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The next morning , Debbie woke up from her bed, and to see Nolan not here....and she knew why...and has meant reasons for him
not to be even close to her...she gets up from her bed, and to head downstairs and to see a huge hole, that Nolan punched Last night, she then arrives at the kitchen and to see Nolan looking out the glass door outside....and his suit on the counter...the bloody one...she then approaches and says...

Debbie: Why did you keep it?

Nolan: ...I used it to take care of Damien DarkBlood, but...maybe part of me...wanted for you to find it to-

Debbie: After 20 years together, I deserve the truth.

Nolan: ...I wanted to tell you months ago-

Debbie: But you didn't....Nolan, was someone controlling you? Where you blackmailed, or did they threaten me or Mary??

Nolan: ...No.

Debbie: Then why??

Nolan: You need to trust me...and if you do, then we'll be okay. Mary too, everything will be fine-

Debbie: Trust you?! How can I possibly trust you now?!

Nolan: Because you know me-

Debbie: There's ALOT things I thought I knew about you. The guardians, we're your friends, they were good people, they saved lives and had families, and YOU killed them!

Nolan: I had no choice! I-

Debbie: You even killed SuperMan!

Nolan: ....

Debbie: He had a family too, and to top it all that...he has a son, who is with our daughter, and doesn't even know that YOU killed him! How is he gonna react when he finds out about it! And WHICH you also don't wanna tell me why you killed Clark!

Nolan: ....

Debbie: Now if you don't have anything else to say...then I want you to leave.

Nolan: Debbie-

Debbie: Get out of my house.

Nolan: You don't mean it-

Debbie: Get out of my house now!

Debbie tosses Nolan his bloody hero suit...and Nolan then grew he drops his bloody suit and floats to the ceiling...

Nolan: We'll talk later...and don't worry about (YN), I've taken care of him already.

Nolan then burst out to the ceiling of the house, and to fly away...

Debbie: ...Oh no...! Nolan you-Mary!

Debbie knew that when Nolan said he'd took cared of (YN) meant that Nolan might have killed him...and Debbie is now worried about what is Nolan gonna do to she quickly grabs the house phone and call her...Mary doesn't answer at all...she tried calling her back...but suddenly, one of Cecil's guards appeared, as if they were in the house the entire time, spying on Nolan and Debbie, and Donald appearing as well...

Donald: Debbie, I'm sorry, but you have to come with us, there's no time.

Debbie doesn't know why or how they were in the house...but whatever Donald wants, she'll go with him.
Later, she arrive at the GDA, and to find Cecil in the huge room where his workers are working on the computers...

Cecil: Debbie...good, we need to talk about-

Debbie: Nolan killed the guardians! ...and (YN)'s father...Clark.

Cecil: ...I know.

Debbie out of nowhere slaps Cecil...

Debbie: How could you know, and not telling me?!

Cecil: I couldn't risk letting Nolan know that we knew, not until we find out how to get rid of him. We failed on both counts by the way...

Debbie: Get rid of him?? Wait...don't aren't gonna kill him, aren't you?!

Cecil: We don't even know if we can kill him or if he's able to be killed, not us anyway....but there's only one person that I know who can go toe to toe with Omni-Man and come off topic.

Debbie didn't knew at first who Cecil is mentioning...but she started to realize sabo he's talking about...only one person that is in his father's blood and half viltrumite...

Debbie: N-No! No! Never, you can't!

Cecil: Where's Mary Debbie? Where's Invincible?

Debbie: N-No not her! I don't want her nothing bad happening to her! Why don't we have (Y-

Suddenly...she also started to realize...that (YN) might not be even with Mary after all...after what Nolan said about "taking care of him"...Cecil then said...

Cecil: ...(YN) won't be able to be active for this...not in the condition he is though.

Debbie: Condition?? he...

Cecil: Follow me.

Cecil takes Debbie with him to the medical center, as he does, they walk down the hallway, and Debbie to notice couple of medics resting on the chair, exhausted as well....and as they arrive to the room, Debbie then sees (YN) on the bed, still unconscious and yet alive surprisingly, and yet to seem he has given surgery as well by the looks of it...

Debbie: (YN)!

Cecil: ...You know he did this as well?

Debbie: ....*nods*

Cecil: *sighs* I'm hella surprised the boy manage to survive. We brought him back as quickly as we can....Mary doesn't even know he's even here.

Debbie: What!?

Cecil: ...Nolan went after (YN), Debbie.

Debbie: Oh god...wait...this downer add up.

Cecil: Hm?

Debbie: When I first met Clark alongside with Nolan...He wasn't easy to be killed, they called him "The Man Of Steel" so does it make Nolan that strong to even Kill Clark...and (YN) too??!

Cecil then walks over to a counter, and to grab something out from the box, and to go back to Debbie and show her the Kryptonite...

Debbie: I-Is that-

Cecil: Kryptonite yea...SuperMan's and SuperBoy's only weakness...Nolan must've hold it on the entire one since Clark's death.

Debbie: ...What are you gonna do with it?

Cecil: Planning to hold it off myself...might not know if (YN) ever wakes up and causes a rampage when going to Omni-Man.

Debbie looks back at (YN) she is worried for (YN) on the condition he is...she is also and especially worried for Mary as well....
At the mountains, Nolan, Omni-Man, in his super suit started to talk...

Omni-Man: Mary...I killed the guardians of the globe...and I especially too killed SuperMan....and SuperBoy. But wait, before you say anything...just listen please....I'm not a monster, I didn't wanted to do it, but it HAD to be done. It was my responsibility, other people won't understand that but...I know you will and can. What I'm about to tell you will change everything...just remember, you're my daughter, and I love you, and your mother, more than...

He was then talking to himself...practicing to how he's gonna tell Mary about what he has done and who he truly is...but is hard for him even for what he's done to (YN)...

Omni-Man: What am I doing.

But he needs to suck it in...and has to tell her he flies off and goes finding Mary.


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