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Later that day, (YN) laves his home and to fly off to the hide out where the teen team is taken place for he arrive, he then notices to see Atom-Eve there too...

(YN): Oh hey Eve. What you doing here?

Eve: Oh hey (YN), just to get something here.

(YN): Heh, same, forgot my backpack here. Gotta have some notes ready for my study with Mary.

Eve: Ooou Mary you say?? So y'all dating ?

(YN): Heh, not like that. She just needs some help with the final exams, that's all.

Eve: Heh, bummer. You two actually look good together.

(YN): Oh zip it, that's not true.

Eve: No really, seeing you two together always make me think you guys are a couple, but hey, it's alright if you guys aren't together, but as for me, you two would work perfectly good together.

Eve walks away, as (YN) started to have thoughts about what Eve said about him and Mary...which he chuckles about it and goes on looking for his bag...back with Eve, she heads over to the locker and to see someone showering, she ignores it and heads to her locker...suddenly, Dupli-Kate, with a towel around appears out from the shower...

Kate: Eve?? I-I thought you were at the funeral??

Eve: I was, I'd say you should have been there, but it was pretty bleak, Red-Rush's girlfriend had a meltdown and-

Kate: M-Mmph~!

Eve: ...You okay?

Kate: Hiccups.!

Eve then notices the glass window making noises as she goes and checks who's in the shower with Eve...

Eve: Is everything alright?? Who's in there with you?

Kate: W-Wait Eve...

Eve looks in the shower...and is shocked and utterly upset to see who Kate was in the shower...Rex, her boyfriend...

Eve: You piece of shit!

Rex: B-Babe?! W-Wait!

Rex exits the shower with a towel around...

Rex: Eve wait-

Eve: I knew there was a reason why you skipped the funeral!

Rex: Babe just wait a sec-

Eve: Don't even-

She then realizes to see two more copies of Kate exiting from the shower...

Eve: O-Oh god! Are you kidding Kate?! I can't believe this!

Kate: Eve...

Suddenly, (YN) started to approach...

(YN): Eve?? What's wrong, I heard noises and-Woah!

And arrives and yet surprise to see what he's seeing between Rex and Kate...

(YN): ....Oh boy. Did I...miss something here?

Rex: No! Look why the hell are you even here too-

(YN): Came here to get my stuff to study with Mary tomorrow-

Kate: Mary?? But I thought you and Eve are together??

(YN)/Eve: What??!

Kate: I mean, Rex told me that you two are dating now and said you talked about it.

Eve: What??!

(YN): Dude, serious??!

Rex: Ooooh don't give me that! It's true, I can see it from the two of you! What do you excite huh?!

Eve got emotional, and broke and upset at the same time...

Eve:  It's not true...! And...whatever I expected, I was wrong, about both of you!

Eve walks away and to fly away from the scene, upset and heartbroken for what Rex has for (YN), he looks at Rex, and nods at him...

(YN): You really are a piece of shit Rex.

As soon he was about to leave...

Rex: Oh Shut up (YN), I bet you won't even say it to my face-

With such speed, (YN) quickly approaches to Rex right to his face, as Rex slight jolted of how Close (YN) was and how upsetting he looks and softly says to Rex...

(YN): Piece.Of.Shit.

Afterwards, (YN) slowly backs away, and to walk away, grabbing his bag and leaving Rex and Kate alone...
Later that day, Robot has called all super heroes around the world, and gather them up at the United States Pentagon, alongside with his team and Invincible, it was a try out to see who is capable to be the next guardians of the globe....

Invincible: Oh no way! It's that Demi-God?! Bug-Eye?! Oh man! You brought all heroes around the world here??!

Robot: Yes, it's a crowning achievement for crusaders like them to have careers of who will be the next new  guardians of the globe, which makes me wonder again why won't you try out?

Invincible: *sighs* I know I know, I talked it over with my dad, he wants to train me with himself, plus mom would kill me if I miss more school days.

Robot: Then why are you here?

Invincible: You kidding?? Like I miss this?? Oh my god there fight force, why they here?

Robot: ...Despite your name,  I believe you underestimate yourself Invincible.

Invincible: I'll still be around here helping, so, when it's gonna start?

So, the training has began, and yet we get to see some of the hero's fighting each other, willingly to see who are capable of being in the guardians of the globe...but you don't have to be more than a hero to be one, you have to be iconic, elite, the best of the best, unique of their own tactics, agility, and strength of your character and teamwork. Then, a scene showing Atom-Eve fighting against a huge muscular man that has super strength, and yet to go really hard against him and being too aggressive...

Invincible: Jeez, what's up with her?

Rex: No idea!

Then, more scene shows a couple of fights against the heroes, and goes on and on....until it ends, as everyone reunited again, and Robot choosing the ones that are worthy to be the next guardians of the globe....

Robot: It is my pleasure to introduce to you all the new guardians of the globe. Black Samson...

Robot: Shrinking Ray...

Robot: Dupli-Kate...

Robot: Monster Girl...

As she steps up...Rex laughs at her...

Rex: Hahahahaha!!! Awww look at her, she's adorable, but isn't there an age requirement for this? Am I wrong? Seems weird right?

Robot: Rex please-

Amanda: I don't know, you're here, but isn't there dock size requirement?

Rex: I'm sorry!?

Amanda: For what? Your tiny dick? I mean the way you have been stranding around here, you must be compensating for something.

Everyone was laughing at Rex, which made him feel a bit he gets upset and starts approaching her and gets his weapons ready...

Rex: You know, someone outta teach you some motherfucking-What the fuu-OOF!!!

Suddenly, Amanda somehow strikes a powerful punch to Rex, sending him flying and falling to the floor as Rex tried to recover from that fall, but suddenly, Amanda appeared and Rex to see her left whole arm was nothing but a huge muscular green arm...

Amanda: Heh, guess I'll do my try out again.

Suddenly, Amanda started to transform herself bigger, and yet to turn green as she turn herself into a monster, and known to be called as Monster Girl...

Monster Girl: Still think I'm adorable?

She again punches Rex, sending him flying as he crashes to the wall hard, as he spat a lot of blood out and loading three teeths from that punch...

Rex: O-Ooh you little bitch...!

Rex then sees her running up to him as he tosses one of his little bombs to Monster Girl, and did nothing...

Monster Girl: Awww now that's adorable.

Rex: I'm gonna smug that smile off your green fucking face of yours.

Red rushes at her, but Monster girl grabs him and slams him to the ground and started beating him up brutally...

Invincible: Uh...should him??

Atom-Eve: He asked for it.

SuperBoy: Definitely he did.

For her, she kinda felt bad for Rex for the first time, so she flies over and stops Monster Girl from beating up Rex...

Invincible: Okay that's enough.

Monster Girl: Get lost Girl Scout!

Monster Girl then grabs her and tosses her away, as Invincible removes from that and flies towards her again with speed...

Invincible: I said enough!

She hits Monster Girl hard, getting off Rex and sending her flying away, hitting towards the wall and turning herself back in human...

Invincible: O-Oh shit! Look, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean-

Amanda gets up...and recovers, approaches to her and Rex and says...

Amanda: N-Nah, you're kinda sets me every time when I turn into it and then "rawr" best mode...

Rex: ..

Amanda: Heh, sorry about the dick joke...I'm sure your junk is awesome...(AYE YO WHA??!?🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨📸📸📸📸📸)

Anyways, Rex gets up and replies...

Rex: N-Nah, it's fine...I'm good, you're good...b-but you can punch hard...

Amanda walks away...and Rex looking at Invincible...

Rex: Didn't need your help bitch...

Invincible: Excuse you?

Rex: Y-You heard me, bi-OOF!

Invincible quickly strikes a punch towards his gut...

Rex: Wh-Wha-

Invincible: Oops, sorry, my hand slipped.

And to walk away...
Back at the meeting...

Robot Girl: As I was saying, welcome to the guardians of the globe Monster Girl...alongside with Rex-Splode...once he's recovered. And to announce our final member, Atom-Eve. Thank you all for coming today, we will make a public announcement shortly.

All the heroes left the room...

Atom-Eve: Robot...

Robot: No need to thank me, I obviously needed to remain impartial. But I'm still delighted to see the members of teen team made the cut-

Atom-Eve: I'm sorry but...I cannot be on the same team with Rex and Kate! I'm out.

Eve walks away and exits the room...leaving Invincible curious and surprised...

Invincible: Huh?? Wait Eve-

SuperBoy: Hey, give her some space.

Invincible: Wha?? Why?? What happen??

SuperBoy: Rex is what happen....And Kate as well, no hard feelings Kate.

Dupli-Kate: None taken, anyways I'm gonna go and meet the others at the training room.

Dupli-Kate leaves the room...

Invincible: I-I'm still not getting it...

SuperBoy: The jackass here cheated on Eve with Kate, and think me and Eve were a thing. Oh, and it's not just Kate herself.

Invincible: O-Oh, Ooh. Oooooh. Damn.

Rex: Tch, you just had to open-

SuperBoy: Shut it Rex, you brought this to yourself.

Rex: Nrgh-

Robot: Rex, care to explain?

Rex: N-No! A-Anyways, can't wait to work with our new team! See ya!

Rex then leaves the room...leaving Robot disappointed...but then again...he forgot that (YN) was here too...and remember that Cecil wanted him in the team...

Robot: Do not worry, even if Eve will no longer be around...knowing Rex, I'll gladly say that you, SuperBoy, will take her place.

SuperBoy: Me?? But I haven't done any tryouts...

Robot: Doesn't matter, I've seen everything from you, you're capable of being in the next guardians of the globe.even your father would been proud for you.

SuperBoy: ...Heh, yea, he would. Well, why not. I'm in anyways.

Robot: Excellent, I'll wait you in the training room with the others.

Robot leaves the room, leaving Invincible and SuperBoy alone...then, she hugs him...

SuperBoy: Hehe, woah there. What's up?

Invincible: I'm so happy for you (YN)! I mean you?! Being part of the new guardians of the globe team?! That's awesome to hear!

SuperBoy: Heh, I mean it's whatever I guess...

Invincible: Oh come on! You should be happy to be part of it! I mean your strong, fast, you have charisma...and you're really cool as well *blushing*

(YN): Heh, thanks're also strong as well, cool too, and...cute too.

Mary: *giggles* Oh stop it.

(YN): Hehe. Anyways, I'm gonna go and meet with the others, you're gonna stick around still??

Invincible: Heh, sure. I'll come with ya.

(YN): Heh, cool.

And so the two walk together and exiting the room and to meet with the other new guardians of the globe...
Suddenly, out of the window, Omni-Man, Mary's father was seeing and standing there the whole time...and by the looks of it, he gave out a disgusted and disappointed face....and somehow he was giving that look to SuperBoy the whole time...

Omni-Man: Pathetic.

Why was Omni-Man even there at the first place???


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