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Later on that the city, we then get to see someone flying in the sky, with such costume design that seems to be made up...this "hero" was flying around the city as he heard gunshots and the alarm setting off at the bank, and this hero happens to be Mary after all, who she then wants to prove herself and her father that she can take it to being a hero....
We then take a look at the bank, and in the alley, we see two men in black suits running away with bags of money, and then another appears, who this one happens to have harden body, nothing but rock, and to wears only pants and boots...he is to be called Titan...

Titan and the two men in suits hid for a sec and catching their breathe...

Suit Man #1: Damn it man! You're not suppose to run with us idiot! You're suppose to stay behind and get away!

Titan: It's not my fault you had to bring a lot of cops! I can't do that and just let them shoot me!

Suit Man #2: Just shut up and get us over the fence!

Titan grabs both the suites men and to run over the fence and jumping over it...afterwards, he stopped and to see someone dashing towards him, it was Mary, as Mary then spears Titan, letting go of the suited men and bringing him along with her as they fell on the ground...

Mary: Meant to do that.

Titan gets up and recovers...

Titan: Who the hell are you?

Mary: I'm...uh...I'm...I guess I'm working on that, any suggestions?

Titan: Misses bitch that's gonna get these hands!

Mary: Heh, doesn't suit me at all.

Titan rushes at Mary and trying swinging punches at her, but Mary manages to forge them and she manage to throw some punches to Titan..

Mary: Anything else?

Titan: Nrgh!!

He manage to throw punches at Mary, afterwards grabbing her and tossing her to the wall as Mary recovers...Mary then fully charged at Titan again, this time carrying him and crashing him towards houses several times, and to get out from the alley and to let go of Titan as he crashes to the ground and knocks out as Mary approaches to him....

Mary: Hmm, what about "Ass-Kicker" Nah, won't suit me at all.

Nolan: You look ridiculous.

Suddenly, Mary notices to look up and to see her father in his hero costume...

Mary: Oh...hey dad.

Nolan: Let's get out of here.

While both flying away, police started to arrive and to go after the two men and Titan...after, Nolan and Mary were both on a building and to have a little talk...

Nolan: Honestly, I think you might have skipped a few steps Mary.

Mary: Hmph, seems like it worked out good for me.

Nolan: It may not be much, but you did far more damage than you needed to. I don't think you're ready.

Mary: ...Hit me.

Nolan: What??

Mary: Hit me now, do it! I wasn't ready before, but now I am. I can take it. Come one!

Nolan: ...I'm not gonna hit you-

Mary: You've never hit me before okay?! It scared me, and I wasn't too much for it, but I can handle the pain! I'm strong!

Nolan: I know you are-

Mary: No you don't!! Just hit me, and I can prove it to you that I can show you I can be a hero! Come on!

Nolan: Oh pumpkin...

Mary: Come on! Just...hit me...I can do this...I..I wanna do what you do...I wanna be just like you, dad.

Mary sounded a bit emotional, Nolan felt bad for her, he knows she wanted to be like he cheers her daughter up with a hug...

Nolan: I know sweetie, and you will be.

Mary: ...

Nolan: Look, let me make this up for you, follow me.

Mary: O-Okay.

Nolan and Mary both flew up and and started to fly as Mary was following her father, minutes later, Nolan has taken Mary to. Tailor Shop, where clothes are made...they landed, and arrive at the back, and yet to go in the building and to enter the basement under and leading a room where happens to have a huge space...and yet someone was in seeing some clothes...

Arthur: Heh, were you seen?

Nolan: Who you talking to?

Arthur: Heh, just saying.

Mary started to realizes that this room is nothing but a room that has lots of costumes...hero costumes...

Mary: W-Woah!

Arthur: Prom dresses by day, Indestructible super suits at night, I'm Arthur Rosebum, pleasure to finally meet you young lady, your old man here has told me much about you.

Mary: Heh, you too. And this have cool costumes that happen to be...super suits?? W-Wait...Super suits?!? Am I getting a costume?! No freaking way! Did you made dads as well?!

Arthur: Heh, she's a quick one.

Nolan: Can't have you run around with pajamas all day.

Mary: Hah! Oh sweet! Wait, you have one made for me already?! Is it a surprise??!

Arthur: Heh, usually we start off with a conversation, and make them, but I do have one that'll work.

Arthur gives Mary a super suit that he had in hold, Mary tried it on, it happens to be orange and yellow suit with yellow goggles...

Arthur: Well, what you think?

Mary: Well...I don't know about the orange and yellow, pretty loud, dad?

Nolan: Hmm, not your best work Arth.

Arthur: Hehe, can't blame a guy for trying to move up on sold merchandise.

Mary: I mean, I like the goggles, they keep the wind out of my eyes when I fly, but I was hoping for something...iconic.

Arthur: Ahhh, of course, that's what everyone wants, iconic and a symbol. Something kids will drawn the margins on notebooks while they daydream about being as cool as you. But listen, your dad being who he is, I'm willingly to put a lot of grease into this one, but I need a little help from you, have you decided your name yet?

Mary: Mmmm, I haven't thought about it yet...

Arthur: It's easy to pick one, like Dark Wings costume, dark and black, and Red Rush's red suit, once you think about the name, come see me tomorrow and I'll get to working.

Mary: Heh, got it.

Nolan: Sounds good.


The next day in the afternoon, Nolan and Mary were outside together, gliding in the sky and were having a father daughter moment and playing some catch...

Nolan: You seemed tired, everything alright honey?

Mary: I'm fine, it's just...I have a lot in my mind.

Nolan: Oh yeah? So what is it?

Nolan tosses the ball with his super strength, for it to go around the world and to go for Mary as she waited for the ball to come at her...

Mary:'s just...I'm scared dad, what if I can't do this...?

Nolan: ...

The two heard a loud wind coming closer...which is the ball that Nolan tossed...

Nolan: You hear it?

Mary: Yeah, I do.

The ball comes with such high speed as Mary catches it...

Nolan: Scared you say??

Mary: Well, just a little...

Nolan: But you caught it.

Mary: I did.

Nolan: Being a super hero is no different pumpkin, this is the beginning of your long journey, you're gonna have to the things you can't do, or might not do. It's okay to be scared, it's natural to be scared for yourself, but if you push yourself through that, then do what it needs to be done, and it'll be set. Think you can do that Mary?

Mary: Yea, I do.

Mary then tosses the ball towards where it came from, as the ball goes flying over the world again, and to go to Nolan as he catches it...

Nolan: Sweetie, kids your age think their invincible, and holds them back cause it makes them careless, but the thing're different, cause you're actually are...invincible.

Once Mary heard the word "Invincible" from then hit her, the word "Invincible" can be her hero name, it will suit her perfect, knowing she's a strong girl, isn't careless around people...
So later on, she then goes flying over to Arthur's shop and finds him on the basement...

Mary: I got it!

Arthur: Heh, okay kid, let's get to work.


Later that day, the city is now under attack, as a huge laser beam was shot through the buildings and causing lots of explosions, police officers arrive the scene and to see a villain attacking the city already, his body is almost mechanical and yet has one huge arm that happens to shoot laser out of it, he goes by the name of KillCannon...

The officers were shooting at him, which it isn't working knowing his body is nothing but metal...

KillCannon: You guys think bullets work on me? Hell no! So eat this!

He charges up his right arm and to shoot again another laser beam towards the officers as they got out of the way and their vehicles exploding...afterwards, people started panicking and running away, KillCannon was about to shoot them...until suddenly, a hero showed in time and to land a punch towards KillCannon's face, sending him fluting and crashing through buildings...and yet this hero happens to be a teenage girl, and is none other than Mary, who she then got her very own hero suit...

Mary: Woo! Let's get it baby!

Mary flies over towards KillCannon and to start landing more punches at him while sending him flying still though the streets....after some punches, the last one sends him crashing towards some vehicles and stays on the ground, Mary then started gliding in the air...

KillCannon: D-Damn it...just...who the bell are you...?!

Mary: You might as well give up...cause I'm...Invincible!

Yes, Invincible, her own hero name, thanks to her father...suddenly, KillCannon started to get up and recover...

KillCannon: Invincible huh. Well...are you invincible enough to handle this!?!

KillCannon shoots his laser beam again towards Mary...

Mary: Oh shit!

Mary wasn't ready if she can handle against a beam to block it, so she puts her arms up to block it....but it took long for it to hit her...until she then realizes that someone took the hit from that laser for her, the laser kept on hitting this person that is somehow floating in the air, who happens to fly as well...

Mary: W-Woah hey! Are-

???: Listen! I don't know who you are, but get these people out of here before they get hurt now!

Mary: But-

???: Dont worry about me! Do as I say now!!

Mary then barely gets to see a bit of this "hero" who's helping her out...she somehow recognizes that voice somewhere...but can't even see his face...all she can do is listen to him and help people evacuate from the danger....

Mary Mind: Who is he??? For somehow..I recognize his voice somewhere...but I wasn't able to see his face...and on top of that...he's a hero!!?

in the meantime, this hero doesn't happen to be wearing nor hero suit at all, all he's wearing is a black shirt with a letter S logo only, blue jeans, black wristbands on both hands and black steel boots only....but when we get to see his face...we can now recognize him and know who he is...he happens to be a teenager, same age as Mary, and also he knows Nary as well, as of matter of fact, he's barely freinds with her as well...he is none other than (YN) Klent...and he's a hero, just like his father. the laser beam that he got hit didn't do no affect to him at all...which surprises KillCannon and to give a smile at him...

KillCannon: Wh-What the?!? Why it didn't do nothing against you?! Just who the hell are you this time?!

(YN): ...

KillCannon: Nrgh!! Answer me you mother-AUGH!!!

(YN) spears KillCannon, flying with him and to grab his leg, and to slam him to the ground face first, and tossing him up in the air and goes flying with him, and as the two reach up to the sky...(YN) grabs KillCannon's neck, and to dash towards the ground, while grabbing KillCannon's neck and to slam him to the ground hard and causing massive damage...afterwards, KillCannon felt more pain than the punches Mary gave him, this time, he couldn't even get up at all, he got more brutal punches from (YN)...he stares at him as (YN) looks at him down...and then he talks...

(YN): Hmm, I won't believe that you're the one that killed father, you're not that strong enough.

KillCannon: Y-Your father...???! I-I don't know what you're talking about...I-I don't even know who you are!!

(YN): ...The names SuperBoy...and I am this world's savior...and looking for my vengeance of my father's death.


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