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Hours later, William, Mary and (YN) then arrived at the upstate U where Will's friend Rick, who he hasn't stop talking about it during the road, is living at. Rick gets to me Mary and (YN), and happy to see William they met, Rick leads them to his dorm for them to stay at and sleep. After leaving their bags there, they later on head over for a class section...and yet to meet an unknown stranger uncanny person who yet to be wearing a suit, his nam is DA Sinclair

He's often been coming to their classes and to rant genius ideas of his and making sure he's right, according to Rick...which annoyed Mary, (YN) and Will already, and the teacher asking him to leave, and so he did. After class, they all then started walking around the campus...

William: Is it me, or is that DA Sinclair guy just a lonely dude.

Rick: Heh, please, I feel sorry for him, he's gotten get new friends on his life.

While walking, Mary looks at (YN) and notices (YN) somehow enjoying the campus around, and how fun it looks.

Mary: Feeling okay (YN)?

(YN): ...Yea actually, to be honest, this place here is sure fun.

Mary: Heh, it is.

The two stare at each other, softly smiling at each other as Rick then says..

Rick: Hey, if you two want some time to wonder, me and Will can meet you guys back here later if you want-

William: That's a great ideas, see you guys in a while!

William grabs Rick's hand and quickly walks away with him, leaving Mary and (YN) alone tighter around the campus...

(YN): Heh, he sure does like Rick huh?

Mary: Heh, yea, no wonder he always likes to talk about Rick that much during our ride here.

(YN): Hehe yea...but for good for him.

Mary: Heh, yea...come, let's check around and see how this place is really like.

Mary then grabs (YN)'s hand, as she smiles and blushes at him as (YN) softly smiles at her, as the two hold hands, and to walk tighter and explore the campus around and see everything about far things are going very good between them, they got themselves something to eat, ate together, watching some fun views, but so far, they really enjoyed spending more time together, smiling, laughing and chatting as well....later, the two sat down together at the bench...Mary realizes the smile (YN) is giving, and her starring at him, smiling at him too...

(YN): Heh, what?

Mary:'s just...I'm happy to see you smile, that's all.

(YN): Hehe, well yea, cause I had so much fun with you of course...and I want this to keep going on.

Mary: *Blushing* Heh, that's good-

(YN): No serious Mary, what we're doing, this right here...I like it, every single of it. Hanging out with the only thing that makes my life better, even your smile to.

Mary flusters form what (YN) told her, and she softly smiles and replies...

Mary: That's good to know...I want this to keep up as well...(YN)?

(YN): Yea?

Mary: ...I want things like this to keep up forever, the things we do, hanging out, taking and smiling, everything about it, I like it. You''re the only boy that I like to be with...a-and I-

(YN) then places his finger at Mary's mouth, as she then blushes, (YN) then slowly curls her hair...and replies...

(YN): I know what you're gonna say Mary...and I feel the same're the only girl as well that I want to be with.

Mary blushes and smiles, (YN) smiles as well as the two then slowly started to hold hands, and yet they slowly started to approach closer and closer as they can feel each other's soft breathe and their lips almost to connect one another.....

William: Hey love birds.

Mary: EEEK!!!

(YN): WAH!

William appeared, with Rick as he startled both Mary and (YN)...

Mary: Will!

(YN): Jesus fuck! Scared us man.

William: Hehe, sorry. But anyways, how are you two-

Suddenly, a loud crash appeared right informer of them, as if something fell off, crashing through the sky....students were panicking from that crash, Mary, (YN) William and Rick reacted quickly to it and wondering what was that crash to the floor...and suddenly, something appeared out from the smoke...a robotic hand appeared out from the smoke, and to reveal itself...

William: What the hell is that?!

Mary: Holy shit!

(YN): The fuck!?

Rick: Everyone get back now! Guys help me!

Rick and them started helping others escort them out from whatever that thing is, it is more than a cyborg, and yet bleeding still out from its mouth and yet the cyborg parts seem to be like they were barely made and out from that body...the cyborg started acting crazy and yet causing havoc at the campus...suddenly, the cyborg caught Rick and Rick seeing the cyborg bleeding out from its mouth...William then started tossing things at the cyborg...

William: Let him go you bastard!

The cyborg tosses Rick away and rushes after William, and grabbing him from his neck and started to choke him...suddenly the cyborg was about to punch William, but suddenly someone came and block that punch for William, as Invincible appeared and blocking the punch, the cyborg let go of William and swings his other punch towards Mary, but this time, SuperBoy appeared and block that punch as well...William recovers from the choke and to see both Invincible and SuperBoy holding back against the cyborg...suddenly, William started to take a closer look at them two...and yet to surprisingly to notice those two heroes...are none other than Mary and (YN)...

William: Mary!?? (YN)!!?

SuperBoy/Invincible: Run!

William Ryan off and checks at Rick as the Eh orb then kicks Mary, sending her crashing towards a wall...

SuperBoy: Shit! Mary!

SuperBoy notices how strong the cyborg is, the cyborg lands a punch at SuperBoy, but SuperBoy took that punch as he then stories his punch at the cyborg, and to grab his leg and slamming him to the ground, but the cyborg was so quick he recovers and to spear down SuperBoy and striking punches at him, soon Invincible rushes and spears the cyborg away from SuperBoy and to take him up to the sky and throwing several punches at the cyborg and to send him flying crashing to the floor, but then cyborg stood up and looks at Invincible, so she then shakes down after it, but the cyborg, grabs Mary by her face and slamming her to the ground and to start punching her...SuperBoy then dashes towards the cyborg and to strike and land a brutal punch towards The cyborgs face, which cause it to get off from Invincible and crashing to the wall...

SuperBoy: You okay?!

Invincible: Y-Yea I'm fine, thanks!

Then, they notice to see back at the cyborg, and to notice the punch SuperBoy gave him manage to break down that mask of his, and revel it's real face, a real life human face, and started hissing at them...

Invincible: What the..??!

SuperBoy: Thats...still a human!

The human cyborg started to approach them...and as soon it got close to the fountain, it then looks at its own reflection to the water, and to start panicking somehow, and yet doesn't know what to think of he then rushes and leaps and to fall towards a pole, and to stab himself and killing himself...which leaves them confused and shocked...

Invincible: What the hell...?

SuperBoy: What was that about..??

Suddenly, William approaches them behind, and is shocked and surprise to know that Invincible and SuperBoy are none other than (YN) and Mary...

William: Holy shit...Holy shit! Y-You two...are heroes!'re Invincible and (YN)'re SuperBoy!

Invincible: Will shut up!

SuperBoy: You can't tell anyone!

William: Can't believe this! Holy shit!

The two quickly leaves as Rick appears and finds William...

Rick: William, are you okay?!

William: I-I am okay! It's just-

Rick then quickly hugs William...and relief to know William is okay...

Rick: Oh I'm glad you're okay.

William: O-Oh. Well..yea...and I'm...glad you're okay too.

Then, Mary and (YN) showed up...

Mary: Guys! We called the police.

(YN): They should be here any second now.

Rick: Oh thank goodness, good thing you two called for help.

William: Yea...good thing.

William was looking at them funny, as Mary and (YN) made sure he doesn't say a thing about them being they walk away and head over to the police that arrived...
Suddenly, DA Sinclair appeared and watered the whole thing that happen....

Sinclair: I turn my back for one second, and the grateful swipes away?! That's it! That's the last thing I ever leave someone's frontal lobe attached.

He then gets a look over to Rick...and observes him...

Sinclair: Hmmm. Classic alpha male...he'll be my next experiment.


Hours later, it was night, and Back at the city already,we then take a look at Arthur's tailor shop, as Debbie got a call from him and to show up at his store, and to show her Nolan's super suit that Debbie found at the house and brought it to Arthur to experiment the suit...and so he did.

Arthur: Thanks for coming Debbie...can I get you a drink or something?catch up?

Debbie: Thanks Arthur, but-

Arthur: I know, I know...just trying to put it off...I spent the last few days going over the suit top to bottom, like you ask.

Debbie: ...Show me.

Arthur uses the tablet to scan Nolan's super suit, and to program it to the TV to take a closer look at it, and to see flesh and blood...

Arthur: See these flex? They look like gold, but much harder, I only see them one other place.

Debbie: War-Woman's armor.

Arthur takes another look at another spot...and spotted little blue spots...

Arthur: Sodium crystals.

Debbie: Aquarus!

Arthur: And look at those scratches, those are from Darkwing' s throwing weapons. He's tangled with few of my other clients.

Then he spits another mark, where it seems to spot little grunting hole marks...

Debbie: Are those burns??

Arthur: Friction burns...from something moving real fast.

Debbie: ...Red-Rush!

Arthur: Mmmm.

Debbie: O-Okay...Okay, this only proves that Nolan and the guardians fought, but maybe they attacked him first! M-Maybe he was trying to protect their legacy!

Arthur: ...maybe...but there also this.

Arthur activates an air Ana on the suit for the blood...

Arthur: Blood begins to oxidize when expose from air, so let's see how long was it spilled.

The blood began to tact as the blood turn blue, some of it lighted up, which means the blood was barely there...and some...started to dry up...
Which means it got old...

Arthur: This is the oldest blood on the suit...Nolan struck first.

Debbie knew it...she knew it all along ever since DarkBlood told her about the massacre....

Debbie: ...Don't tell anyone, not Cecil, no one.

Arthur: Debbie...I'm too scared to tell anyone...even (YN).

Debbie: What?? What does (YN) have to do with the murder?

Arthur: ....Clark Kent.

And hit her...what Arthur meant about "not telling (YN) about it" is what he meant was...not only Nolan killed the guardians...but he too killed SuperMan....

Debbie: No...No...oh gosh no.! W-Wait, how you know it might be him.?!

Arthur then pulls out a tiny green crystal that happen to glow...

Debbie: Wh-What is that-

Arthur: Kryptonite, SuperMan's only weakness...found it in Nolan's suit...(YN)'s father only mention me about his weakness, nobody else but me...and I don't know how Nolan manage to get a hold of it...but he too killed SuperMan...Don't worry...I still won't say a word...but...if (YN) does find out about it...or anyone does tell him about it....then I don't know what will happen if he even tries to fight Nolan...

Debbie is now more worried to hear that Nolan also killed (YN)'s father....and the guardians....
Outside the store, Nolan, was gliding on the sky, and knowing that Arthur had his suit, and Debbie giving it to him...but doesn't bother going to him at all...nor doesn't know Debbie is with him...and doesn't care, knowing he already has a spare one not that long ago after being released from the he does...he then pulls out something from his pocket...and it was Kryptonite...and then says...

Nolan: ...Seems like I got no time to waste then.

He then flies off...but to where???
Back with Mary and them , they arrive at Rick's dorm...

Rick: Well, that was one hell of a day.

William: Yea, no kidding.

Mary: ...What was that thing?

(YN): I legit don't know...some living breathing cyborg I'm guessing...

Rick: Who knows what else it can be, but all we can say is that it's over, the police took care of it and we are all good for now. Say, how about I run up to the store and buy some beers and wait for things to cool down and get the weekend back on track, sound good?

William: Sure!

Mary: Sounds good.

(YN): Yea.

Rick: Cool, be right back then.

Rick then leave the dorm, and for William to stare at Mary and (YN) about the whole super hero thing...

William: Are you two freaking kidding me?!

Mary: Shhhh! William!

(YN): Any louder?!

William: Mary, you're invincible and (YN)'re SuperBoy! Holy shit! This is shocking news! ....and you've never told me?! How long you've been heroes?! 3 months, 6 months, forever?! *gasps* ...both of you take me flying.

Mary: No way man.

William: Awwww come on please! Take me flying or I'll tell everyone that you're both Invincible and SuperBoy, sorry not sorry.

Mary and (YN) both stare at each other...and to both grab William and to fly out the dorm, and take William flying to the sky and to quickly come back to the dorm...

(YN): There, happy?

William: That was awesome!! ...(YN) Can I try it?

(YN): What?

William: Your suit!

(YN): No way dude, besides it won't fit you either way.

William: Oh come on! Just this once please!

(YN): ...Fine.

William: Yes! Where is it?

(YN): My bag.

William then rushes to the room and to look for his suit...leaving Mary and (YN) alone...again...

Mary: *sighs* He better not say anything...

(YN): He won', what a day.

Mary: I know...I mean...still can't get it out about that cyborg thing we fought.

(YN): ...the fact it started to bleed out it's mouth caught me off guard the if it's been barley build up to be a cyborg...just where the hell it came from.

Mary: I'm not sure...but...what I'm relief is...that we both got each other's back.

Mary holds onto (YN)'s hands, and him smiling softly at Mary and Mary softly blushing and (YN) replying...

(YN): Yea, we do.

Minutes later, Rick got out from the store after buying some beers and make a quick face call to William...

William: Yo, you guys hungry? Wants some pizza?

Rick: Love it. No mushrooms please.

William: Heh okay, I'll be back soon and we'll-

Suddenly, Rick's signal got cut off out of nowhere, and made a loud static from his phone...

William: Rick?? Rick! Are you there?!

William try calling him back, no he rushes to (YN) and Mary...

William: (YN), Mary!

Mary: Hey Will..

(YN): Is everything alright?? You sounded-

William: Something happen to Rick, we were on the phone, face calling and it caught off!

Mary: What??!

(YN): That can't be good.

William: I tried calling him back, and nothing! Oh man, hope nothing bad happened.

(YN): Okay calm down Will, look I'll go and find him, is he far from here when you face called him?

William: He's at that store  it that far at the West.

(YN): Okay, I'll go find him.

Mary: Be careful (YN).

(YN): Don't worry, I will.

(YN) then jumps out the window and goes rushing to find Rick...

William: Oh man, I hope everything is alright, I'm worried now for Rick.

Mary: Don't worry Will, (YN) will surely find him and bring him back, I know him.

Back with (YN), he starred running down the street and to look for Rick...

(YN): Rick! Rick! Where are you man?! Say something.

No sigh on him...

(YN): Shit, first Walker that afternoon, and now Rick missing?? Just what's going on?

Suddenly, he then notice someone spying on him, and he can feel it...he turns to his right and to see a shadow figure floating and to fly off towards the trees...and that made (YN) think whoever this person is may be the one that kidnap he goes to the trees and follows this he does...he then sees the shadow figure kept on flying away from (YN), so (YN) sped walk and stared yelling him out...

(YN): Hey! Who are you?!

Then, this shadow figure suddenly flies away as (YN) then goes flying and chases after he does...he then arrives to this spot where is nothing but grass...and the person that has been stalking (YN) nowhere to be found as well...

(YN): ...Where the hell..??

Suddenly, he then felt something above him, as if something was gonna crash on top of him, and it was coming at full speed, so he moves out the way, and whatever was gonna fall on top of (YN) crashes to the was the person, more than that, it was someone that he was Nolan, Mary's father...who he tried to hit (YN)...

(YN): M-Mr.Grayson??!

Nolan: Hmph, seems like I missed.


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