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Meanwhile, at GDA, Cecil and his workers were doing one of their own works. Once Cecil started breathing, he started to see his breathe becoming fog, and yet the screens freezing up as well...and he knows that someone is here...

Cecil: I need the room, now.

His workers then exits the room as Cecil and Donald are alone in the room...

Cecil: Well, enlighten me.

Damien DarkBlood suddenly appeared...

Damien: No one ever sure, no one else seen of murders, only guardians, Omni-Man...which means...the murders are one of them.

Cecil: One of them?? There's like tons of villains who don't leave a trace, turn them into smoke, or living a electricity, or only exist in dreams.

Damien: I know...but you don't listen-

Cecil: No you listen! And if you even mention or idiotic thoughts to anyone, and I mean ANYBODY, I'll make sure there the last thoughts you ever had! Now get out...before I send you back to hell myself.

Damien: *growls* Blind old man.

And so, Damien vanishes...

Cecil: Put an surveillance team near Grayson's house.

Donald S-Sir??

Cecil: The killers out there Donald, might decide to finish the job myself.



The next day, it was a rainy day, and we happen to be in a cemetery, where the funeral for the guardians of the globe takes place...they are said their prayers to them...

Mary: Are we seriously gonna have to put everyone through this again??

Eve: The big one is for show, but the public can't know where the actual bodies are buried.

Mary: ?.?

(YN): Souvenir Hunters.

Mary: Jesus...

Nolan then gives a speech to everyone about the guardians...

Nolan: I was never part of the guardians, but it was them who welcomed me when I first arrive here on this planet. They were my mentors, my friends. They knew the reality of this life...Martian Man was exiled from his own people, War-Woman was from a different age, Darkwing...heh, well he made his own kind of solitude, it was a a rare lucky few of us, who knew someone's path, even rare if they accepted, I hope they would Rest In Peace, but they will rest together...but they aren't alone as you can see...they will be resting with another friend of mines who fight alongside with...and died sadly as well, same death as the all may know him as "The Man Of Steel", SuperMan, Clark Kent, he too was a partner and friend to me as well, ever fought together, and saving lives as well...and I sure hope, he's resting more well with the guardians alongside...

Mary then notices to see (YN) upset about Nolan mentioning his father, who died and was murdered too...and to see his tombstone, near the ones that the guardians have planted already for them...Mary then holds his hand to cheer him up, he notices it and to softly smile at Mary....suddenly, a lady was breaking down to tears, and happens to be Red-Rush's beloved one, Olga...she couldn't take it the fact she's lost the one and only love she's ever had in her life...she wanted to see him one more time, but couldn't, and to slip on the ground...

Donald: Olga please, calm down-

Olga: You wouldn't even let me see him...Joseph (Red-Rush) is finally standing still...and I still can't see him...!!

Olga still was braking down to tears...

Debbie: Maybe I should better-

Mary: Yea, go for it mom.

Debbie goes and helps Olga to she does, (YN) notices Mary a bit worried...

(YN): You okay?

Mary: Y-Yea, I'm fine, it's just...doesn't seem real. Seeing her like that...makes me picture my mom, and my dad in one of those holes...I just don't know how to think if that ever happens...i don't even wanna know how it would go if my dad was actually in those...I never wanna lose him...I love him, a mom as well.

(YN): Hey, don't think like that, just be glad and happy your father is okay and alive...okay?

Mary: *softy smiles* Yea, okay.

Afterwards, people began to leave the cemetery, and as for Nolan, as soon she was leaving, he notices Damien in the cemetery out of nowhere...and seems to be bothered by him seeing he marches up to him...

Nolan: This is a private ceremony Darkblood!

Damien: Never get invited, show up anyway.

Nolan: What do you want?!

Damien: Same as you, discover clues, catch cases, catch killer...and bring to justice.

Nolan: Then buy yourself a few years out of hell, don't pretend you do this because you care, you just don't wanna go home.

Damien: Maybe one'll know why.

Nolan: Look I already told Cecil everything I know!

Damien: Saw nothing, heard nothing. Attacked in darkness, left for dead

Nolan: ...Are you insinuating something?!

Damien: ...*growls* Didn't mean to offend, new conversation with humans is difficult for me. If you remember something-

Nolan: I'll call you.

Damien: ...Better.

And so, Damien vanishes, and Nolan walking over to his family and everyone leaving, as Robot then bump a into Cecil...

Robot: Cecil.

Cecil: Robot, you know for a bunch of computer code, you'd run a main super hero team. You really saved our asses from the Flaxans.

Robot: Thank you Cecil, that means a lot, coming from you of course.

Cecil: Look, I want you to work for me at the GDA, build me a new guardians of the globe team. You'll pick the team, you'll be in charge, and the only person you'll answer to is me only.

Robot Forgive me, but wouldn't Omni-Man be the choice?

Cecil: Sure, but except it's not gonna happen, tried decades to make him an official guardian, he helps out Yea, but he's never taken orders, not from me anyways.

Robot: I don't know what to say...

Cecil: Heh Easy, just say you'll do it.

Robot: ...I'll gladly do it.

Cecil: Good to hear. Oh, be sure to have Clark's boy in your team as well, he can be useful.

Robot: SuperBoy?

Cecil: Yea, him. I heard he's one hell of a hero, and a fighter too...just like his old man was.

Robot: ...I'll make sure he'll be in.

Later on, at Mary's home, she and her parents arrive, as Mary felt down for what she has to see...Debbie as well...but as for Nolan...

Nolan: I'm feeling pizza, I can head over to the maples and back before the cheese stops bubbling.

Debbie: Honey...let the delivery guy do it.

Nolan: Oh...sure, yeah.

Debbie then started to see Mary felt bad after what she's saw...

Debbie: Mary, why don't you call and hang out with Amber-

Mary: And do what?! Do make up?! Go to the mall?! After this-

Nolan: Hey, watch the tone young lady.

Debbie: It's okay.

Nolan: No, it's not okay. This is new, I know, I get it, but you need to keep it separate. What happens out there , the mistakes and errors, you can't bring it home.

Mary: ...

Nolan: Okay???

Mary: ...Fine...can I go to my room?

Nolan: ...*sighs* Okay, but we'll do some training tomorrow okay? Just you and me.

Mary: Okay...

Mary walks upstairs to her room, as Debbie approaches to Nolan arms crossed...

Nolan: What?

Debbie: We just came from your friend's funeral-

Nolan: Co-Workers.

Debbie: And you're ya talking about pizza and not to feel anything?!

Nolan: Hey, this is the life, Mary has to learn about it.

Debbie: What if Mary and I were burning YOU today??

Nolan: Heh, I'm not so easy to kill.

Debbie: Well yeah, I'm sure that's what Olga told to Red-Rush.

Nolan: Hey he can run fast alright? It's not exactly one of your premiere super powers.

Debbie: ....

Nolan: ..I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that...but, Mary and I could do more good out there than sulking in here.

Nolan and Debbie hug each other...and to not talk about it...meanwhile, outside, across the Garyson's house, we then see inside of it, and to see people with computers and satellites, and Donald happens to be there as well...and by the looks of it, Donald and his team seem to be spying on Nolan's family...
Now why would he???
Anyways, back with Mary, in her room, she still felt bad and awful to see about the death of the guardians....until she gets a call, and it was (YN), knowing she has him on her contacts...she answers...

Mary: (YN).

(YN): Mary, just calling to see how you're holding up?

Mary: Oh, I'm doing fine...thanks for checking on me though.

(YN): No problem.

Mary: How's Martha?

(YN): Grandma's doing fine, just resting and making sure she takes her meds.

Mary: Heh, glad to hear.

(YN): Yeah, but hey...I can tell you still feel bad and down about what happen to the guardians, and I feel you, that's how I felt when I lost my father...don't worry, anything happens to you, just call me, and I'll be there for you, no matter what.

Mary blushes and brushes her hair slowly and softly smiles...

Mary: Thanks, I appreciate it.

(YN): Anytime. Any plans later on??

Mary: Oh. Well...

Somehow...Mary gets the feeling that she's spent a lot of times with (YN) since the day he met him...and so far she's starting to like him being with him and hanging she says...

Mary: Not really...but, I was wondering....since finals are coming up, and we both have the same subject but different periods...maybe we can go over it together???

(YN): ...A study date?? Heh, sounds good to me, when and where?

Mary smiles and blushes...and replies...

Mary: H-How about my house? Tomorrow afternoon?

(YN): Heh, sounds good. See you then.

Mary: T-Totally.

And so, she hangs up as she then lays back on her bed, and blushing....

Mary: Oh man...I hope I don't make things weird when he shows up, I really wanna get to like me more.

Back with (YN) at his home, in his room, he finishes talking with Mary at the phone and sits at his bed...

(YN): Heh, guess I'm busy tomorrow. Should be fun studying with Mary after all.

But then...he kept on thinking about the death of the guardians....

(YN): *sighs* I feel so bad for her father though, not only he lost his partner, my father, but he's also lost the guardians as well...poor Mr.Grayson...

But suddenly...he started to notice something...of how he's the only lucky one that survive from the incident...

(YN): Come to think of it...I'm surprised he's the only lucky one that survived...very lucky...heh, I mean come on, it's Omni-Man I'm saying here, he didn't let himself get killed that easily....anyways, if I'm gonna go study with Mary at her place, gotta go get my stuff at our hideout, forgot I left my bag over there.

Very lucky that Omni-Man survive from that "incident"...


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