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We then take a look back between Omni-Man and Invincible crashes towards a snow mountain, and yet to accidentally cause an avalanche, snow falling and crashing through a little town, killing the peoples there and destroying houses as well...and all cause of Omni-Man...he showed up and to then pick Invincible up from the snow...

Omni-Man: Had enough yet?

Invincible was beaten up, bloody as well, busted nose, and lips as well...

Invincible: I-Ill stop you...!

Omni-Man: I'm ready when you are!

He swings a punch to her, seeming her flying away, crashing towards another mountain and Omni-Man arriving...

Omni-Man: You're doing this for nothing, being apart of the empire will make earth better than how it was.

Mary: I-I don't...wanna resist...!

Omni-Man: Thats why WE are here! To keep them from resisting, to show them how wrong they are, how pointless it is! That they can be part of something bigger...or die!

Invincible puts up her fists...

Invincible: I-I won't let you-

She then gets punched to the ground by her father...

Omni-Man: You wanna die for this planet?! Fine! What's 17 more years?!

He throws two punches at her...

Omni-Man: I can always start again!

Another punch...

Omni-Man: Make another kid! And this time will be a boy and name him Mark instead!

Omni-Man with no hesitation started punishing his own daughter by punching her, and kept punching her over and over and over again, even braking some of her teeth out.....and then suddenly...Omni-Man started to get a little flashback...when Mary was just a little girl...


We take a look at a park, where it seems to be having a softball play off, and to see little Mary about to bat next...and people cheering for her and her team, her mother Debbie of course...and as for Nolan...he seem to be bothered, and yet didn't wanted to see the game and seeing Mary play rather than taking her somewhere else, so Debbie walks up to him...

Debbie: What are you doing?

Nolan: *sighs* If I have to watch I would have a better view from above.

Debbie: Heh, You know you can't do that, it's bad enough if you're standing here like a weirdo, come sit down.

Nolan: Debbie, this is a waste of everyone's time. There is so much I could be doin mg right now.

Then, Mary is about to bat already, as she's ready for it...and yet is happy to have so much fun playing some softball....

Debbie: Look at Mary, you and I, we made her, she's ours, when she feels joy, we feel joy. See that look on her face? How can you not feel the same way as her?

Nolan: ...

Debbie: As we get older, is hard to feel that, the way of the world, it boxes us down.

Nolan: ...Well...

And then, the pitcher pitched the ball at Mary, and she manages to hit the ball and hit a ball and make a run for as the crowd and Debbie cheers for her..

Debbie: Nice one honey! ...Nolan, our children mind us the joy of life, it brings us back, shows us what life is about...this is humanity.

Nolan started to see Mary running to the bases, and can see how happy and having fun she's having...and for him, he feels happy to see her having fun...Mary was on second base, and reaches third base already...

Debbie: Go Mary!

Nolan: Go on Mary! Go on, Go pumpkin!

Mary runs for home base, and to slide to it...and makes it safely and scores for the team, everyone cheers for her, her mother as well, especially her father as the two were happy to see her score, Mary runs up to her father as he picks her up...

Mary: Wow Daddy! You see that?! I hit it far!

Nolan: *smiles* Yea, I did great did great.


And now...we take a look back...a wounded up, bruised up Mary, beaten up by her own father, as Omni-Man wanted to keep on going...but can't...inside of him is telling him to not go too far...

Omni-Man: *grunts* Damn it!

He the drops to the floor, aside with Mary and catches his breathe....and to see her badly wounded from the punches and wounds she's gotten from him...and still breathing...he gets up...looks at her...and yet to feel bad for what he's done to her....but then blames it on her somehow...

Omni-Man: Why did you make me do this?! You're fighting, so you can watch everyone around you die, Think Mary Think! You'll outlast very fragile insignificant being on this planet! You'll live to see this world crumble to dust and blow away! Everyone, and everything you know will be gone!

Invincible: *coughs blood* .....

Omni-Man: ....N-Nrgh! What will YOU have after five hundred years?!?

Invincible: ....Y-Y...You dad....*sheds tear* I still have you...

After that....all this time, all the punishment he has given to her daughter...she still care for him, no matter what, she still loves him...and Omni-Man was surprised to hear that from her....he then gets up..and to see Mary's blood on his hands, and to give off a regret look on his face...and thinks to himself...
"What have I done"....then...

Invincible: ...D-Daddy...

Omni-Man gasps...and yet to feel emotional, a fool, and selfish for what he's done to Mary, to his own daughter....he wanted to cry, but doesn't want to, he fights off his emotions...and he doesn't even know how to even fix this problem....all he thinks leaving this planet....and never coming back. So he flies up to the sky...and as he reaches to the clouds and was close to arrive at space...suddenly, something, or say someone stopped him by grabbing his feet, he looks down and to surprisingly see SuperBoy...

Omni-Man: (YN)!??

SuperBoy: Where the hell you think you're going bastard!!!

Omni-Man strikes a kick towards SuperBoy's face, but he didn't let him go, as SuperBoy then pulls Omni-Man towards him, and to land a brutal Headbutt to his face, causing him to bleed out from his nose, and then (YN) clenching his hand and to swing a brutal punch towards Omni-Man's chest, and to sent him flying far away to the he did, SuperBoy looks down, and to see Mary badly wounded and beaten up...

SuperBoy: Mary!!

He dashed down to her and to then check on her as he gets onto his knees and holding her..

SuperBoy: ...No way...did this to you?!

Mary can barely see, and yet, she then sees (YN) with her, and yet to emotional feel happy and she's tears to see him alive...

Invincible: (Y-YN-*coughs*

SuperBoy: It's okay, don't speak, you'll lose more blood just...stay calm, okay...I'm here for you now.

SuperBoy hugs Mary...and then to look at her, and to curl her hair slowly...then, he hears a chopper coming, and to notice it was one of Cecil's...he looks back at her....and to then slowly reach for her forehead and to land a soft kiss onto her forehead...and to slowly lay her back down...

SuperBoy: I'll be back for you...but for now...I got some unfinished business with your father.

And so, he flies off over and goes after Omni-Man and for Cecil and Debbie to arrive and take Mary back to GDA....
At the would seem to be lonely, knowing after the chaos Omni-Man has done earlier with Invincible....he then crashes through three buildings, and to drags down to the he did, he slowly gets up from that punch SuperBoy gave him...and to notice no people is around this city...and is so quiet and lonely....and then, SuperBoy arrive and lands on the floor, smoke around him as red eyes started to flash through the smoke and then to reveal himself again to Omni-Man after the smoke clears...

Omni-Man: I should have killed you differently.

SuperBoy: Yea well you should have, cause right now I feel like stomping your face to the ground until you're not breathing.

Omni-Man: ...Tch, might as well kill you again.

SuperBoy: Like if you would again. Just to let you know...Ill be the ONE to kill you.

Omni-Man: ...Very well then...but please...put up more of a fight like your father did.

SuperBoy: NRRRGH!! OMNI-MAN!!!

Omni-Man: COME AT ME!!!


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