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One day in Washington DC, the White House of the President of the United States, it is being raid and attacked by two criminal scientists who they seem to be from space, The Mauler Twins....

Their mission is to destroy the White House and kill the President...the officers and security guards weren't able enough to take those two beats down...but luckily, help has came the way as the heroes have arrived, members of the Guardians Of The Globe, The Immortal, Darkwing, Red Rush, War-Woman, Aquarus, Martian Man, and Green Ghost...

These are the heroes that always save the world from trouble and always do their best to do so, they've came to stop the Mauler Twins from killing the President...some of them were having trouble dealing with them while tryin got save the citizens from them...until one more has arrived, and yet this one happens to be one of the Guardians Of The Globe as well, he is Called Omni-Man...

Omni-Man came with little help as he then helped them evacuate the innocent civilians away from trouble and taking them somewhere safer, and then to come back to help them defeat the Mauler Twins. Afterwards, they were defeated and to be taken to prison from a level for them to not escape, thanks to the guardians of the globe and Omni-Man as well...
Meanwhile, in Chicago Illinois, we then take a look at a female teenagers life, her life of her becoming and wanting to be a hero, just like them...she was at home, watching TV, the news as she saw everything that happen at the White House, her name is Mary Grayson, who she lives with her mother, Debbie...and to make this interesting, Mary's father is actually part of the guardians of the globe members...

Mary: Looks like dads saving the White House, again.

Debbie: Alone??

Mary: The guardians are with him as well.

Debbie: Who are they fighting??

Mary: Mmmm, they seem big and happen to be bald as well, blue skin...

Debbie: Ugh, Mauler Twins of course. Looks like we won't be getting breakfast after all, bummer.

Mary: It's the White House mom, isn't it important??

Debbie: They can rebuild it again, like they did 2 years ago 2 at a time. Besides, I doubt the President still lives there.

Suddenly, Omni-Man arrived at the backyard, and surprisingly, he happens to be the father of Mary Grayson, and together with Debbie, his name is Nolan Grayson, and happens to be Omni-Man after all...he enters the house...

Nolan: I'm not too late, I'm gonna shower quick.

Debbie: Not so fast, Heh, come here first.

Debbie and Nolan got close and started to make out as Mary felt uncomfortable...

Debbie: Heh, let's get you out of that costume~

Nolan: Heh.

Mary: Boundaries people! We have restroom doors for a reason you know that? And parents should have never talk about sex in front of their kids

Debbie: Mary, YOU should be overjoyed to see your parents passionately expressing their love for each other, now quit crying and get ready for school sweetie.

Mary: I know, I'm on it.

Mary starts to walk upstairs to her room, as Debbie focuses on Nolan..

Debbie: What were you thinking? Paris?

Nolan: Actually I was thinking about going to that little café at Berlin.

Mary heard the whole thing...

Mary: Aw man you guys are going to Berlin?! I love it there!

Nolan: Sorry Mary, but you got school, when your powers kick in, you can go on your own.

Mary: ...Salt on the wound, dad.

She heads to her room...

Nolan: Their gonna debut any day now honey. Even the latest bloomers on Viltrum would get their powers before their 18th birthday, you'll see.

Debbie: Don't get her hopes up darling.

Nolan: I know, I know...

Nolan was concerned and inpatient for her daughter to have her powers already...then again, it might be a bad idea for him to not have her get powers....
Later, Mary was ready as she exits her home and makes her way to school...when then sees up on the sky, and to see her father flying away with Debbie to head over to for Mary, she's dying to get her powers already....she then looks at her hand, clenches it and to think that if maybe she tries flying or jumping, she'll might get her powers kick then jumps, and nothing she keeps on jumping and jumping....and nothing still...

Mary: Ugh, bullshit! *sighs* I don't wanna wait...I wanna have them I can be like you, dad.

All she can do now, is wait more...later, she then arrives to school and to walk down the hallway and to put her stuff on her locker, and to have one of her friends, William appear...

William: Hey Mary, you heard?? The Mauler Twins attacked the White House, nuts right? Can't believe the guardians of the globe had to let them this close to kill the President!

Mary: They didn't even get close in the building though, besides Omni-Man was there too you know.

William: Sheesh, you're such a Omnimaniac. Way to root for the underdog, big fan of him? I mean yea he's cool and all, and has a killer mustache...and muscles too.

Mary: ....

William: Hehe, okay okay, I won't say no more gay stuffs.

Suddenly, the two of them heard a commotion down the hallway, and to see Mary's other friend, Amber being annoyed and irritated by Todd...

Amber: Knock it off Todd!

Todd: Oh come on Amber, quit playing games, I know you like me, Marcy has told me about it.

Amber: ...Well you are a strong dude.

Todd: Heh, you bet-

Amber: AND you think it makes it okay for you to harass me?! Please!

Todd: Tch, what you don't like me, you don't like boys?! What are you, lesbian?!

Amber: Oh my god, I wish! Now leave me alone so I can go and find girls to kiss!

Todd wouldn't leave Amber alone...he kept annoying her and making her feel uncomfortable...and Mary didn't like it at all...and wants to do something about it...but William stops her...

William: Woah! Don't even think about it Mary, you know if you step up against Todd, he doesn't care who he tries to fight with.

Mary: Hmph, like if he's ever got the balls to even punch a girl. Besides, Amber is my friend, so I gotta help her.

Mary marches her way down to Todd...and confronts him...

Mary: Hey Todd, I think Amber made herself clear you know? Why don't you back off and leave her alone jerk.

Todd: Huh??! What the hell did you call me Grayson?!

Mary: You deaf or something?? I said leave her alone.

Todd: Tch, and what the hell are you gonna do about-

Mary then without hesitation, slaps Todd right on his face, as William and Amber gasp, and never knew Mary would do something like that...Todd got furious...

Todd: Okay you bitch, you asked for it!

Todd clenches his hand and was about to punch Mary...

William: Mary!

Amber: Todd No!

Mary shut her eyes and waited for that punch to land on her and get it over with....but it took long for him to do so...she slowly opens her eyes...and suddenly, she then sees someone with Todd, holding and stopping Todd's hand to even land his punch on Mary...

???: That's enough Todd.

This teenager pushes Todd away from Mary as he then grunts...

Todd: Tch, you want some of this too?! Fine! Have it your way!

Todd rushes to the teenager that save Mary, as he does, he swings his punch towards him and lands it towards his gut...

Todd: Ha! How's you like that punk?!

The punch didn't even bothered him at all...nor it hurt him...

???: ...Was that suppose to hurt?

Todd: H-Huh??! Okay then, how about this!

He then swings another punch, this time, he swings it towards the teenager's face...and again...nothing...

???: ...That's it? Here, let me show you how a real punch feels like.

He steps forward, and to swing a heavy punch towards Todd's gut, and making him to drop down to his knees and losing a lot of air...Todd gets up and can barely stand and to walk away and scoff off at him....afterwards, (YN) turns around and lays his eyes on Mary...

???: You okay?

Mary stood she has never met this boy before, not even seeing him in school somehow...

???: Uh...Hello??

Mary: Wha??! O-Oh! Y-Yea, I am,'s just...I never...see you around here before.

???: Oh. Yeah, probably I always take the other hallways, and well...couldn't help it out from what I was seeing that jackass and well, I had to do something.

Mary: Hehe, well you did something alright, you did something good.

The teenager then gave a soft small smile to Mary, as Mary blushes a little and to smile at him...

???: Well, class is about to start any minute, see ya.

Mary: O-Oh right! See ya!

The teenager was away...and Mary kept starring at him...and couldn't take her eyes off from him...until Amber and William walked up to her...

William: Woah, he ate those punches like nothing!

Amber: Yup, that's (YN) for ya.

Mary: (Y-YN)???

Amber: Yeah, that's (YN) (LN), he goes to some of my classes.

Mary: O-Oh, I's just that...I don't usually see him like that all day.

Amber: Yea, he usually takes the other hallways except for this one. But yea.

Mary now knows who he is...the teenager's name is (YN) (LN)....and she is relief to know his name...
Later that day, school ended as Mary was heading home she does, she's still short about not having her powers kick in yet...and as she thinks about it, she then bumps into someone, and that someone happens to be (YN)...

Mary: O-Oh! S-Sorry, I didn't see where I was walking!

(YN): No worries, it's fine...hey, aren't you that girl earlier this morning?

Mary: H-Heh, yea, that's me...Uhm...nice to meet you by the way, I'm Mary, Mary Grayson.

(YN): Hm, nice name, nice to meet you Mary, names (YN) (LN).

Mary: *softly blushes* Heh, thank you, and nice to meet you too (YN)...

The two were starring at each other, as Mary and (YN) both were softly smiling at each other...and Mary saying...

Mary: Say, I don't usually see you around here at come?

(YN): Oh, well I don't take the hallways you guys take all the time, I take the different ones that's why.

Mary: O-Oh, I see.

(YN): Yea...anyways, I'm heading home right already, gotta some stuffs.

Mary: O-Oh...okay then.

(YN): ...Wanna walk together?

Mary then blushes and smiles softly at the same time the fact she gets to talk with him more...

Mary: Y-Yeah!

(YN): Heh, cool.

And so, the two started walking they do, they began to talk and chat more and more, and taking about themselves, and to get to know each other a bit more while chatting together...later, they arrived to Mary's home...

(YN): This is your place?

Mary: Yup, this is where I live.

(YN): Hm, crazy, you don't live that far from where I live.

Mary: Really??!

(YN): My home is like 10 minutes from here walking, not that far.

Mary: Oh! That's...shocker, hehe.

(YN): Heh, yea.

Suddenly, Debbie comes out from the house and noticing Mary with (YN)...

Debbie: Ah, Mary, you came home already.

Mary: Oh, hey mom.

Debbie: is that a friend of yours?

Mary: Y-Yea, hehe, (YN), that's my mom.

(YN): Nice to meet you ma'am.

Debbie: Nice to meet you too honey.

And then...Nolan appears as well...

Nolan: Honey have you seen my-

And as he comes out from the house...he notices Mary arriving home from school...and to be with (YN) he then stood quiet...and to oddly stare at him quiet a while...which makes (YN) feel concern about it...

Nolan: Hey Mary.

Mary: H-Hey Dad...

Nolan: ...Friend of yours?

Mary: Y-Ye, he is. This is (YN), (YN)...this is my dad.

(YN): ...Nice to meet you sir.

Nolan: Yea, nice to you don't happen to be (YN) Kent, right? And your father happening to be name...Clark Kent, right?

Debbie: *Gasp* You don't mean...

Mary was confused at first about what was Nolan talking about...and suddenly, Mary realizes to see (YN)'s arms shaking and hands clenching as he responded...

(YN): Yeah...why?

Afterwards, there was silence between them...and Nolan responds...

Nolan: ...I'm sorry for your father's lost son, really, I am. I was there happen, trust me, I feel your pain.

(YN) at first wanted to know how Mary's father knows his father...and about his death...but he wants to forget that...and since he does feel sorry for it somehow...he responds...

(YN): It's okay...anyways, see you tomorrow?

Mary: O-Oh, yea! Of course!

(YN): Cool, bye.

Mary: Bye.

And so, (YN) walks away and heads to his home...and Mary is now already feeling bad for him once what her father said and mention about (YN)'s father...she walks up to him and Debbie...

Mary: Dad, you know him?? And his father too??

Nolan: ...I do yes, but I don't wanna talk about's kinda breaks me to even mention his father up...knowing I was...too late to even save him from his life.

Debbie: It's not your fault honey, you did the very best to do so.

Mary: You know too mom???

Debbie: Well, at first I thought he was some friends of yours, but once your father already recognizes I know. I knew Clark when your father introduced me to him as his working partner. He's told me everything about what happen to his father that sad.

Mary feels bad for (YN)...and she'll try her best to make him feel better and having his head up...
Later on, Mary heads or her work place at a fast food burger restaurant. It was closing time already as Mary was carrying a heavy garbage trash bag on her hands, dragging it on the floor to the back to toss it at the trash she gets to it close, she had to use her full strength to lift it up and toss it in the bin....and as she does...suddenly and out of nowhere...she gains a full amount of super strength out of she yet to toss the heavy bag of trash to the sky, and it felt nothing to her, she was surprised at first...and then...she knew that her powers had already kicked in...

Mary: Hehe, well it's about damn time.

But then...she also thinks about (YN) as well...and about his father too, when Nolan mentioned it...

Mary: ...Wonder how's (YN) doing.


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