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As we left off, Rick has gone missing out of nowhere, and William started to get worried for him, so (YN) goes and looks for he does, he then bumps into Omni-Man, Nolan instead, as Nolan somehow tried to hit (YN) as if he was trying to do so..

Nolan: Hmph, seems I missed.

(YN): M-Mr.Grayson??!

Nolan: ...Seems like your alone out here...which so good and perfect timing.

(YN): Wh-What??? What are you even saying-

Nolan without hesitation rushes at (YN) and to try landing a punch at him, (YN) quickly gets out of the way, Nolan kept trying to hit him as (YN) kept loving out of the way and dodging Nolan...

(YN): Mr.Grayson, what's gotten into you?! Are you out of you're mind?!

Nolan: ...

(YN): Say something! *What the hells gotten into him?! Why is he here anyways??! And why is he trying to attack me? M-Maybe he's being brainwashed, yeah! Someone must've taken over his mind! I'm gonna have to knock some sense into him!*

(YN) dashes and flies towards Nolan, and to spear him down to the ground...and started throwing punches at him...

(YN): Sorry, but I know you're in there! So get your senses right and fight off whatever is controlling your mind Mr.Grayson! I know you're in there!

(YN) kept on throwing punches towards Nolan's face, until Nolan grabs (YN)'s hand and to forcefully squeeze it...and to get up, starring him down into his eyes...

Nolan: You got it wrong kid.

(YN): Wh-Wha??!

Nolan then strikes a brutal punch towards (YN)'s gut, and spatting out blood, and Nolan striking an uppercut towards his chin, and to again throw a punch to his gut, and sending (YN) flying and crashing to a tree, (YN) recovers from those punches...and is so confused and utterly concern about what is going on with Nolan...

(YN): Wh-What the hells gotten into you?!

Nolan: Simple, nothing. I just came by to finish you off, that's all.

(YN): F-Finish me off???! The fuck are you saying?! You don't make any sense!

Nolan: i know what I'm saying, and I won't repeat it (YN), I'm here to finish you off, you're the only one that's in my way. I've taken care of the guardians, and now I'll be taking care of you at last.

(YN): T-Took cared of the guardians?! What- all makes sense now...and now it is hitting (YN) in his mind...the massacre, Nolan only survivor from that incident, acting very strange ever since...and yet is trying to kill (YN)....

(YN): N-No....Mr.Grayson...don't tell killed the guardians?!

Nolan: ...Why does that matter to you? I did what I have to do, and're next.

(YN): B-But why??! WHY!!?? Why the hell did you-...W-Wait...I-if you did killed the wouldn't happen....about father!

Nolan: ....Me Killing your father doesn't matter right now (YN).

(YN) gasps in shock, and to finally find the person who killed his father back was Nolan, Omni-Man, his eyes widen with anger...and grunts and dashes towards him...


As he goes flying towards Nolan, Nolan quickly pulls something out from his pocket...and to then swing a brutal punch towards (YN)'s gut, and to managing to Burt's his hand half way in (YN)'s gut, and yet to add the punch, he uses the kryptonite and places it in his gut, and to take out his hand from his gut, (YN) then started to cough a lot of blood out, and to become weaken knowing that kryptonite is his weakness and stuck in his gut, he collapses to the floor...coughing more blood out...Nolan walks up to him...stares him down...

(YN): N-Nrrrgh!!! *coughs* B-Bastard...*gasping and coughing more*

Nolan: Hope you die here...the kryptonite there in your gut should slowly kill you.

(YN): N-Nrrgh! Wh-Why..?! WH-WHY..!!!?

Nolan: ...Goodbye, (YN).

Nolan then flies off, leaving (YN) alone on the trees, as (YN) started to then lose unconscious...and the last words he can say was...

(YN): M-M...Mary...

He then coughs more blood...and then to loosen his body...and to lose unconscious already....
Meanwhile back with Mary, she and William waited for (YN) to come back, and it's been 20 minutes now, Mary tried calling him several times, no answer, and now she's beginning to worry for him, so she and Will go looking for him and Rick...they split up, Mary began to fly for none to see her for her to find (YN) easily...but yet, no sight of she calls William to see if he managed to find him....and yet William hasn't reply any calls as she begins to worried more this time, first Rick, (YN) and now she quickly heads back to Rick's dorm and to change into her suit and to go out and look for the the she goes looking for them around the campus..she then started to realize a big hole with wrapping cautions around it...which obvious she started to think maybe who this person, that might be one of those cyborg things from earlier took them she flies over towards it and to arrive at the Sewers ...

Invincible: Aw sick....gotta find them!

She started flying all around the sewers, left to right, hole by hole, and yet no sight of them...suddenly, she then arrive between some huge pipe holes where the water is running out from it, and to hear footsteps coming from in them...she then sees yet another cyborg from earlier charging up to her...

Invincible: What did you do to my friends, and (Y-AAAH!!!

Suddenly another one merge out from the water, and to strike punches at Invincible, then two more came as all for started hurting Invincible with punches and kicks, and yet one of them broke Invincible's phone...then one of them throw a strong punch to Mary, and to send her crashing through a wall, as Mary arrive in a room, where she finally found William, tied up, and yet DA Sinclair was there as well, as if he was about to kill William with surgery...

Invincible: W-William...!

William: Mary!

The cyborgs started to throw more punches at Mary...

William: Mar-I-I lean Invincible! This psycho here is turning humans into those things!

Sinclair: You make it sound like I'm a maniac, I'm not turning anyone into anything, I'm fixing humanity's weakness!

One of the cyborgs try to stomp Invincible as she was at the ground, but she manage to live out of the way and to choke on that cyborg...and as she does, he then manage to easily remove its mask off...and once it's face is revealed...that cyborg was none other than Rick...

William: O-Oh my god, Rick! Stop!!

Sinclair: No use to get into his emotions, I've removed them myself.

William: N-No!!

Rick brutally started to beat up Invincible as he then started to wrap his arms around her and to bear hug her...

Invincible: AAAGH!!

William: Rick! Listen, it's us, its me! Remember we met last year?! At the lake?! Remember the boat house that night?! It changed my life....but I know it changed yours too...but we had sex by the water! And it was the greatest and best thing has ever happen to me!

Sinclair: Oh, that's personal, anyways, don't care.

Sinclair grabs a knife and to slowly started cut William's arm, as he screams in pain, and as for Rick...form the talk Will gave him, he then suddenly was about to speak...

Rick: W-Wi...Will...Will...

Sinclair: What??!

William: Yes! That's it! Help us!

Rick then started to feel emotional, and yet to shed a tear off to see his best friend being tortured by he lets go of Invincible, and to then trying to take off this battery that's behind his head...

Sinclair: Hey stop! You'll ruin yourself!!!

And so, Rick pulls out the battery behind his head, and yet somehow he was his self, and then he started helping Invincible and figuring off the other cyborgs as he and her started taking the batteries off from them...and to take those masks off and batteries behind their heads as well...

Sinclair: You brutes send humanity back decades!

Sinclair grabbed his laptop and making a run for as Invincible then goes and frees William...

William: You aren't going anywhere asshole!

William chases after Sinclair and to drop him down and to start punching Sinclair several times, Sinclair kicks William off him and gets up...

Sinclair: Don't you understand?! This is about progress! Science! Saving the human e as e from disease-

Invincible came out of nowhere, and to swing a stirring back hand punch towards Sinclair, dropping him down and braking his jaw, afterwards, he was down for as Invincible then makes a call for GDA...
Some of the GDA medics arrive and took Sinclair with them, treating William and Invincible, Cecil appeared as as well...

Invincible: Sorry I lost it...

Cecil: Don't beat yourself up...would have done the same thing.

Invincible: What are you gonna do with him?

Cecil: Figure lock him up and throw away the key...impressive technology though, especially for something made here on the sewers.

Invincible: Sick, you mean...but can you help them?

Cecil: We'll do our best, go home kid, we'll take it from here.

Cecil and the medics took the injured cyborgs that were needed to be treated and taking them to the GDA...William was worried for Rick...

Invincible: Don't worry, he'll make it through.

Rick: sure?

Invincible: Positive, they'll do the absolute best.

Rick: ...So...have you found (YN)?

Invincible: What?? N-No.

Rick: Wait what?? Still??!

Invincible: I-I thought you have but until-

Rick: He's missing way, what the hell!!?

Invincible: Come!

Her and Will run over and to catch up to Cecil before he was about to leave...

Invincible: Cecil!

Cecil: What now??

Invincible: By any chance you've seen (YN) when you arrived?!

Cecil: (YN)?? No I haven't, isn't he with you-

Suddenly, Cecil gets a call...

Cecil: What is it? .....What?! ....okay, make it fast.

He hangs up...

Cecil: Sorry kid, but I'm in a hurry, but I'll let you know if I find him.

Cecil hops on the helicopter and to fly over to the headquarters...and now Invincible is worried for (YN)...where could he even be?!
Back with Cecil, he looks out as he gives out this disappointed look on his face...

Cecil: *Sighs* ...Damn you Nolan.

Back at Mary's house, Nolan has cleaned himself up after...what he did to (YN)...and standing i front of his house...making sure he doesn't make himself look he walks in the house...but as he enters and walks down to the living room, he finds Debbie, drinking her wine...and says with an emotional tone...

Debbie: ...Why?!

Nolan: Why...what?

Debbie: ...Joseph...Darkwing...War-Woman...the others...why did you do it...?!

Nolan: I didn't do anything-

Debbie: Don't lie to me! I know! I know you killed them Nolan!

Nolan: ...You're drunk. We'll talk about this tomorrow-

Debbie: Nrgh!

Debbie throws the bottle of wine at Nolan as he quickly catches it...then he sees Debbie slowly matching right in front of him...and say to him with a heart broken, sorrow upset look...

Debbie: ...Fuck you Nolan.

She then walks upstairs to her room....and then...Nolan grew frustrated inside, as he never knew Debbie would find out about it...he then breaks the bottle...and to punch the and make a hole to let his anger out...afterwards...he then goes and sits at the sofa...and to think about how is he going to talk through this to Debbie....and Mary as well...


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