, please.

Mary: What in the FUCK?!

Andressa: Did I...misspoke??

Nolan: I'll handle this.

Andressa walks away...

Nolan: I know this came out of surprise-

Mary: No shit im surprised. You're married to mom!

Nolan: I can't...I can't go back to earth, Mary. Not ever. The life I have is over.

Mary: ....*sighs* Oh, okay. So I guess you really are done with mom, and all done with Earth. Well good to know! Super glad to show me how great your life is now without us! *walks away*

Nolan: That's not what I want to show you...

Mary: Oh for the love of-just what else could you possibly....

As Mary turns around...her words froze, for what she saw with her own eyes as her heart see Andressa coming back...with a baby, Nolan's new baby.

Nolan: Mary...

Mary: Wh-Who is that?

Nolan: ...This, is your new baby brother.

Mary: ....You gotta be fucking kidding me!

Later, Mary had to clear her mind about what she just witness and what she had to go through. Not only did she met her father again, but to realize he has a new home, new wife, and a new child...

Mary: I don't believe you. I-I don't...I don't even know what to say. New wife, new kid, you really replaced us. Except, you know, bugs.

Nolan: That's not true.

Mary: Mom is going through hell back on earth, while you're having the time of your life getting it with the grasshopper, two seconds after you left.

Nolan: Mary, it wasn't like that-

Mary: Hell, he's way older than six months. And you know what? I'm not even surprised he's a boy, after all, you did said back on earth you wanted to start over, make another kids and name it "Mark". Well guess what, you got what you want! So why aren't you happy!?

Nolan: .....

Mary: What? Got nothing to say?

Nolan: ....I didn't replace you and your mother. I...I was lost, when I left earth, and found them. I saved lives, like if I had a purpose again. It felt right to stay and help them all.

Mary: Oh, so now you're the good guy here, but not at Earth?!

Nolan: You don't have to forgive me.

Mary: Good.

Nolan: But, your baby brother is innocent to all this.

Mary: Innocent in what exactly??

Nolan: The Viltrumite rules of interbreeding are not complicated.

Mary: Rules of-oh my god. This again?

Nolan: We're only allowed to procreate with genetically similar species. Humans, for example. Like you of course, you're a Viltrumite in every other way.

Mary: Except I'm not a psychotic monster!

Nolan: ....They'll track me and find me and this planet. And once they do, they'll see your brother as inferior and kill him.

Mary: ....

Nolan: And I can't stop them alone. But, we can, together.

Mary: You almost killed me to death and lie to me to get here, and you expect me to risk my life save you save a kid you had with another woman...bug lady...while still married with mom?!

Nolan: He's your brother, Mary.

Mary: You don't get to put that on me! Not after everything you did!

Nolan: What I did back in Earth....was unforgivable. But, your brother and all these people here will die without our help.

Mary: Bullshit! They'll die cause of you! You sign their death warrant, not me!

Nolan: And now, I'm asking you to help me save them.

Mary: ...*sighs* fuck you dad.

Nolan: They're good people.

Mary: can I even help? I couldn't even beat you.

Nolan: We can start training, right away. Get you ready for what's coming.

Mary: .....

Nolan: Mary.

Mary: I'm thinking! I'm-

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard from a distance, as three ships come falling down to the kingdom, startling the Thraxans....

Nolan: No! It's too soon. We need more time.

Andressa: Nolan?!

Mary: Oh shit. Are those...

Nolan: Viltrumite soldiers. Mary, get Andressa and your brother to safety. Andressa will show you. Go! There isn't time!


Nolan: Go!

Mary wasted no time as she grabs onto Andressa while holding the baby and Mary to fly away to take them to safety...
Meanwhile, back on earth, (YN) was at the Pentagon with Cecil as Cecil showed him footage scans of three unknown sources roaming near Earth in space...

(YN): So, what am I looking at here?

Cecil: We've detected three unknown sources roaming around space near Earth. We can't tell what or who it is. The satellite is damage for some unknown fucking reason, and this is why. And I need you to go find out what it is, and tell us what the is roaming in space.

(YN): Right.

Cecil: Also, when is Mary coming back?

(YN): That...I don't know. But, I'm sure she should be on her way back now.

Cecil: You better hope. Anyways, go check it out, and give me an update through the earpiece.

(YN): Okay.

(YN) jogs out of the office, and to edit the building and to then fly off up to the sky and head towards space. As he does, he began thinking of Mary...

(YN): I hope everything is okay out there. And I hope you return safe.

(YN) flew and has arrived in space, he goes flying to find the satellite. He finds it. Once he does, he gets closer and notices the satellite damaged and wires popping out.

(YN): Cecil, I found the satellite, it's busted obviously, but seems like it was someone who did it.

Cecil: Figures, but did you find the sources I told you?

(YN): No, I don't. Maybe-

Suddenly, out of nowhere, (YN) was attacked as someone came behind and tackles (YN) and his earpieces to fall off. (YN) shrugs it off and to realize it's a Viltrumite. He then throws a punch, sending the Viltrumite flying away.

(YN): That suit...he's, a Viltrumite?!

Suddenly, another one appears behind (YN) again, landing a kick, (YN) quickly recovers. And to face off against two viltrumites, one male, and the other female.

(YN): Hey! What the hell you two are doing here! Leave here now, or face the consequences.

???: So, this is Superman's little breed.

(YN) suddenly heard a voice from behind, as the third Viltrumite appears...and was different than the other two. This Viltrumite is old, yet is super jacked, and looked to be a problem, a big problem.

This Viltrumite is one of the highest ranking Viltrumite warrior, and as well as the second most powerful of the Viltrum Empire...stronger than Omni-Man too. His Conquest.

Conquest: Finally, we meet. Now, let's talk.


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