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Later that day, Mary rushes home from work and coding wait to tell her parents that she finally has her own superpowers. She then arrived home and yet Debbie was setting up dinner already...

Mary: Hey mom, smells good.

Debbie: Welcome home sweetie, I made chicken. How's work?

Mary: Work was good, and hehe...I think I had a pretty interesting day at work as well.

Then, Nolan with his super speed arrive home as well as he kisses Debbie...

Nolan: Sorry I'm late, a dragon was attacking Hong Kong, I stopped it.

Debbie: That's good honey, but hey, Mary was about to tell us about her interesting day.

Nolan: Really? What is it sweetie?

Mary: ...Guess who finally got her powers?? This girl! Hehe!

Nolan: ...Are you sure?

Mary: Pretty sure...threw a trash bag at space, during work on closing time.

Debbie was very happy for Mary...but Nolan on the other hand...isn't as he felt...worried and yet...wasn't happy at all...but Debbie had to make sure he doesn't ruin Mary's moment as she lands a soft kick to his leg under the table...

Nolan: Oh! That's great pumpkin, just great! If you're up for it, I can set up a training time tomorrow morning.

Debbie: This is good news honey!

Nolan: Right, make sure you gee some good beauty sleep for tomorrows big day!

Mary: Heh, for sure! Oh, hey dad?

Nolan: Yes sweetie?

Mary: ...How was (YN)'s father? I mean I know was a superhero, but what kind of hero was he??

Nolan stood quiet...and yet looks down as if he felt...a bit guilt...Debbie places her hand onto his...

Debbie: Mary, it's best to not tell him about it...please, it upsets your father about it, please don't ask why just...your father has always blame himself about that terrible event.

Mary: ...O-Okay. Sorry..

Mary can see into her fathers eyes, he felt guilty about it...and then again...she also felt bad for (YN) as well...


Later that night, Mary has fallen asleep, but then again couldn't sleep at all as she couldn't wait to rest her powers out...she wanted to try them out badly...and wants to become like her father, a hero.
She remembers back then when she was 13, when her father told her about who he actually is and where did he come from...Nolan isn't like normal dads, nor he isn't like the people here from earth...She remembers her dad telling her a story of him of where he is from, millions of miles from earth, deep in space, he grew up in another planet, Viltrum, he was born on that planet, and yet there were people like Nolan, but not like the ones on earth, the people on Viltrum can fly, move at super speed and posses great strength like Nolan, when they grow on their age, they are sent in different planted through the galaxy to help others, using their abilities to help, Nolan has volunteer to relocate at earth to help and be its soul protector...and that's when he met Debbie, and eventually had Mary. And to top it all that...Mary is half Viltrum, the more older she gets through puberty, her powers will debut any moment...which she already did.

-The Next Morning-

The next morning, Mary was already asleep, and her alarm was going on as she wakes up and sets it off...she started rubbing her eyes and to get off from her bed...she then looks out the window, looking at the sky...

Mary: Todays the day.

Then, her father enters the room...

Nolan: Ah, you're awake, well get ready so we can hit the skies my girl.

Mary: Heh, on it dad.

Later, Mary and Nolan were ready up as the two then flew up to the sky...the two were floating in the air as Nolan started to give some hints and lessons to Mary about the first easy thing about having superpowers, flying and floating...

Nolan: Okay, it's kinda like you walk, but you don't think about balancing anymore. But when you were a baby you did, you're a baby flyer right now, and stay focus up. Focus on going the direction you wanna go. Got it?

Mary: Heh, yeah, seems like it.

Says Mary as she somehow is floating around Nolan...

Nolan: Mmm, doesn't seem like it. Follow me.

Nolan then started to fly into the sky as Mary follows him, she somehow is getting the hand of it as she catches up to her father...

Nolan: Okay, you can wore yourself out, moving fast is like tensing a muscle. Your better off if you relax that muscle from time to time, use the momentum to carry yourself forward.

Mary then relaxes his arms, and she then flew faster, Nolan was a bit surprised she's learning so she catches up to her...

Nolan: Okay, you don't wanna fall're gonna have trouble relaxing. It's kinda peeing your pants on purpose.

Mary: Ew what??

Nolan: I know I know, but you are far better at flying as you should be sweetie, did you get some good sleep?

Mary: I did.

Nolan: Hmm, making sure. Okay, let's land over there.

The two then glides down and to fly towards to the ground...

Nolan: Okay, now try landing slower.

Mary was doing as what he said...but she couldn't, she's going too fast to the ground...

Nolan: Land, I said land, why aren't you slowing down??

Mary: I-I can't!

Nolan: Stop, just stop!

Mary: Woah!!!

It was too late, Mary crash to the ground hard, and it kinda hurt for her, but not that much... she then gets up and recovers...

Mary: Ow.

Nolan: Okay, I guess that counts as landing. Okay, we're gonna try something else.

Mary: Heh, I think I'm getting the use of it.

Nolan: Thats not good...okay, try to hit me.

Mary: ...Really???

Nolan: Yea.

Mary: Heh, okay then.

Mary then got into a fighting position, and started throwing quick jabs to her father as he dodges them while floating...

Nolan: Use your whole body, you can punch with your arms, but if you punch with your shoulders, your hips and legs as well, it'll be much more powerful. It will take a while, but you'll get the hang of it.

Mary: Heh, okay.

Nolan: Now for us, we can freely move around our physical space, that's how we fly. So we don't have to move our feet or push off the ground. We can literally push off anything, WE can create our own leverage.

Mary: Ah, I see.

Mary then started to float, and to manage to glide herself she flies towards her father and kept on trying to punch him...

Nolan: Good, but try a little more like this.

Mary: Like what?

Then...Nola strikes a heavy punch towards Mary's gut, and caused her to fella towards the ground and to lose much air from that punch...

Mary: ..wh-what...wh-what the..h-hell dad...uuurgh...I-it hurts....

Nolan then felt bad for what he he apologized...

Nolan: I-I'm sorry sweetie...I didn't mean to punch you that hard...sorry.

Mary: ...wh-why did you do that...

Nolan: Mary...if you wanna be like me, than you have to toughen yourself up and face everything that will go after one will hold back their punches.


Later that day, Mary and Nolan returns home as Mary walks upstairs, upset and heads to her room as Debbie was curious about it...

Debbie: So, how badly did that go?

Nolan: I pushed her pretty far...that's what she needs.

Debbie: ...Did you maybe push her too far?

Nolan: Are you questioning me?!

Nolan raises his voice...

Debbie: What the hell has gotten into you??

Nolan: ...*sighs* I'm sorry...I don't's just...Mary got her powers too late I wasn't...prepared for changes things...and...I think that...maybe our lives would have been better if...she hasn't gotten them at all.

Mary heard everything as she approaches and shuts her door...afterwards, she then goes back sitting down...and to feel upset to her dad about what he said...she then walks up to her closet...and grabs some random clothes and some boots...

Mary: I'll show him, I can do it.

While she's planning on something that she's about to do...we then take a look at (YN)....who we can see he lives in a big house, as we take a look in his house, we see (YN) washing some dishes by the looks of it....then, a fly started to buzz around him, which is annoying somehow and someway, with a such quickness, he manages to catch the fly with his hand, and can feel it flying around his palm he was down washing the dishes...opens the window...and lets the fly go outside and shuts the window...and mature mature woman appears coming out from the hallway...who happens to be (YN)'s grandma,  Martha...

Martha: Seems like you kept the house clean, like always, heh.

Suddenly, Martha loses balance on her feet as she trips over as (YN) with his quickness speed, he manage to catch May from falling...

(YN): You should bring your cane next time grandma.

Martha: Oh please son, I don't need that old thing, I'm still not hitting those ages yet. I just...need some rest.

(YN) helps her grandma walk over to her chair...and sits her down on the couch...

(YN): I'll make you some tea.

With his quickness, he was able to make her grandma some tea with such quick timing, afterwards, he approaches to her grandma with her tea and hands her it...

Martha: Thank you hon.

(YN) then sits down with her and using her he does, Martha started to look at him...and to notice he was seemingly to be concern on something...

Martha: Something the matter (YN)?

(YN): O-Oh, nothing grandma, it's just...well...I met this...girl at school and-

Martha: And you finally making your move?

(YN): Hehe, no not really, I barely met this girl...her name is Mary Grayson, she's nice and sweet, we got along during walking home and well...I got to meet her parents already, hehe...and...her father....he knew about...mines and...what happen that day.

Martha pause for a sec...and to look down and yet to see the picture on the wall of her own son, Clark Kent, (YN)'s father, with him as a kid, and with her as well...

Martha: Oh's been 7 years now since you were much I miss your son.

She got a bit emotional as (YN) got close and hugs her to make her feel better....

(YN): I miss him too grandma...we both do.

Martha: ...I'm just glad he's with your mother right now as well, now the two of them can stay happy together up there.

(YN): Yea...they can. *Don't worry grandma...I'll find the bastard that viciously killed father...and avenge him for you and for myself...I promise you that for sure....I even can feel him, lurking around here...*


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