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A week have passed since Nolan got out from the hospital from the "incident" from the murder of the guardians. No one doesn't even know who murder them...not even (YN)'s father's murder as well...but so far, things are going good with him now that he's met Mary, and things so far are going good with them...hanging out, working their studies together, and as for Mary's training of being a hero, Nolan still teaches her as the two were at home, flying above their house as Mary still needs to fight...she rushes to her dad and tries punching him, but misses and Nolan dodging away...

Nolan: Heh, it's not like you're even trying.

Mary goes rushing at him again and tries to swing a powerful punch, but still misses...

Nolan: And now you're trying hard. Slow down, don't hit me where I am, hit me where-

Mary: Gotcha!

Mary then happens to land a punch directly to where Nolan was moving, Nolan was surprised she manage to get him with that punch...

Mary: Haha, thanks for the tip.

Nolan: ...You know, you also learn how to take a hit too.

Nolan rushes to Mary and tried to hit her as well, until...

Debbie: Nolan!

He stopped and to see Debbie outside calling for him, and alongside with her was Cecil...

Nolan: Oh great.

Cecil came to visit and talk to Nolan about something going on in space, he captures an image with the satellite and to see a figure moving so quick, don't know who or what it is, but it keeps coming to earth several times...

Cecil: We picked this up near Mars an hour ago living quick, he's back. 15 minutes till he's breathing our air. I wouldn't ask, Nolan, but with the guardians gone...

Nolan: Ah, don't worry, I'll stop him.

Mary: Who's he??

Debbie: Nolan's been home for a week Cecil, and YOU want to send him to space?! No, no way. He doesn't work for you. He doesn't work for you either way.

Cecil: Got no choice Debbie.

Nolan: Sweetie, it's okay-

Debbie: No Nolan, I can't just-

Mary: I'll go.

Nolan: ...Really?? ...Heh, okay.

Debbie: What??!

Nolan: What? He's not that tough, Mary can take him.

Debbie: Oh. Wonderful, that's your solution??

Mary: Eh, can you define "not that tough"?

Nolan: Just knock some sense into the guy and throw him back where he came from, easy.

Mary: Oh okay...but how do I breathe in space then?

Nolan: Thats the neat don't.

Mary: Oh...

Cecil: Oh and aren't going alone.

Mary: Huh??

Nolan: What do you mean??

Suddenly, a loud thud was heard at the backyard, and for them to notice (YN) arriving and entering the house at the back...

Mary: (YN)!

(YN): Heh, hey Mary.

Debbie: O-Oh, (YN), what are you-

Cecil: He's going with Mary as well.

Nolan: What?? How come?

Cecil: ...For personal reasons, if you do remember about his...father, ahem. You were there as well.

Nolan: ...Oh, right.

Cecil: Besides, you daughter won't know if she's able to take him out, so I called (YN) with some extra help, if anything goes upside down.

Nolan: ...Right.

Cecil: Anyways, 12 minutes.

And so, (YN) was already in his hero suit, as Mary goes up to her room and quickly changed into her suit. Afterwards, she was ready, as the two exited the house and to fly up to space to where "he" is located...they took one deep breathe, and holding it in once they arrive in space....

Invincible: See anything?

SuperBoy: No, nothing, besides, once I find this person who's around here, he'll be telling me about-

Invincible: Look out!

Invincible moves (YN) out of the way, as someone lands a hit at Mary, as she took the punch for (YN), and to notice that "he" happens to be a humanoid alien, with a suit on and one eye only...

???: Hey, you're early! And you seem to shave your mustache and brought a friend with you.

SuperBoy: Bastard!

SuperBoy rushes towards the alien, and to spear him and to strike a punch towards it and sending him flying away, the alien then recovers and to land towards the satellite...

???: Not bad, but just to let you know...your moon is that way!

He holds onto the satellite, and tossing it towards (YN) and yet getting hit with it as it caused an explosion, destroying the satellite...

Invincible: (YN)! Damn it, who the hell are you?! And why we can hear you in my head?!

???: Heh, where else you keep your brain?

The alien flies to Mary and swinging his punches to her, Mary started dodging them as she strikes a punch towards the aliens face, the alien then recovers from that punch quickly as he throws a punch to Mary, and then to to axe hand her above her head, sending her flying down to earth, as she does, Mary was on the clouds and breathing again....she then holds onto her breathe again and goes flying fighting that alien again...this time (YN) came back in action and started figuring the alien...

???: Are you sure you're the right guy I fight three years ago??

SuperBoy: Don't know what you're talking about, but I got some questions for you! But first...

Invincible again spears the alien and drags him with him...

???: It's not gonna work again and-oh crap!

The alien realizes that SuperBoy was about to crash towards the moon, and so he did, alongside with the alien and caused a huge crash...

Invincible: (YN)!!

Invincible goes rushing towards the moon, and to arrive and land onto the scene...after the smoke clears away, she sees (YN) getting up and recovering himself from that crash and approaches to him..

Invincible: You alright?!

SuperBoy: Yea I'm fine.

After that, the alien was still standing after that crash towards the moon...

???: Heh, it'll take more than that!

He then goes rushing towards SuperBoy and Invincible and was about to fight them...until...

Invincible: Wait! We wanna talk!

The alien stops...and says...

???: Are you using your time outs?

SuperBoy: Time out?? What do you mean?

???: Hey, I didn't invent the rules.

Invincible: What rules??! I, we don't even know who you are!

???: Oh, you don't??

The alien suddenly sits down on a Boulder, and wanted them to sit down as well and have a little talk...and so they did...

???: Alright so, I'm an evaluation officer, for the collision of planets. I drop by a little dirt balls like yours like if someone capable defending them. You know, planet concrete monsters...

Invincible: I literally have no idea what that means.

SuperBoy: Yea, we don't even know who you are nor haven't seen you around here.

???: Well I don't know what to tell you two, but your planet has sign up for the program, requested from Urath and-

Invincible/SuperBoy: Urath??

???: Yes Urath, with the U-

SuperBoy: Dude, this is EARTH.

???: .....

Invincible: ....

SuperBoy: ....

???: ...Earth...

Invincible: Yes.

???: Not "Urath"??

Invincible: No, Earth is with an E...

SuperBoy: Not a U.

???: ...Oh man, damn it. I'm in so much trouble. Well thanks for letting me know you two. I'm Allen by the way.

SuperBoy: SuperBoy.

Invincible: Invincible.

Allen: Hehe yeah?? Little optimistic no??

Invincible: Heh, yea I know.

Allen: I just fight you and seem your quite "Vincible". Okay well as long I don't get fired, I'll se you two around, sorry about the know...anyways, see ya.

SuperBoy/Invincible: Bye.

And so, the alien, Allen flies to his planet for him not to get fired at his Invisible and SuperBoy stood there at the moon...

Invincible: The hell was that about??

SuperBoy: I...I legit don't know to be honest...but all I can he isn't the one who did it.

Invincible can see (YN)'s eyes still down about not looking for who murdered her Mary places her hand onto his shoulder and cheering him up...

Invincible: Hey, it's okay. You'll find him.

SuperBoy softly smiles at Mary and replies...

SuperBoy: Hm, yea, I will...thanks for that.

Invincible: Anytime. *softly blushes*

Back at earth, Cecil was leaving already as he was having a talk with Nolan about the incident with the guardians...

Cecil: Oh, before I go-

Nolan: I already told you everything what happen that I clearly remember.

Cecil: Right, right just...recap it for me one more time?

Nolan: ...I got a distress call from the guardians, but when I arrive, everything seemed fine, but then the lights went out and someone attacked me. I fought with them until I passed out, woke up at your hospital. That's it!

Cecil: That's it? Hmph, must been a pretty tough bastard to take you down. Never seen you lose like that before...especially SuperMan, (YN)'s old man.

Nolan: ...Yea, I know.

Debbie: ...Do you have any leads yet?

Cecil: Someone thinks their too clever for us, but they all think of that first.

And so, Cecil leaves the house and heads back to he does...he started to feel a bit...Off from Nolan, knowing someone so strong than him can defeat him that easily, which kinda happens to Clark Kent, SuperMan, but was murdered afterwards too...
Later that day, the city is being under attack again, and this time more Flaxans has shown up with more weapons and tanks, and this firm the Flaxan leader has gain himself some upgrades...he's gotten a bigger robotic Body, with super strength  and speed ...and for the Teen Team heading to the scene to stop them again...

Robot: I have bad news.

Rex: OOOOH, Robot got bad news! Did you guys hear that?! Hey robot, what's the bad news??!

Robot: ...Their too many of them, their technology has advance many, and render themselves into our time stream. This is a consider lost to the city, I'll contact Cecil with nuclear response.

Invincible: What no! No way!

Atom-Eve: We aren't nuking anyone Robot!

SuperBoy: You sure you screw your head alright Robot?? Cause no way in hell that's happening!

Dupli-Kate: What are we, fight force?

Rex: I love you man, but sometimes you have a screw loose.

And so, they arrive at the scene, Rex doing hai thing, Dupli-Kate making copies of her own to fight off the Flaxans, Aton-Eve using her powers against them Robot laughing missiles at their tanks, SuperBoy crashing and destroying through their tanks as well, and taking some half of Flaxans as well, and Invisible as well...until suddenly, the Flaxan leader grabs her leg and tossing her fat and flies after her with super speed, Invincible crashes through the freeway bridge and towards some vehicles, she was hurt, and try to recover...until the Flaxan leader was in the air, and landing on top of her and to start throwing punches at her...SuperBoy started to realize that she's in trouble...

SuperBoy: Mary!!

He tries to go save her, but more tanks kept coming and started blasting him, keeping him away from Mary, and more Flaxans keep coming from the portal as he flies and crashes more of them....and yet Mary was helpless the fact the Flaxan leader kept punching her and beating her badly, she was bleeding a lot, and beaten up badly....Mary thought it was over for her....until suddenly, someone came to the rescue as her father, Omni-Man arrive and grabbing the Flaxan Leader's head while floating in the air...

Omni-Man: You okay Mary?

Invincible: D-Dad...

Omni-Man tosses the Flaxan Leader away, as the rest of the Flaxans started shooting at Omni-Man several times...afterwards, their weapons did nothing to Omni-Man at all...

Omni-Man: My turn.

He then flies and takes down a bunch of aliens with just a powerful wind wave, and to go take down more of them and to flow through each of them around, taking them down...afterwards, the Flaxans notice how strong Omni-Man is, and we're afraid of him somehow, so they open their portal and we're escaping, some kept on attacking as Omni-Man sees (YN) doing some action, he somehow observe him as he sees him crashing more Tanks, taking down more Flaxans with his strength and Heat Vision...

Omni-Man: ...Not bad.

Afterwards, the Flaxans were helpless knowing that Omni-Man is here, and the fact SuperBoy is doing much damage as well, so they all open their portals and trying to flee away...The Flaxan leader wanted them to not go and keep on fighting...but can't...the Flaxan leader kept on starting at Omni-Man smirks at him...and to look at (YN) somehow...and tells him...

Omni-Man: (YN), follow me.

SuperBoy: Wha?? Omni-Man??! Where did you-

Omni-Man: No time, just follow me!

(YN): O-Okay!

Omni-Man glides as (YN) follows him, as Omni-Man spears the Flaxan leader to the portal and (YN) following him entering as well...Invincible saw them going in...

Invincible: H-Hey wait no!!

The portal closes...

Invincible: (Y-YN)! Dad!

The teen team heard Mary...and to realize that when she called Omni-Man "Dad" it caught them off guard...

Rex: Woah Woah Woah! Omni-Man's your dad!?!

Later, Mary rushes home with her clothes on, beaten up, wounds around her face...worried for her father, and (YN) of course...

Debbie: Mary! What happen?!

Mary: Dad saved us from the Flaxans...and went into one of the portals...

Debbie: he'll be late for dinner?

Mary: ....What??

Debbie: I was worried before cause I never seen your father so badly hurt, but taking on aliens from another dimension? Heh, thats just Tuesday.

Mary: O-Oh. But also...(YN)'s with him...

Debbie: Really??!

Mary: *nods*

Debbie: Don't worry sweetie, as long he and your father work together, everything will be okay. Besides, I'm sure their he's exposing them nicely why they should leave us alone.

Mary: Heh, yeah. *Dad...(YN)...please be careful.*


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