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As we left off...Invincible, Mary has saw everything, from her father, of what he did to Immortal, and who he truly is....a murderer. She was trembling in fear, and scared to see her father like this...

Omni-Man: Mary, sweetie...we need to talk.

She sees the bloody hands, the eyes of a murderer, and how dangerous her father is looking right now...but she doubts it, deep down she thought maybe he's being kind controlled, so she dashed and started throwing punches at him...

Invincible: S-Someone's controlling you dad! Come on dad! Tell me how to stop this!

Omni-Man: ...Mary.

Invincible: Let go of my dad!! Let him go!

Omni-Man: Stop.

Omni-Man pushes Invincible away...

Omni-Man: It's just me Mary, just me.

Invincible: B-B-Bu...I-...I don't understand...!

Omni-Man: *sighs* This isn't how I wanted to go, but I don't have a choice. Its time for you to know where I REALLY come from...: I am from Viltrum, but it's not the planet I told you about...we had created a perfect civilization, but took all of our strength, determination, courage to get there. In order for our people to reach their full potential, we had to remove the weak from our society. It was a long and...difficult process. When it was over, our population was cut in half. But emerge from the ashes was unstoppable. By the time I was born, Viltrum was the greatest empire on our galaxy. We decided to make our only empire galaxy, once I was old enough I joined the war, it was hard...but I believed in our cause. Some species resisted of course, but no one can withstand from us. Soon our empire took over thousands of planets. But as our forces grew, our expansion grew thin and has to stopped. We needed a better more efficient way to conquer worlds, our worlds most trusted officers were given us planets to weaken by themselves...and I was the lucky ones, and made me go to earth.....I didn't...wanted to tell your mother about it when I was here....but that time has come to an end. But now, we need to have earth join the Viltrum empire!

After hearing all that from her dad of what he truly is capable of and his true self...Invincible felt broken, lied, and betrayed from her own father...after all the years....she shed tears...and cry...

Omni-Man: Mary, this is good news. We can finally do what we are meant to do, be who we are meant to be.

Invincible: ...Y-You lied to me....

Omni-Man: You couldn't handled nor known the truth.  Not had your powers, not until I was sure.

Invincible: ...Sure of what??!

Omni-Man: Sure if you were viltrumite, and-

Invincible: So what if I wasn't?! I'd be just one mere human to conquer?! No! Th-This doesn't make any sense! You love me, you love mom! I know you do!

Omni-Man stood quiet...and replies...

Omni-Man: ...Do you have any idea how long we live? The older we get, the slower we age. Viltrumite blood DNA is so pure, you're nearly full blooded. You'll live for thousands of years, you understand what that means?? Every one you love and know will be gone before you even look 30. And it's something I...want from you....this isn't your world, it's there's. But we can help them, we can stop wars, elongate hunger, give them medical technology, centuries ahead of what they have right now.

Invincible: ...

Omni-Man: We've been doing it, if it wasn't for us, this planet would have been in flames. All we had to do is welcome earth into our empire. But....I do love your mother, but...she's more like...a pet to me.

Invincible: A pet!!?

Omni-Man: This is the only way Mary-

Invincible: A PET?!

Omni-Man: Calm down-

Invincible: I will not calm down!! This is insane! What do you think is gonna happen?! That I'm going to enslave my friends for a bunch of aliens I never met nor seen before?! This is my life, my people!

Omni-Man: We have responsibilities for Viltrumite-

Invincible: I don't give a shit about Viltrumite! And I don't care if I live for a fucking million years! This is my home, and I won't let you destroy it or take over it!

Omni-Man: You don't know what you're saying, and I can't...let you interfere.

Invincible: ...Tell me one thing, and be fucking honest with me! ....You killed the guardians?

Omni-Man: Obviously I did-

Invincible: What about SuperMan!? (YN)'s dad!? HUH?!!

Omni-Man: ...

Invincible: Answer me god damn it!!!

Omni-Man: ...I killed him as well...and I'm sure he's with that son of his already.

Invincible eyes he knew what he was saying...and many reason why (YN)'s is gone "missing"....Her father killed SuperBoy, (YN) Kent...and now...she's definitely lost him...

Invincible: ...Y-You didn't...N-No! You didn't! YOU DIDNT!

Omni-Man: Yes I did Mary! I killed Clark, he  was in my way! And as for (YN)...he was too, and I needed to finish him off.

Invincible then started to have memories form the fun times she had with (YN)...and suddenly shattered, knowing her father killed his...

Invincible: ...I-I'm gonna make you pay!

Omni-Man: You don't mean that-

Invincible swings a punch to Omni-Man, sending him flying as he recovers and looks back at her as he put up her fists...

Invincible: Oh I know what I mean!

Omni-Man: ...So be it.

Omni-Man rushes at Invincible, and to swing a heavy punch at her, and then appearing behind her and to hit her behind, sending her crashing down to the ground...Omni-Man then land on the ground, standing behind Invincible as she started to recover and he says...

Omni-Man: Do you really think you can stop me?

Invincible gets up quickly and tried swinging a punch at her father, but he manages to block that punch with such ease, grabbing her neck, lifting her up, and to slam her to the ground, and to toss her far he did...he started to slowly regret of what he's doing to his daughter...but doesn't have a he kept going after her and flies over to her...
Back at the guardians HQ, the guardians are seeing and heard everything...and are concern about it...

Rex: Okay, well fuck. what do we do??! Do we go out there-

Dupli-Kate: And do what? We couldn't even keep up with them-

Rudy(Robot): No, we follow Cecil's orders and remain here, this battle is beyond our current capabilities.

Black Samson: Robot is-I mean Rudy is right. We'll get our chance to help.

Suddenly, they heard the doors open and to see Atom Eve appearing...

Red: Eve! Oh thank goodness your okay and alive.

Eve: I'm fine, but what's happening with Invincible and Omni-Man?!

Rex: Omni-Man is kicking the shit out of her, the worlds gotten fucking nuts!

Rudy: Indeed, I truly hope Mary lives up for her name, to face her father and survive, she needs to be Invincible for it.

Rex: Speaking of Invincible, where the hell is SuperBoy??! I haven't seen that did in a minute!

Monster Girl:  For real, where is he??

Eve: ...Mary told me everything about him...he's missing.

Black Samson: What?? No way.

Rex: How the hell can he be missing?! Does he not realize that there are deep shit happening right now??!

Dupli-Kate: ...U-Unless...

They all stood quiet...and to have a sudden realization about (YN) being missing...they all look at the screen, and see Omni-Man, who he only is the one that killed the current guardians...and killed Immortal again....and may have killed (YN)...

Rex: ...Oh...shit.

Eve: ...Mary doesn't even know...oh gosh....(YN)...

Black Samson: ...Fucked up.

Rudy: ....No.

At the city of Chicago, the citizens were walking down the road, having their good time living with their day and free time....until they heard a noise beginning to come louder and louder, and to see two buildings destroyed, and something so fast coming and yet crashing through the road, ending up killing a lot of people, and children as well, buildings and cars too, trucks as well....and what came crashing down and destroying everything and kill those people and children was Invincible....she then was beaten up, and yet to realize to see the people dead....and to see her father showing up, not even caring at all...

Invincible: H-How could you do this??!

Omni-Man: It's not my fault, it was yours, your stubbornness against the inevitable killed those people. ...How many more they need to die? It's up to you Mary.

Invincible: ...

Omni-Man: And what they were doing with those fragile little lives anyway? Listen to what I'm saying, you know in your heart I'm right.

Invincible: You're right?! Of how pointless and pathetic it is?! ...You're telling me mom's life is worthless??

Omni-Man: ...In a grand scheme of saying...yes.

Debbie heard it from the flying camera robots, as she quietly broke down and Cecil helping her out...

Invincible: H-How can you say that to my mom??!...NRRGH!! LIAR!!!!

Invincible rushes to her father, and started throwing punches at him, several of them as those punches did some damage to him...but not enough as Omni-Man blocks and grabs her hands...

Omni-Man: For the first time in your life, I'm telling you the truth!

Omni-Man swings a brutal Headbutt towards Mary, and to send her crashing through the ground and to then crash underneath the subway, and causing the crash into an explosion, killing lots of people in the subway...and Omni-Man placing his hands onto her head behind it the ground...

Invincible: I-I...I need to save them...!

Omni-Man: No.

Suddenly, he then sees a a train coming from behind him...and then he lifts Invincible up and facing her towards the subway coming...

Omni-Man: Maybe this time you'll learn.

As the train comes close....the train hits Invincible, as Omni-Man uses her as a shield, and to start killing everyone in the train, especially kids as well, senior people as well...afterwards, Omni-Man slams his daughter to the ground to flip the train over and to kill all of them inside and out of the subway...Omni-Man lets her go...

Omni-Man: See this? These people are meaningless. Their cavemen without us.

Invincible: ..Y-You're....wrong...! I've seen you saved people, seeing you almost die as well from protecting them, maybe you were a viltrumite before coming and changed! You changed! You were happy here!

Omni-Man: Sure I was happy...for time, but I swear my loyalty to Viltrum, not this pathetic excuse for a civilization.

Invincible: N-Nrgh!! RAAAH!!!!

She tried landing a hit on him, but misses as Omni-Man dodge it and to spear her up and to fly, crashing through the ground upwards, and to fly up to the sky and to reach for the clouds...

Invincible: Get off me!

Invincible shoves Omni-Man away....

Omni-Man: You aren't listing Mary, my time here has been a spect of my life. You don't know me.

He quickly rushes at her, and grabbing her by the neck and says with a menace tone...

Omni-Man: I will burn this planet down, before I spend another minute with these animals!

Invincible then clenches her hand, and to then throw a heavy punch towards Omni-Man's face...but didn't do nothing at all....

Omni-Man: Please.

Omni-Man then started to beat her daughter up, throwing heavy punches at her, non stop, even when sending her flying with those punches, he still goes after her and keep punching her....afterwards, he grabs her again and says...

Omni-Man: I was wrong to raise you as a mere "human". I should have prepared you more better, taught you more, your life has been soft and painless. You're a viltrumite in blood only, while your TRUE education!

Back at guardians HQ...they couldn't stand to see Mary getting beat up by Omni-Man, her own father into a pulp...even Black Samson couldn't stand it...

Black Samson: Gear up! We can't stop this fight, but we can save lives.

Everyone then rushes over and getting ready...

Rudy: W-Wait! Cecil orders were to stay here!

Then, Amanda, Monster Girl approaches to Rudy...and tells him...

Amanda: We don't care...and You're not a robot anymore, remember?

Rudy then thought to himself...she's right, he ain't a robot, he's a human now, he can do what he wants to do, he has feelings now...and so he and her hold hands and go on to save others that are hurt from Omni-Man...
Back at GDA....Debbie was crying and broke to see Nolan of the horrible things he had said to her and Mary...

Cecil: I know Debbie...I'm sorry.

Debbie: H-How van he..How can he say things like this?! After 20 years together...I-I don't even know why now?!

Debbie then started to run away...

Cecil: Debbie wait!

He goes after her...Debbie then arrives at the medical hallways, as she kept on crying and sorrowing down for what Nolan has done...afterwards...she tried to keep it cool....she then wipes her tears off...and to then suddenly notice her arriving at (YN)'s room aside, and to see him through the glass, still unconscious...she then enters the room...and to slowly approach to him...and to sit down aside of him...and to talk with him while unconscious....

Debbie: ...(YN)...I am truly sorry for what Nolan has done to your father...I didn't knew...Mary didn't knew...until now....I-I don't know how things like this...could turn around so quickly...horribly quickly...i feel bad as well for your mothers lost, and your recent grandmother too....I feel you son...but...if you can somehow hear me...then I want...*sobbing quietly*I want you to try and at least wake up for me...and stop both Nolan and Mary for me....please...if you can hear me...

Debbie holds (YN)'s hand...begging for him to try at least wake up at this second....which is impossible owning he's unconscious....
But suddenly...we then take a look at his POV....everything was pitch black...and to start having flashbacks of him...when he was born, raised by his beautiful mother, and his strong and amazing hero father, and his caring grandmother...he started to have faded slabs backs of the fun times he had a lot fun with them...he even remembers the day he got his super powers from his father, SuperMan....and wanted to be just like him...and yet, he got more flashbacks of the one day...he met Mary Grayson, the only girl he has ever like and care for...the fun times with her over the past year, the smiles x the laughs...the good times with her....and he always wanted to show her his true feelings of how he actually feels towards her...
But all that never happen, as he then blames the one person...who brutally and mercilessly killed his father, SuperMan, who killed the guardians....and killed him too...and maybe...just maybe...he might go after and kill his friends that he cares for...his people...Mary as well...and to know that Omni-Man was the one that killed his father, the guardians...and himself as well...and might go after his friends...and Mary as well...
Suddenly....back at the room, Debbie was still quietly sobbing from that is going on....until she suddenly realizes the heart monitor going faster and faster...and then to see (YN)'s breathing hard and aggressively and hearing hi grunting too...Debbie then backs away, and to rush out the hallway and to see Cecil coming...

Debbie: C-Cecil!

Cecil: Debbie! What are you doing-

Debbie: It's (YN)!

Cecil arrives and him and her to see (YN) was about to wake up any second....back with (YN), he kept on breathing aggressively and grunting more and picture Omni-Man one last time...and to imagine what he would have done to Mary...and to hear her scream, and yelling his name out...and so....after that...he open his eyes, and to see them with pent up rage...


(YN) gave one loud yell, so loud it caused a sonic scream, and it then started to break glass windows around Debbie and Cecil as the two duck down to the floor...afterwards, (YN) has finally woken up, and to then hold this rage and anger in him, and to led it all out at Omni-Man, for what he did to the guardians, and to his father....he then then jumps through the ceiling, arrive out the top of the building and to then fly off and to go looking for him...

Debbie: (Y-YN)...!

Cecil: Shit! Seems like whatever happen in his mind while unconscious, has woken him up into a wild beast, a rampaging one of course.

(YN) flies towards the sky...and to have his only focus on Omni-Man, to find him, and make him pay....and to make sure he doesn't end up killing Mary...

SuperBoy: OMNI-MAAN!!!!


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