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The next day, it was a day off of school, Saturday, at Mary's house, William and Amber came over to her house, as Mary told them about her inviting (YN) over to her house for a study, and they knew that (YN) would not like it when he sees her room, so they head over and help Mary out make her room look proper and normal for him...

Amber: Okay, everything you have gotta go.

William: Yea, hide it and toss everything, especially this...

William tosses Mary a stiff animal...

Mary: What hey! I'm not throwing any of my stuff animals, so maybe (YN) likes stuff soft animals as well, thought of that, ya dick?

Amber: Mary, We're not taking about the stuff animals, We're talking about the dirty clothes, the dishes-

William: And...that toy...aside you.

Mary notices the "toy" aside her and blushes hard, she quickly tosses it on the trash can...

Mary: Oops! Hehe, h-how did that get here?

William: Sheesh okay Mary I see you, no wonder you're always busy on the weekends-

Mary: Shut it will!

Amber: Heh, Seems to me the toy I got you really just made you enjoy it-

Mary: AMBER!

William: Okay enough of that, here, I brought you homework for this week to study with (YN).

William pulls out papers of school work and hand them out to Mary...

William: So, are you two planning anything else than studying?

Mary: Huh?? Oh no, it really-

Amber: Just to let you know, (YN) likes spicy food, healthy snacks and food, comedy, anime, and action movies. Don't worry, I know a lot about him, people at school has told me about it

Mary: It's not like that you guys, it's a study date, nothing serious, nor a first date.

William: Come on Mary, very date should feel like a first date.

Suddenly, Mary's door house rings and her mom downstairs calling...

Debbie: Mary, (YN)'s here.

Mary then quickly tosses all of her dirty stuffs outside the backyard....the toy as well...and especially her stuff animal...and her, Amber and William exiting her room...

Mary: Back door.

William: You can thank us later.

Amber: Call me and tell me how everything went between you two.

Mary: Okay.

Once they left to the back door, (YN) arrive at Mary's house as Debbie greeted him and (YN) greeting himself, and to notice Amber upstairs, waving at her and Mary blushing and waving back at him...later, Mary let (YN) in her room as (YN) started observing around her room...

(YN): Heh, cool room, got potential too.

Mary: Heh, thanks, but it's alright I guess.

(YN) lays down on her bed...

(YN): Beds comfy too, niice.

Mary: Heh, yup.

Mary sits down with (YN)...

Mary: So, how things are going with Martha?

(YN): Grandma's doing fine, gave her the pills and all, right now she's resting, if anything she'll call me and I'll be there for her.

Mary: Heh, that's good.

(YN): Yeah...she's the only family I got.

Mary: ...Still Miss you father?

(YN): ...Yeah.

Mary: ...I'm sorry again (YN), I know how you feel right now...

(YN): Thanks Mary, but it's alright, as long fathers up there with mom, their both happy right now.

Mary: Oh, I see.

(YN): Sorry if I didn't mention you about my mom...she got into a terrible car accident at the hills...her car went downhill, and yet she was able to survive from that crash, but then, an avalanche happen, as a lot of dirt came and covering her and the car, suffocating her to death....and father was too late to save her...but I don't blame him....he was busy saving the city...

Mary: Oh man...I'm so sorry to hear that (YN), really.

(YN): It okay Mary...but should be relief that your father survive that incident back there, he's sure lucky to survive that incident.

Mary Hehe, yea, he is...

(YN): But hey...

Suddenly, (YN) places his hand onto Mary's as Mary notices...

(YN): Thanks for being there for me though, and prop up with me, you know, I really needed a friend like you, supportive, kind, friendly, and cool.

Mary blushes, and softly smiles as she brushes her hair...

Mary: Heh, your welcome, glad to hear that, also...I'm happy to have a friend like you too. I...kinda like you, n-not like, like like you, like...ugh, you know what I mean.

(YN): *chuckling* Yea, I know what you mean...and...I like you too.

Both Mary and (YN) smile at each other, and yet...the two were somehow holding hands even more and more...and yet while starting at each other, they were observing at each other, and yet to suddenly move closer and closer to each other...and yet. As it seems like their lips were about to connect together....
Until Cecil out of nowhere shows up...

Cecil: Sorry to break your guy's moment.

Mary: EEK!!

(YN): WOAH!!!

The two startled when Cecil appeared on Mary's room as Mary and (YN) both got off the bed....

(YN): C-Cecil?!!? The hell you're doing here?!

Mary: In my room!! And...we're you spying on us?!

Cecil: That doesn't matter, look, (YN), I'm gonna need your help with something, that goes for you too Mary.

Mary: M-Me??!

Cecil: Yes you, wanna be a super hero don't you?? Well here's your chance to be one.

(YN): H-Hey wait a sec Cecil, Mary isn't even part of the guardians.

Mary: Yea, and I don't even work for you!

Cecil: And you'll never will. Not unless you show a little respect and decide you wanna decide to be a super hero or not?

Mary: R-Right now??

Cecil: Yes Mary, now.

Mary looks at (YN)...then thinks about it, and she has been wanting to be a hero like her father, and will she responds...

Mary: Okay, I wanna help.

Cecil: Good.

(YN): So, what's the problem?

Cecil: Rogue super villain, public in danger but he's already in route.

Cecil tosses both of them earbuds each for them...

Cecil: We can talk on the go, get ready.

(YN): Okay.

Mary: Wait, so you only want us?? Have you told any of the heroes besides us??

Cecil: Robot and the new guardians are training still, Atom-Eve...well she's got...problems to deal with whatever Rex did, and her family as well.

Mary: Oh...right

(YN): So, where this at?

Cecil: Mount Rushmore.

(YN): South Dakota?

Cecil: Ding Ding. Get to it.

Cecil teleports back to both Mary and (YN) looked at each other and laughing embarrassingly...

(YN): Hehe...guess our study will have to wait then.

Mary: Hehe, yeah, and our Kiss-I-I mean...I mean our talk!

(YN): Whaa??

Mary: Gotta change!

(YN): R-Right! Meet you here then??

Mary: Yeah!

(YN): Got it!

(YN) quickly flies out Mary's window and to head over to his home and change into his hero clothes...he and Mary started to feel a bit embarrassed about what the two were gonna do right before Cecil arrived...they just hope things between them doesn't go too weird....
Later on, the two were changed and yet flying  and arriving at Keystone, South Dakota, and to melt on flying and arriving to the scene and talking with Cecil on the earbud...

Cecil: I would have Mary's father do this task, but he's dealing with a Kaiju ten times ounces away, and the new guardians are in a shit show. So here we are.

SuperBoy: So who are we dealing with?

Cecil: Target is Doc Seismic, he has a PHD at physiology, so the "Doc" thing, that's legit. Problem is he made himself a pair of earthquake gloves.

Mary: So what he wants??

Cecil: Even he doesn't seem to know, working theory says he's dealt brain damage from side effects of those gloves. He basically gets a concussion every time he uses them.

SuperBoy: So basically we're dealing a mad scientist?

Cecil: Yup, have fun kids.

As the fly over to find Doc Seismic, at the hills, everything was shaking and buildings near the hills started collapsing and destroying as well, grounds breaking and trees falling as well as people started panicking, and worse of all, lava underneath stated to explode, and all of this was caused by none other than Doc Seismic himself...

Doc Seismic: Hahaha! You come to pray on this obscene monument?!

He points at the statue heads of the four presidents of the United States...

Doc Seismic: They were oppressors, racist, slave owners,   I give you a new god worthy of worship! Now before Doc Seismic! 

As he stares at the statue faces , he then activated his earthquake gamma gloves, and to emit them and create a huge loud earthquake wave in mid air and to destroy trees and boulders, and panicking more people, suddenly, one of the statues broke and to collapse and to fall towards some people that have nowhere to run for...

Doc Seismic: Hahaha! The great emancipator, will emancipate you! From your lives! Hahaha!!!

As one of of the stairs face were about to smash and kill the people...suddenly, Invincible came to the rescue and to catch the statue face with her strength...

Invincible: Wow man, I be working on my one liners, but that one was really bad.
Invincible then goes and places the statue face back where it was place and saving the people from being smashed from it...

Invincible: Hehe, that's how you get a "head" in life, see, not quite there.

Doc Seismic: No argument from me, now die!

Doc Seismic again emits another earthquake shock to Invincible it made her fly away, and SuperBoy luckily catching her....

Invincible: Thanks!

SuperBoy: Anytime, we need to take out his gloves.

Invincible: Uh, those aren't gloves, they have fingers..there more like bracelets. Haha! You're wearing earthquake bracelets!

SuperBoy: Heh, alright enough with the jokes, anyways, think you can handle him while I go save the people and evacuate them from here?

Invincible: Yea, I can do that.

SuperBoy: Cool, counting on you.

SuperBoy then goes flying and save the people and getting them away from the incident...

Mary: He's..counting on me...okay! I can do this!

Invincible then rushes and flies over to Doc Seismic to stop him and destroy his earthquake bracelets, Doc Seismic somehow uses the earthquake waves from the bracelets, to float himself in mid air and fly away from Invincible, she started chasing Doc Seismic for a cool seconds until he stopped and faces towards Invincible as she stops and gets into fighting position....

Doc Seismic: You should be on my side, we can bury down the old power structure and build a new order! I mean look at the costume you made, talk about being in gender roles!

Invincible: I had a friend to build this costume for me, and I thought you studied physiology.

Doc Seismic: Under granted in sociology in women studies and has a minor in African dances but ENOUGH POLITICS!

He agains emits a huge earthquake wave with the bracelets, this time causing a huge destruction around and causing the ground to shake and a wind wave blowing hard, having Invincible and SuperBoy a hard time standing still, until suddenly, the ground breaks and leading underneath lava and erupting from the floor...suddenly, a family with a daughter try running away, but here ground started to rise due of the earthquake, Invincible rushes towards them and to use her speed to catch them up, and so she did and to manage to save them and to take them in a safer place and far away from the incident...Doc Seismic try stopping her, but SuperBoy use his heat Vision to corrupt his earthquake bracelets for good, as he does, the ground kept shaking still for a second, and yet the ground underneath Doc Seismic split as he goes falling all the way towards the Lava...SuperBoy goes and tries to catch him him, but Doc Seismic one last time uses his bracketed to create an earthquake wave around himself, and to make the lava erupt towards (YN), and yet the lava has already gotten Doc Seismic, and as for (YN), the lava did nothing to him, sure it kinda burns him a bit, but not as much as a normal human can feel....afterwards, he exits underneath and Invincible arriving...

Invincible: Oh shit! Did you got burn from the lava?!

SuperBoy: Yea, but don't worry, it's fine, doesn't bother me at all.

Invincible: O-Okay, just glad you didn't get burn that much. But...what happen to That Seismic dude??

SuperBoy: Uh...well let's say he got...toasted.

Invincible: Oooooooh. Ouch.

SuperBoy: Yea...guess our job here is done. Let's head back and contact Cecil about it.

Mary: Sure...o-oh wait, (YN)??

SuperBoy: Hm??

Invincible: ...are we still...studying together??

SuperBoy: Heh, of course we are. Never forgetting that.

Invincible: *blushing and smiling softly* Cool.

And so, the two fly off back to Chicago, contact Cecil about Doc Seismic being no more, and to change back into their clothes and arriving at Mary home together...and as they do, Nolan, Omni-Man, in hi super suit was at home...

Nolan: Hey you two.

Mary: O-Oh, hey dad.

(YN): Mr.Grayson.

Nolan: Where the two have been??

Mary: Well we were gonna study at my room...

(YN): But Cecil called us and told us that he need us for a task to save the state. And well...we're back here.

Nolan: ...(YN), can you give me and Mary some alone time?

(YN): ....

Mary: Don't worry, wait for me at my room.

(YN): Okay.

(YN) walks upstairs and heads to Mary's room...

Nolan: So the two of you flew of to deal a crisis while being interrupted by study time?

Mary: Mhm.

Nolan: ...Good, I mean not good for you two, but good. That's the trick part of the job, balancing what you wanna do, what you need to do.

Mary: ...Mhm. Mhm.

Nolan: Your not just a super hero're a viltrumite, we have...responsibilities...that normal humans don't.

Mary: Mhm, okay dad, I understand.

Nolan: Good.

Mary: Oh, and have something on your cape behind.

As Mary heads to her room with (YN)...Nolan then was checking behind his back...and yet to have some sort of piece of big skin, that happens to be a monster body part....
Meanwhile, at a near ocean somewhere at some state, Donald was there and made a call to Cecil...and yet to be standing near a huge Kaiju monster....

Donald: It's me sir, and...the Kaiju Omni-Man fought is big...really big. First time I see Omni-Man on the ropes like that. Also it might not be dead by the looks of it.

Cecil: Put it on ice, you may not know if something like that comes in handy.

Donald: Yes sir.

Why would Cecil want the Kaiju monster for?? What is the reason for him to keep it???


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